I saw this on facebook, and thought I would point out how easy it is, (again) to fall for misinformation:
Obama shows true colors at ceremony for the fallen at Fort Hood: Once again the only one on the stage failing to salute
Posted by JimCampbell On April 14, 2014
Comment by Jim Campbell, Citizen Journalist, Oath Keeper and Patriot.
Barack Hussein Obama is truly and enigma.
Should an UnAmerican be expected to salute the flag of the United States of America?
If Obama is an American it’s well past time that he opens his sealed records.
In his own words,” The Only that don’t want to disclose the truth are those with something to hide.”
What’s it going to be Mr. Obama?
Here's the thing, one photo is from 2009, Veterans Day:
If he had saluted during this moment, he would have been saluting himself.
That would make him retarded, find out why here:
and here:
Obama's Veterans Day (or Ft. Hood) Non-Salute
By David Emery
Netlore Archive: Viral image allegedly shows President Obama neglecting to salute the flag (or national anthem) at the 2009 Veterans Day ceremony at Arlington Cemetery (or, in another version, at Ft. Hood).
Description: Viral image / Hoax
Circulating since: Nov. 2009
Status: Authentic image / False description
As one man once said:
"Trust, but verify" --Ronald Reagan:
People are so easily distracted by non-sense articles its not even funny.
I mean really.
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