You're living in the "now", not the "then".
I tried giving a guy some sound advice concerning the job market, and now he's pissed off at me and the world because he can't adapt to global shift.

Welcome to the New World...
10 jobs that weren't around in 1989
A new generation of careers
Twenty-five years ago only 15 percent of U.S. households had a personal computer, and the Internet as we know it was a newborn., Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter didn't exist, and mobile phones were just that—phones. Not handheld computers with Web access to games, movies, books, apps, stores, workplaces and bank accounts.
Along with the mushrooming growth and evolution of technology in the past quarter century came the generation of new occupations—and not only in the Internet realm. Advances in medical, computer and green technology, coupled with market demand for new products and services, have given rise to new types of jobs.
Defining a new occupation isn't necessarily easy, however, as old jobs often evolve to adapt to new technology. Is paid blogger, for instance, really a new occupation or simply a writer who now writes for websites? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics hasn't officially classified blogger as a new occupation, but the agency published an article in 2012 called "Bloggers and webcomic artists: Careers in online creativity" about jobs for "digital media workers."
"Is it jobs that didn't exist, or work that didn't exist or workplace titles that didn't exist?" asked labor economist Linda Barrington, executive director of the Institute for Compensation Studies at Cornell University's Industrial and Labor Relations School.
"Clearly, occupations and jobs have changed a lot," she said. One sign of this is that the BLS is planning a substantial overhaul of job classifications for 2018.
We're also in an era when employees and entrepreneurs sport creative labels, such as chief marketing dragoness, marketing geek, content wrangler, entreprenerd, passionista and hambassador, to name a few.
But after conducting expert interviews, combing government data and other publicly available information about the job market, here is a sampling of notable occupations that didn't exist—or didn't exist in the same form or to a significant extent—25 years ago.
- Social media manager/strategist/marketer
- E-commerce consultant
- Mobile app developer
- Big-data analyst/architect/engineer
- Cloud-computing workers
- Genetic counselors
- SEO specialist/search-engine optimization engineer
- Drone pilot/unmanned aircraft systems crew member
- 3-D printing professionals
- Wind turbine service technicians
—By Dinah Wisenberg Brin, Special to CNBC
Posted 29 April 2014
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