Monday, December 21, 2015

Was Lindsey Williams wrong about 2015?

> Lindsey Williams posted this on his website in 2014:

It’s All Shaping Up For 2015! – Lindsey Williams
by James Harkin on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

> Let's see how accurate it was...and what he is really doing.


| Pastor Williams sent me an article taken from USA Today entitled “China Currency Push Takes Aim at Dollar”. The article talks about China bidding to enter the heart of global finance by establishing its currency, the renminbi, as part of a ubiquitous monetary unit used in official transactions around the world. Pastor Williams has said this information is “Very important. Latest on Chinese currency becoming the Reserve Currency. It is all shaping up for 2015. Our listeners need to know this. This information comes from my friend. It is reliable.”

The article discusses a decision on a new Special Drawing Right, which is the composite reserve currency used in official financing being decided by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank. The decision on a new SDR structure, to be made in the next 15 months, will influence how China and its currency can play a bigger part in driving world trade, investment and capital flows. The article goes on to discuss recalculating the composition of the SDR, which comes up for review in 2015, to follow market developments, reflecting a big increase in demand for renminbi financing from private banks, central banks, traders, corporations and asset managers. The renminbi has made impressive strides recently and is challenging the euro in several key fields. |

> What happened this year?

Chinese yuan likely to be added to IMF special basket of currencies
China hopes stamp of approval will improve yuan’s desirability among investors and undermine hegemony of US dollar as global reserve currency

The IMF, the SDR and the yuan explained
Neelabh Chaturvedi
Sunday, 29 Nov 2015 | 5:47 PM ET

> I'll give him that one, but anyone reading the new would have known this, he didn't reveal a secret.


| In another article from Reuters entitled “Fed Officials Keep Eyes on Mid-2015 Rate Rise” Pastor Williams has said “this is just what we predicted in our latest DVD – Special Events Scheduled For 2015”. In the article it says that the Fed is considering raising interest rates around the middle of next year (2015), although two top officials at the U.S. central bank said the exact timing would depend on the economy. The article continues by saying the Fed considers the U.S. jobless rate of 5.9% close to its full employment targets. Pastor Williams said to be wary and shared another article that said that today’s recovery is a total sham with real unemployment at least 12% with the labor force at its lowest since 1978 when only 40% of women having entered the workforce and with most “new jobs” being part-time retail and service jobs. The article went on to discuss futures market shifting to point to a September 2015 rate hike after bond-buying ends before rates increase being between two and 12 months. |

> Rates were raised on the 16th of December:

Rates Are Going Up. What Could Go Wrong?

The Fed Raised Interest Rates So What Happens Next?
Updated December 21, 20157:59 AM ET
Published December 21, 20155:15 AM ET

> Anyone watching Bloomberg TV would have known this hike was coming, but he was wrong on the timing, as most analyst have been.


| The news continues, with Pastor Williams sharing another article from the Financial Times entitled “Banks Rewrite Derivatives Rules to Cope with Future Crisis”. Pastor Williams says “the banks see what is coming and want to cover their losses.” He continued by stating “This is exactly what my friend said and we have said in a number of DVD’s. Interest rates rise, Derivative problems, Stock market collapse, Banking trouble, September & October 2015. Like dominoes. The banks see it coming as you will see in this article.”

The article talks about the world’s biggest banks tearing up the rule book on the derivatives market to make it easier to resolve future failing institutions such as Lehman Brothers. It says that 18 banks ranging from Credit Suisse to Goldman Sachs have agreed to give up the right to pull the plug on derivatives contracts with any crisis-stricken institutions. What this means is that these banks have come up with a plan to stop their counterparties terminating derivatives contracts in the event of a crisis. Ultimately shareholders of the failed institution would be wiped out, but the operating company would be recapitalised or sold to mitigate the shock to the broader financial system ending ‘too big to fail’. The company would stay in business, with the financial sector absorbing the losses. The International Swaps and Derivatives Association said that the banks portrayed the success of the talks as a rare positive example of industry collaboration and will announce the agreement to change its “protocols” will take effect from January 1, 2015. |

> He was wrong on this one...

So just how great was October for markets?
Reem Nasr    | @reemanasr
Friday, 30 Oct 2015 | 4:45 PM ET

This month has been a good one for financial markets. All three major indices had their best month since October of 2011.

Since 1992, there have been just four months in which the Dow Jones industrial average has seen monthly gains bigger than this month. And three of those four months were in October.

See more key market stats here:
  • The Dow also had its biggest monthly point gain ever, up 1,379 points in October
  • The S&P 500 has only had 12 monthly gains greater than 8% back to 1987
  • Microsoft is up 18.93% for the month; its best since April
  • Amazon is up 22.27% for the month, its best month since July
  • The German DAX turned in its best month since April 2009, with a gain of 12.32% this month
  • The UK FTSE 100 turned in its best month since July 2013, with a gain of 4.94% this October
  • Japan's Nikkei turned in its best month since April 2013; it gained 9.75%
  • China's Shanghai Comp turned in its best month since April 2015; it gained 10.8%
  • Shanghai broke a 4-month losing streak, closing positive for the month for the first time in 5 months
  • Baidu is up 36.4% in October, for its 4th best month ever (back to its 2005 IPO)
  • WTI Crude is up 3.4% for October, but hit July highs of $50.92 per barrel earlier in the month
  • Natural gas suffered their worst month since December 2014 when futures lost 29.16%; they were down 7.9% in October
  • Natural gas futures have turned in 4 consecutive months of losses for the first time since September 2011

more here:

> Dead wrong.


| I subscribe to a quarterly periodical in the UK called “The UK Column” published independently from the established mainstream media. Within the newspaper were a number of articles one was entitled “New Rules For Financial Carnage” and talks more about what is proposed by the Financial Times article above, about new rules designed to protect global systematically important institutions such as Commerzbank, Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays, HSBC, Societe Generale and Credit Agricole. The new rules follow a “war game” which took place on October 13, 2014 at the offices of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in Arlington, Virginia. Present were the FDIC and Bank of England staff, along with “top financial brass” from the US and UK treasuries. The war game was the first of its kind and designed to test how they would react to another financial crash of the scale of 2008. The new rules oblige banks to wait up to 48 hours before requiring settlement of derivatives contracts from a failing bank. This delay will be used to give regulators time to transfer asset from the failing bank, as well as obligations to a “bridge company”, negating the need to unwind derivatives contracts. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said “We want to make sure we are able to handle an institution that previously would have been too big to fail … We are confident in this framework, but we are testing it.” |

| Another article within the pages of “The UK Column” is entitled “Legacies, Clouds & Uncertainties”. This article discusses the recent release of the IMF’s World Economic Outlook update entitled ‘Legacies, Clouds & Uncertainties.’ The article says that while attempting to put a brave face on the current situation, the IMF tried to divert attention onto the fraudulent notion of “growth.” In this context they completely ignored the fact that the growth they spoke about fails to meet current debt obligations, never mind unfunded future obligations such as old age care and pensions.  An incredible amount of seniors are claiming disability benefits, social security, Medicare and Medicaid; driving the welfare spending to nearly $1 trillion per year in the US alone. They downplayed the successes of emerging economies, since these economies are no longer playing casino finance, opting instead for real physical economic development. One area they could not ignore is the systematic risk still running through the financial system “Easy financial conditions and the resulting search for yield, could fuel financial excess. Markets may have under-priced risks by not fully internalizing the uncertainties around the global outlook. A larger-than-expected increase in U.S. long-term interest rates, geopolitical events, or major growth disappointments could trigger widespread disruption.” |

| “Downside risks have increased compared with the spring. The main reason is the increase in geopolitical risks, including turmoil in the Middle East and international tensions surrounding the situation in Russia and Ukraine. Also, with the baseline now reflecting increased financial market optimism – risk spreads and major implied volatility indicators are close to pre-crisis expansion lows. Equity prices have continued to rise, and longer-term yields have declined – downside risks from a financial market correction have increased.” In other words, we are looking at a major risk of a major financial crash. When the IMF are telling you to prepare, you need to prepare and quickly! |

> Are you see a pattern here?


| On September 25, 2014 Pastor Williams asked me to send out a newsletter entitled “Buy Gold As Quickly As Possible!” As predicted gold didn’t fall far south of $1,200 an ounce at $1,180 per ounce on October 6, 2014 before it rebounded to just under $1,250 an ounce today. As I have said many times, gold has been trading historically for the past several years between $1,200 and $1,400 an ounce. Our prediction was correct once again! Please take notice of what Pastor Williams has told you time and again, “Gold & Silver, that’s the currency of the Elite!” He has only recommended tangible assets such as physical gold and silver. I am sure many of you took his advice and purchased as much gold as you could lay your hands on. If you haven’t, physical gold is still very cheap and I recommend that you purchase physical gold today before it rises significantly. My personal recommendation for anyone looking at investing in physical gold is Regal Assets for their first class service, especially for IRA and 401k rollovers. You can contact them for help and advice on getting out of paper and into tangible precious metals on 1-888-748-6766. |

> I've already debunked the Gold Rush using news and real sources:

Looming Financial Crisis? - 06.24.2014

The Gold Update - 07.25.2015

Looming Financial Crisis? UPDATE (12.14.2015)- Where's your Gold now?

> Updates I've not sent out:

Why the Gold Standard Is the World's Worst Economic Idea, in 2 Charts
Matthew O'Brien Aug 26, 2012

Whether it's 1896 or 2012, it doesn't make sense to crucify our economy on a cross of gold

The greatest trick Ron Paul ever pulled was convincing the world that the gold standard leads to stable prices.

Well, maybe not the world. Just the Republican Party. After a 32-year hiatus, the party's official platform will include a plank calling for a commission to look at the possible return of the gold standard. There might be worse ideas than this, but they generally involve jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge because everybody else is doing it.

more here:

Gold Holds Gains as Investors Ask `Now What' for U.S. Fed Rates
December 20, 2015 — 5:58 PM CST
Luzi-Ann Javier | Kevin Crowley
Updated on December 21, 2015 — 10:11 AM CST

> It's not going to matter in a cashless society.

Sweden ‘on way to becoming cashless society’
14/12 19:03 CET
watch here:

> He's wrong about Gold, period.
> He was so wrong, that if you have bought it at the price of $1,250/ounce, you would have lost a good chunk of change since it's now at: $1,079.80/ounce.


| In his new DVD “Special Events Scheduled for 2015” Pastor Williams warns you about what is about to happen with the stock market and derivatives market. These are not idle warnings, official announcements are happening by the day and you cannot pass by a warning from the IMF. The Elite are making their plans, why are you not making yours? Like dominoes everything Pastor Williams’ Elite friend has predicted is occurring before your eyes. Do not procrastinate. It is time to start preparing for the worst. Please purchase a physical copy of Pastor Williams’ new DVD “Special Events Scheduled for 2015” and share the information with your family and friends. You can purchase a copy by calling Prophecy Club on 1-888-799-6111.

Remember, the American dollar as a symbol of stability is over. It is already no longer the sole world reserve currency or currency for the worldwide trade of petroleum. Reserve currency status does not last forever. Plans are already in place for a new world currency. Plans are in place to reset the global currencies, crash the stock market and correct the derivatives market. Pastor Williams has given you the information to protect your family from the crash. His recent DVDs allow you to accurately predict events scheduled for 2015, which he has dubbed “the most unusual year you have ever lived through“. Last year I wrote a free 100 page guide entitled “10 Steps to Avoid the Crash”, in this guide I expand on the ten steps that can help you to survive, even thrive through the coming collapse. I know many of you have started preparing. I cannot tell you too often that preparedness is important to safeguarding your family’s health and wealth. |

> Are you seeing the pattern yet?


> This year...he's doing it again:

World Wide Financial Collapse Scheduled for between September and the end of December 2015!
by James Harkin on Wednesday, June 10th, 2015

WARNING! From Lindsey Williams: I just received an email from my Elite friend. My Elite friend indicated that they have a World Wide Financial Collapse scheduled between September and the end of December 2015!

> So, what is he doing?
> He's what I like to call, "A Prophet for Profit"

“this is just what we predicted in our latest DVD – Special Events Scheduled For 2015”

> If he had the absolute inside scoop on what the elite are going to do, he would not have to sell it.

> Instead, he gives pieces of information one can find by simply reading mainstream, well sourced, CFR agenda news.
> Yes, the they don't mind putting the truth in the news, they know people don't have a way to filter it.

> Oh, and those oil prices:

Brent Oil Slides to 11-Year Low as Producers Seen Worsening Glut
Mark Shenk  Grant Smith
December 20, 2015 — 5:53 PM CST Updated on December 21, 2015 — 8:58 AM CST

> So, was he wrong?
> I'd say yes, because of all the dates he set and his plain as day trying to make a living on fear.

> I mean really.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Looming Financial Crisis? UPDATE (12.14.2015)- Where's your Gold now?

I just saw something that reminded me of how really ridiculous it is that people are still making predictions on Gold and Gas Prices.

It was a conversation I was having with someone on my Facebook feed in 2010.

We talked about the gas price and gold...

"just wait....i promise Gas will continue to rise as the US dollar falls in value. just last week or so gas jumped 15 cents/gal"

"it's an unfortunate reality. invest in Gold my friend"

OK, let's take a look at the time-line since then, shall we?



Gold tops $1,900, looking 'a bit bubbly'
By Hibah Yousuf August 23, 2011: 7:44 AM ET

Gold edges up to a new record
By Aaron Smith, staff writerSeptember 20, 2010: 2:31 PM ET


Gas prices: Bracing for more pain at the pump
By Laurie Segall, staff reporter January 1, 2011: 9:09 AM ET

The price for a gallon of gas has risen 3% over the past 12 days and last week, prices crossed the $3 mark for the first time since October 2008. At $3.073 a gallon, gas prices are still 25% below their peak of $4.114 set in July 2008.

more here:


Gas and Natural Gas:

Natural gas prices fall to 14yr low on cheap crude, mild weather
Published time: 14 Dec, 2015 13:46
Edited time: 14 Dec, 2015 13:47

Average U.S. gas price soon under $2, lowest since recession
By David Koenig • AP Business Writer

DALLAS • Gasoline is close to breaking below a key psychological barrier across the United States as drivers enjoy some of the cheapest pump prices since the recession.

The nationwide average price of a gallon of regular Sunday was $2.01, down 56 cents from this time last year, according to auto club AAA.

In the St. Louis metro area, it's already dropped below $2 a gallon — averaging $1.925 per gallon on the Missouri side of the Mississippi River.



Gold futures fall to a more than one-week low
Published: Dec 14, 2015 10:32 a.m. ET

Gold prices came under pressure on Monday, as oil plunged anew and investors braced for Wednesday’s U.S. interest-rate decision by Federal Reserve policy makers.

Gold for February delivery GCF6, -0.53%  fell $7.20, or 0.7%, to $1,068.50 an ounce, after losing 0.8% last week. A settlement around this level would be the lowest in more than a week.

“Dealers and speculators are trying to second guess what the market’s reaction to the expected Fed rate hike on Wednesday will be and are reading the price, in line with the technical picture, as downwards,” said Julian Phillips, founder of and contributor to

“But such plays are high risk ones, for if the Fed does not affect the dollar exchange rate they will have to unwind their positions in the face of a market going the other way,” he said.

The Federal Open Market Committee is expected to raise interest rates when it meets on Tuesday and Wednesday, and a hike could weaken the appeal of the precious metal. A rate hike is widely viewed as lowering opportunity costs of owning metals that don’t offer a yield.

The probability of a Fed interest-rate hike next week is 79%, based on futures prices, according to CME Group’s FedWatch.

more here:

Here's the thing, Fareed Zakaria warned about betting on Gold:

cnn - fareed zakaria: beware the modern-day gold rush - the cfr speaks
Uploaded on Oct 3, 2011
CNN's Fareed Zakaria looks at the rush for gold and whether or not it's worth the investment.

Lesson here?

Stop making prediction, especially ones based on misinformation.
Start watching, praying and proving all things, hold fast to that which is good (not just what you believe is good information, what you have PROVEN)


P.S. Ron Paul was wrong:

Ron Paul on Gold: No One Knows Value; I'm Buying
Published on Apr 23, 2013
April 23 (Bloomberg) -- Ron Paul, Former Congressman from Texas, discusses his views on gold, central banks, and the weakened Republican Party. He speaks on Bloomberg Television's "Market Makers." (Source: Bloomberg)

Saturday, December 12, 2015

COP21 Agreement seals Agenda 21 - Earth 2100

> Remember this?

USA and China make Climate Change Agreement - Earth 2100

> It's done, just as I've been trying to explain for years.

2 Degrees, $100 Billion: The World Climate Agreement, By The Numbers
Updated December 12, 20157:27 PM ET

Representatives from 196 nations made a historic pact Saturday, agreeing to adopt green energy sources, cut down on climate change emissions and limit the rise of global temperatures — while also cooperating to cope with the impact of unavoidable climate change.

The deal still needs to be adopted by individual governments — but the acceptance by the diplomats gathered in Paris has been hailed as "transformative."

The agreement acknowledges that the threat of climate change is "urgent and potentially irreversible," and can only be addressed through "the widest possible cooperation by all countries" and "deep reductions in global emissions."

But how deep will those reductions be — and how soon, and who's paying for it?

Here are some key figures from the final agreement.

2 Degrees

The central goal of the agreement is laid out in one phrase:

"Holding the increase in global average temperature to well below 2 degrees C above pre-industrial levels ..."

Limiting the rise in temperature to 2 degrees (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) has been discussed as a global goal for several years now. That amount of warming will still have a substantial impact, scientists say, but will be less devastating than allowing temperatures to rise unchecked.

The global average temperature has already risen about 1 degree Celsius, relative to pre-industrial levels.

And even if every signatory country meets its current pledge for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the world is still expected to pass 2 degrees of warming, as the agreement itself notes with concern. (That section is literally labeled "Notes with concern.")

The current emission targets are just a first step, in short, and the Paris signatories hope the world can figure out how to get closer to the 2-degree goal as time goes on.

... Or 1.5 Degrees

But wait! There's more!

That same sentence in the deal continues: "... and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees C above pre-industrial levels, recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change."
That's right. The big, ambitious goal is immediately followed ... by a bigger, more ambitious goal.

Small island nations, in particular, fought hard to have this number appear in the agreement, noting that even if the temperature increase was held at 2 degrees, the resulting rise in sea levels would be devastating for them.

Island representatives adopted the oft-repeated motto, "1.5 to stay alive," as NPR's Ari Shapiro reported earlier this week.

And while those vulnerable nations didn't manage to establish 1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees F) as the legally binding target, it is worked in as an aspiration. But it's a goal that would be even harder to achieve than 2 degrees — which, again, is a target the world hasn't yet figured out how to meet.

$100 Billion

"To help developing countries switch from fossil fuels to greener sources of energy and adapt to the effects of climate change, the developed world will provide $100 billion a year," NPR's Chris Joyce, who has been covering the climate conference, reports.

But that amount is identified as a "floor," not a ceiling.

"Developed countries won inclusion of language that would up the ante in subsequent years,"
Chris explains, "so that financial aid will keep ramping up over time."

'As Soon As Possible'

This one isn't exactly a number ... but it's the target time for "global peaking" of climate change emissions.

It's an acknowledgement that in the near future, total emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases won't fall — in fact, they'll rise, as developing economies consume more energy.

But the plan assumes that greener technology, conservation efforts and processes to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere will eventually allow emissions to decline instead of rise — and at that point, the "peak" will be achieved.


Nations aren't expected to ratchet their emissions back immediately.

"Each country came to Paris with a voluntary pledge to reduce emissions," Chris says. "The agreement now codifies that and sets a framework for those reductions to begin in 2020."

That year is also the deadline for countries to submit a more long-term plan — not an immediate pledge, like their current goals, but one looking decades into the future.

5 Years

After the 2020 reductions kick in, it's not over: The deal is designed to evolve as the years pass. Every five years, specifically, each nation's targets will be reevaluated to move the world closer to the 2-degree target.

This element of the deal is one strongly supported by President Obama, and it's highlighted in a White House fact sheet:

"Targets must be submitted 9-12 months before they are finalized, creating time for other countries and civil society to seek clarity about the targets submitted," the administration writes.

"Each target should reflect progress from the prior one, reflecting the highest possible ambition that each country can achieve. This durable, long term framework will drive greater climate ambition as technologies improve and circumstances change."


This target date isn't actually precise: The deal describes it as "mid-century."

But that's when the world is supposed to meet another goal, which is much more concrete:


Zero, as in net zero emissions of greenhouse gases.

No one expects that over the next 40 years, the world would entirely stop using every form of technology that releases greenhouse gases. Instead, as Chris Joyce explains, the mid-century target would be met by balancing inputs and outputs:

"Any greenhouse gases emitted would be balanced or zeroed out by removing an equivalent amount from the atmosphere. In the case of carbon dioxide, that would presumably be accomplished by growing forests, which absorb carbon dioxide."


Diplomacy isn't always quantifiable. Many sections of the deal, of course, don't nail down any numbers at all.

For instance, nations around the world "should strengthen their cooperation on enhancing action on adaptation" to the effects of climate change, the agreement states.

"All Parties should cooperate to enhance the capacity of develop country Parties to implement this agreement,"
it says elsewhere. And "Parties shall cooperate in taking measures, as appropriate, to enhance climate change education, training, public awareness, public participation and public access to information."
55 Countries, 55 Percent

The agreement still needs to be approved by the individual governments of the countries involved.

But the U.N. won't be waiting for all 196 nations to give the green light. Countries have from April 22, 2016, to April 21, 2017, to officially sign on to the agreement.

Once at least 55 nations — representing, between them, at least 55 percent of the world's total greenhouse gas emissions — have signed on, the pact can go into effect.

It will kick in 30 days after that requirement is met.


COP21 Agreement in Full:


> So, here we are.
> One more step towards World Government.

> I'm wondering how 2016 will go...
> What will the email I've prepared for Jan 20th, 2017 "Welcome to the New Normal" entail?
