Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Gold Update - 07.25.2015

I find this entire thing to be fascinating.

Gold could plunge to $1,000 quicker than you think
Arjun Kharpal    | @ArjunKharpal
Friday, 24 Jul 2015 | 8:10 AM ET

Gold is doomed
By Matt O'Brien July 25 at 10:27 AM

A little less than four years ago, the world looked like it was about to end and gold hit an all-time high of $1,895 an ounce.

The United States had manufactured a debt crisis, and Europe hadn't been able to manufacture a solution to its actual debt crisis, so panicky investors sought safety in the same place they had for 5,000 years: a shiny rock. The only problem, as you might have noticed, is that the world did not, in fact, end. It's still here, so gold prices aren't. The yellow metal has fallen 42 percent from its peak—and 8 percent in just the last month—despite the fact that the Federal Reserve has printed more than $1.5 trillion in this time. That, after all, is what gold aficionados said would make its price go to the moon, if not infinity and beyond. So what's happened? Well, exactly what economists said would happen.

When you think about it, a bet on gold is really a bet that the people in charge don't know what they're doing. Policymakers missed yesterday's financial crisis, so maybe they're missing tomorrow's inflation, too. That, at least, is what a cavalcade of charlatans, cranks, and armchair economists have been shouting for years now, from the penny ads that run on the bottom of websites—did you know that the $5 bill proves the stock market is on the cusp of crashing?—to Glenn Beck infomercials and even hedge fund conferences. Indeed, John Paulson, who made more fortunes than you can count betting against subprime, has been piling into gold for six years now, because he thinks "the consequences of printing money over time will be inflation." They all do. Goldbugs act like the Federal Reserve's public balance sheet is a secret only they have discovered, and that it's only a matter of time until prices explode like they did in the 1970s United States, if not 1920s Germany.

2300 (62)

more here:

Fareed Zakaria told you this would happen years ago:

Last post on this:

Looming Financial Crisis? - 06.24.2014

I'm wondering if Ron Paul is going to buy more...

Hey, you never know, if might bounce back.


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Just a little reminder...


Not even Trump and his hair piece are immune.

The Agenda doesn't stop.

This guy:

Just kidding.

Here's the story behind that face:

Mercedes Benz Super Bowl Ad - stuff I noticed - 02.05.2013

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Ted Cruz Update

A while back I wrote a little piece on Ted Cruz comparing him to a man Conservatives seem to hate even though they don't know anything about him (or have met him), President Barack Obama.

ted cruz, the lesser of two evils? - 03.22.2014

Well, this morning my wife caught something very interesting I'd like to dig into:


At around 10:58, Katie Couric corrects Ted Cruz concerning his statement:

“There's are not a single protestant on the supreme court...”

She says:
“There 6 Catholics...”

Oh really?

Let's take a look, shall we?

Sonia Sotomayor
Religion: Roman Catholicism

Samuel Alito
Religion: Roman Catholicism

Clarence Thomas
Religion: Roman Catholicism

Antonin Scalia
Religion: Roman Catholic
"Scalia is a devout traditionalist Catholic, and his son, Paul, is a Catholic priest."

John G. Roberts, Jr.
Religion: Roman Catholicism
sources here:

Anthony Kennedy
Religion: Roman Catholicism

There are indeed six Catholics, which at this level are controlled by Jesuits...

The now defunct Newswatch Magazine examined the Jesuit Order in detail:

"A Pope for a New Age Part 1" & "A Pope for a New Age Part 2"

I wonder who will look up the religion of the rest of the Justices...


Saturday, July 4, 2015

July 4th, 1776 - July 4th, 2015

Last year, I wrote a little something on July 4th.
Here's some more history to consider:

"The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro"

"What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sound of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciation of tyrants brass fronted impudence; your shout of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanks-givings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy -- a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of the United States, at this very hour."

--Fredrick Douglas - July 4th, 1852

complete speech here:

read by James Earl Jones, here:


​Ghosts of America’s past: Reflections on Independence Day 2015
Published time: July 04, 2015 16:00

Activists hold placards as they take part in a vigil in what organizers said was in "remembrance of black women and girls killed by the police," in Union Square, Manhattan, New York (Reuters / Elizabeth Shafiroff)
Activists hold placards as they take part in a vigil in what organizers said was in "remembrance of black women and girls killed by the police," in Union Square, Manhattan, New York (Reuters / Elizabeth Shafiroff)

It’s the Fourth of July in America, and gay marriage has just been legalized by a Supreme Court ruling, the Confederate flag is being displayed on public property and Black churches are being set afire.

“If you could separate causes from results, if you could know that Paine, Marx, Jefferson, Lenin were results, not causes, you might survive,” John Steinbeck wrote in “The Grapes of Wrath” (1939).

Meanwhile, the police continue to kill African Americans without accountability. The government has developed flying killer robots that are able to assassinate people from the sky. The National Security Agency is recording the phone calls, emails, and internet activities of millions of US citizens. Beyond American borders, our leaders are psyching us up for bigger confrontations with Russia and China, as US military forces pour into the Pacific.

The above paragraphs sound like the opening of an apocalyptic science fiction novel. However, it’s all true. And it gets worse.

The Angry, Poor Millennials Are Getting Political

Underlying it all is an economic crisis. The so-called “recovery” has missed a big section of the country. The good-paying industrial jobs that once defined the US “middle class” have been eliminated. Young people with record amounts of student debt are stuck in a low-wage economy, often living off their parents. US popular discourse bemoans this generation of “millennials” who “just can’t get their lives together.” Young mid-Westerners and Southerners are fleeing to the coastal areas in order to find jobs. Life in much of the Rust Belt has simply become unlivable.

Despite not being as inclined to buy houses and cars or get married at the rate of previous generations, the young millennials seem to be far more interested in politics. In 2011, they slept in tents around the clock at Occupy camps protesting the power of the wealthy “1 percent.” Now, a few years later, young millennials are shutting down highways and bridges in opposition to police brutality, as the new rallying cry is “Black Lives Matter!” The increasingly active new generation of low-paid workers with student debt is much more favorable to once forbidden political ideologies like socialism. ) Libertarianism, anarchism and communism all have a slew of new adherents as well.

In the background, starting just a little more than a week after the July 4 holiday, the US military will begin a series of military exercises in the southwestern states codenamed “Operation Jade Helm,” which has been explained to the public as rehearsal for “unconventional warfare” on US soil. “Unconventional warfare” is military-speak for armed insurrections among the population. The US Army Green Berets, US Marines Special Operation Command, US Navy Seals, and US Air Force Special Operations Command will be in nine different states practicing “counterinsurgency” tactics.

more here:
