Tuesday, April 29, 2014

10 jobs that are shaping, and have been shaped by the times we live in

The state of the world may sucks compared to the past for some. but that is beside the point.
You're living in the "now", not the "then".

I tried giving a guy some sound advice concerning the job market, and now he's pissed off at me and the world because he can't adapt to global shift.

Welcome to the New World...


10 jobs that weren't around in 1989


A new generation of careers

Twenty-five years ago only 15 percent of U.S. households had a personal computer, and the Internet as we know it was a newborn.

Amazon.com, Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter didn't exist, and mobile phones were just that—phones. Not handheld computers with Web access to games, movies, books, apps, stores, workplaces and bank accounts.

Along with the mushrooming growth and evolution of technology in the past quarter century came the generation of new occupations—and not only in the Internet realm. Advances in medical, computer and green technology, coupled with market demand for new products and services, have given rise to new types of jobs.

Defining a new occupation isn't necessarily easy, however, as old jobs often evolve to adapt to new technology. Is paid blogger, for instance, really a new occupation or simply a writer who now writes for websites? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics hasn't officially classified blogger as a new occupation, but the agency published an article in 2012 called "Bloggers and webcomic artists: Careers in online creativity" about jobs for "digital media workers."

"Is it jobs that didn't exist, or work that didn't exist or workplace titles that didn't exist?"
asked labor economist Linda Barrington, executive director of the Institute for Compensation Studies at Cornell University's Industrial and Labor Relations School.

"Clearly, occupations and jobs have changed a lot,"
she said. One sign of this is that the BLS is planning a substantial overhaul of job classifications for 2018.

We're also in an era when employees and entrepreneurs sport creative labels, such as chief marketing dragoness, marketing geek, content wrangler, entreprenerd, passionista and hambassador, to name a few.

But after conducting expert interviews, combing government data and other publicly available information about the job market, here is a sampling of notable occupations that didn't exist—or didn't exist in the same form or to a significant extent—25 years ago.

  • Social media manager/strategist/marketer
  • E-commerce consultant
  • Mobile app developer
  • Big-data analyst/architect/engineer
  • Cloud-computing workers
  • Genetic counselors
  • SEO specialist/search-engine optimization engineer
  • Drone pilot/unmanned aircraft systems crew member
  • 3-D printing professionals
  • Wind turbine service technicians

—By Dinah Wisenberg Brin, Special to CNBC
Posted 29 April 2014

the details, here:



Memes and Misinformation

This meme is making the rounds online:



December 4, 2012 4:51PM
No, Teachers in Finland Are Not Paid Like Doctors
By Jason Bedrick

A meme that is floating around the interwebs claims that Finland’s education system outperforms the United States because “We pay teachers like doctors, students enjoy over an hour of recess, and there’s no mandatory testing – the opposite of what America does.”

That all sounds great … it just isn’t true.

In Finland general practitioners earn, on average, about $70,000 per year, which is less than half of what doctors earn in the United States. The average salary for primary education teachers with 15 years experience in Finland is about $37,500, compared to $45,225 in the United States. Moreover, the cost of living in Finland is about 30% higher.

In short: higher teacher salaries are not what make Finland’s education system better than ours. And I suspect it isn’t recess either.

And, of course, having a curriculum that is more closely aligned with the PISA (the metric by which people judge Finland to be better) than almost any other industrialized nation may exaggerate Finland’s superiority significantly.

sources here:


Page last updated at 15:19 GMT, Wednesday, 7 April 2010 16:19 UK
Why do Finland's schools get the best results?

 By Tom Burridge
BBC World News America, Helsinki

Last year more than 100 foreign delegations and governments visited Helsinki, hoping to learn the secret of their schools' success.

In 2006, Finland's pupils scored the highest average results in science and reading in the whole of the developed world. In the OECD's exams for 15 year-olds, known as PISA, they also came second in maths, beaten only by teenagers in South Korea.

This isn't a one-off: in previous PISA tests Finland also came out top.

The Finnish philosophy with education is that everyone has something to contribute and those who struggle in certain subjects should not be left behind.

A tactic used in virtually every lesson is the provision of an additional teacher who helps those who struggle in a particular subject. But the pupils are all kept in the same classroom, regardless of their ability in that particular subject.

Finland's Education Minister, Henna Virkkunen is proud of her country's record but her next goal is to target the brightest pupils.

''The Finnish system supports very much those pupils who have learning difficulties but we have to pay more attention also to those pupils who are very talented. Now we have started a pilot project about how to support those pupils who are very gifted in certain areas.''

more here:


Misinformation will continue, as long as people refuse to prove all things.

That's an interesting shirt...


larger version, here:

video here:


something the CFR media will never say:

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Transhumanism Update - Posthuman Doctrine - 04.27.2014

The following is the latest attempt to push Evolution as Truth, and the idea that we should merge with machines:


Evolution, of course, is complete non-sense:

251 - The World According to Darwin / Total Onslaught Mini Series - Walter Veith


Robot Film "Construct" Could Change Everything You Know About CGI
By Beckett Mufson — Apr 22 2014

 When filmmaker Kevin Margo isn’t stuck at his day job as a leading visual effects supervisor for everything from Hollywood films to video games, he spends his days and nights inventing a revolutionary new process that, he believes, will change the way people think about computer graphics in cinema.

Since his short film, Grounded, debuted to critical acclaim, the gears in Margo’s mind have been moving. Absorbing the world of visual effects and tackling the problems presented by grossly inefficient, industry-standard CGI practices, he’s out to prove his solutions with his forthcoming short film, Construct.

video and more here:


Obama finds Japanese robots ‘a little scary’
By Juliet Eilperin | April 24 at 4:05 am

TOKYO -- President Obama played soccer Thursday with a Japanese robot -- and came away a bit scared.

Obama's visit to the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, or Mirikan, aimed to highlight both Japan's technological  prowess and the renewal of a 10-year scientific collaboration agreement between the two countries. While the event had plenty of examples of how the two countries are working together -- including a pre-recorded message from the International Space Station's Japanese commander and two American flight engineers serving alongside him -- the real stars of the show were a couple of robots.

Honda's humanoid robot ASIMO, which was dressed in an astronaut suit and is about the height of a 10 year-old child, went through a series of exercises for the president.

"It's nice to meet you," it said in a metallic voice, before approaching a soccer ball and telling Obama, "I can kick a soccer ball too."

"Okay, come on," the president replied.

The robot then took a couple of steps back and then then ran up to the ball to deliver a hefty punt.

The president trapped the ball with his foot, later telling an audience of roughly 30 students he was slightly intimidated by ASIMO and the other robot he observed at the museum.

"I have to say that the robots were a little scary, they were too lifelike," Obama declared. "They were amazing."

video and more, here:


10 Breakthrough Technologies 2014


Technology news is full of incremental developments, but few of them are true milestones. Here we’re citing 10 that are. These advances from the past year all solve thorny problems or create powerful new ways of using technology. They are breakthroughs that will matter for years to come.

more here:


Robots are people too: Google algorithm passes 'human' test
April 21, 2014 | Mahesh Sharma

Street smarts: How a computer can identify different numbers from Google Street View images.

Google researchers have developed technology that nearly perfectly deciphers the distorted combinations of numbers and letters commonly used on the internet to test whether or not someone is human.

Ian J. Goodfellow, Yaroslav Bulatov, Julian Ibarz, Sacha Arnoud, and Vinay Shet, set out to develop a more accurate method to identify numbers in images taken for Google Street View. Their model identified, with better than 90 per cent accuracy, tens of millions of numbers contained in Street View images taken in a dozen countries.

Using the model in conjunction with Google's infrastructure, it takes less than an hour to transcribe all the views of street numbers in France.

The technology was also pitted against the hardest category of the character-blurring forms known as CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart). It is based on the concept of the Turing test, which is a standard way to assess whether a human can identify, via verbal exchanges, whether a respondent is human or a computer.

Tested against reCAPTCHA, Google's own variation, Mr Goodfellow and his team achieved near perfect results.

"Today, distorted text in reCAPTCHA serves increasingly as a medium to capture user engagements rather than a reverse Turing in and of itself,"
the researchers wrote. "These results do, however, indicate that the utility of distorted text as a reverse Turing test by itself is significantly diminished."

Google's technology uses a system called DistBelief, which leverages a scientific concept called convolutional neural networks. Inspired by biology, these neuron structures mimic the complex arrangement of cells within the part of the brain that interprets images.

The researchers layered these networks on top of each other to identify the numbers and characters in Street View images and CAPTCHA.

While Google's technology can read between the blurred lines, CAPTCHA still stupefies some humans.

more here:


Robots are so much smarter than they used to be
Denise Deveau | April 22, 2014 8:00 AM ET

The VERA™ (Vision Enabled Robotic Assembly) system from D&D Automation Inc. is an adaptive technology that combines vision systems and programming that is currently being used in automotive welding and assembly tasks.
Photo courtesy of D&D Automation Inc.The VERA™ (Vision Enabled Robotic Assembly) system from D&D Automation Inc. is an adaptive technology that combines vision systems and programming that is currently being used in automotive welding and assembly tasks.

Anyone immersed in robotic technologies will tell you that contrary to popular belief, robots in production environments are about as unintelligent as they get – unless you take the time to add some smarts into the equation.

People don’t understand that a typical robot is designed to do the exact same thing over and over, explains Michael McCourt, president of Stratford, ON-based D&D Automation Inc. “Give it a slightly different part or orientation and it can’t handle that.”

That basic repetitive functionality — like pumping out millions of circuit boards or bottle — might be enough when used in a high-speed, high-volume environment where one task is all that’s needed. When variability comes into play — such as welding several bolts onto a car fender — the option would be put more people on the task or invest in multiple robots.

New signs of intelligence for production drones are coming to the forefront with technologies that help robots think and react to production changes on the fly. D&D for one has just launched VERA™ (Vision Enabled Robotic Assembly), an adaptive technology that combines vision systems and programming that is currently being used in automotive welding and assembly tasks.

“It can look at what part is in front of it and its orientation, pick it out and perform the function required,”
Mr. McCourt explains. “Historically plants would have to have dedicated machines for each function, and the runs would never cross.”

Not only can operations save considerably by making production changes quickly without having to pay for retooling costs, adaptive robotics can also improve quality, accuracy and worker safety. In some cases, jobs that were offshored could even be repatriated because adaptive robotics make things more affordable, Mr. McCourt contends.

It’s the integration of complementary technologies that makes the difference, DiBattista notes. “That’s really the key. Whether it’s welding or food handling, it’s the tooling and development of that system that makes it adaptive.”

While adaptive technologies may not fit ultra-high-speed applications where error-free repetition is paramount; the value for short-run, mid-market production environments and other applications in time is significant. For a welding operation, for example, a single VERA system could ultimately do a job that would take up to 20 different machines, Mr. McCourt claims.

“The real estate part of adaptive robotics is huge,”
DiBattista says. “A vision system talking to a controller in a [nut welding cell] for example will know how to pick the right nut for the right part. You could reduce your footprint for that cell considerably.”



This Law School Professor Believes Robots May Lead To An Increase In Prostitution

Dylan Love
Apr. 21, 2014, 11:42 AM

surrogates 2

John Danaher, a Keele University law school lecturer with an interest in the ways human life may be enhanced by robots and the ethics problems that stem from that, published a paper that examines whether sex work might one day be dominated by robots rather than human sex workers.

He also offers this easily understood summary of it for the Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies.

The paper lays out two contrasting hypotheses: one in which robots dominate the sex industry; and another in which robot use actually leads to an increase in human sex work.

In both scenarios, Danaher argues, a "basic income" policy would be helpful — either to fund newly unemployed prostitutes or to provide an alternative to people who have lost their jobs to robots so they don't end up as prostitutes. "Basic income" is an idea that economists have toyed with for years. It's the notion that the majority of government welfare payments ought to be abolished in favor of a single, unconditional cash payment that everyone gets regardless of their employment status.

So, yes, he's literally arguing that in the future, sex robots may finally make the case for a basic income scheme:

The displacement hypothesis says sex robots will eventually push human sex workers out of a job.

The resiliency hypothesis represents the other side of this coin, arguing that human prostitutes are here to stay, regardless of the existence of sex robots.

the details, here:


The Rapture of the Nerds
Jessica Roy/Melbourne Beach @JessicaKRoy
April 17, 2014

Gabriel Rothblatt, a pastor at Terasem, photographed at the Terasem ashram in Melbourne Beach, Florida April 7, 2014

A new religion has set out to store memories for centuries and deliver its believers into a world where our souls can outlive our selves

In the backyard of a cottage here overlooking the water, two poles with metal slats shaped like ribcages jut out from the ground. They look indistinguishable from heat lamps or fancy light fixtures.

These are satellite dishes, but they aren’t for TV. They’re meant for dispatching “mindfiles,” the memories, thoughts and feelings of people who wish to create digital copies of themselves and fling them into space with the belief that they’ll eventually reach some benevolent alien species.

Welcome to the future. Hope you don’t mind E.T. leafing through your diary.

The beach house and the backyard and the memory satellites are managed by 31-year-old Gabriel Rothblatt, a pastor of Terasem, a new sort of religion seeking answers to very old kinds of questions, all with an abiding faith in the transformative power of technology.

Beneath the cottage is a basement office where the mindfile operation is headquartered. Next door is an ashram, an airy glass building with walls that slide away to reveal a backyard home to a telescope for stargazing and a space to practice yoga. Tucked behind a shroud of greenery, most neighbors don’t even know this house of worship exists.

The name Terasem comes from the Greek word for “Earthseed,” which is also the name for the futuristic religion found in the Octavia Butler sci-fi novel Parable of the Sower that helped inspire Gabriel’s parents, Bina and Martine Rothblatt, to start their new faith. Martine founded the successful satellite radio company Sirius XM in 1990. (Martine was originally known as Martin. She had sex reassignment surgery 20 years ago.)

Organized around four core tenets—“life is purposeful, death is optional, God is technological and love is essential”–Terasem is a “transreligion,” meaning that you don’t have to give up being Christian or Jewish or Muslim to join. In fact, many believers embrace traditional positions held by mainstream religions—including the omnipotence of God and the existence of an afterlife—but say these are made possible by increasing advancements in science and technology.

“Einstein said science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind,” Martine Rothblatt tells TIME. “Bina and I were inspired to find a way for people to believe in God consistent with science and technology so people would have faith in the future.”

Sure, it’s easy to dismiss people who think they can somehow cheat death with a laptop. But Terasem is a potent symbol of a modern way of life where the digital world and the emotional one have become increasingly entwined. It is also a sign, if one from the fringe, of the always evolving relationship between technology and faith. Survey after survey has shown the number of Americans calling themselves “religious” has declined despite the fact that many still identify as “spiritual.” People are searching, and no longer do they look to technology to provide mere order for their lives. They also want meaning. Maybe, it’s time to hack our souls.

more here:


Americans Aren’t Ready for the Future Google and Amazon Want to Build
By Issie Lapowsky 04.18.14  |  6:30 am

A kidney structure being printed by the 3-D printer at Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Image: Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
A kidney structure being printed by the 3-D printer at Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Image: Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center

Americans are hopeful about the future of technology. But don’t release the drones just yet. And forget meat grown in a petri dish.

That’s the takeaway from a new study released by the Pew Research Center looking at how U.S. residents felt about possible high-tech advances looming in the not-too-distant future. Overall, a decisive majority of those surveyed believed new tech would make the future better. At the same time, the public doesn’t seem quite ready for many of the advances companies like Google and Amazon are pushing hard to make real.

If the stigma surrounding Google Glass (or, perhaps more specifically, “Glassholes”) has taught us anything, it’s that no matter how revolutionary technology may be, ultimately its success or failure ride on public perception. Many promising technological developments have died because they were ahead of their times. During a cultural moment when the alleged arrogance of some tech companies is creating a serious image problem, the risk of pushing new tech on a public that isn’t ready could have real bottom-line consequences.

Lab-Grown Organs: Yes

In the Pew study, researchers asked 1,000 respondents to predict how soon certain major technological advancements, from space colonies to teleportation, would occur. They were also asked to say whether they believed more near-term advancements such as wearable technology were good or bad for society.

Overall, the results show that people are realistic when it comes to predicting the future. The majority of respondents, for instance, were doubtful that sci-fi tropes like teleportation, space colonization, time travel, and the ability to control the weather would be possible in the next 50 years.

But when it came to technology that’s already being developed, they were much more confident. About 80 percent of people, for instance, said they believed lab-grown organs would be available for transplant within 50 years. That’s a promising sign for the biotech companies and researchers currently working on regenerative medicine. Meanwhile, 51 percent of people believed that computers will soon be able to create art that’s indistinguishable from art created by humans. That’s also good news for the machine learning industry.

Lab-Grown Meat: No

Yet when the subjects were asked to decide whether certain new technologies would be good or bad for the future, they were decidedly more hesitant. More than 60 percent, for instance, said it would be a change for the worse if the U.S. were to open its skies to personal drones. If they’re that opposed to unmanned aerial vehicles in the skies, it’s not hard to imagine the resistance multi-billion dollar companies like Amazon and Google will face as they attempt to launch drones themselves.

The wearable technology industry is also likely to see resistance — a little more than half of those surveyed said it would be a change for the worse if most people wore implants or other devices that constantly feed them information. And while there are several research institutions across the country currently developing robots to care for the elderly, this idea was widely rejected by respondents, with nearly two-thirds saying such automated care would be bad for the future.

Driverless cars, technology that Google has also been spearheading, but that Elon Musk recently said is a goal for Tesla, were slightly more popular, with nearly half of respondents saying they’d be willing to try one out. That’s compared to the mere 20 percent of people who said they’d eat meat grown in a lab.

These findings, of course, can’t be taken as a sign that these industries are outright doomed. After all, if someone had told people 50 years ago that we’d all have tiny glass-and-metal boxes in our pockets that could take pictures, pinpoint our exact location anywhere in the world, and hold the contents of thousands of books all at the same time, it would have seemed impossible, if not downright scary. But the findings show that tech companies still have a lot of work to do to educate a public hardly willing to put blind trust in tech giants. Innovation can be a powerful force for positive change, but it goes down easier when the people whose lives will be affected feel like they have a say.



Study indicates Robots could replace 80% of Jobs
Posted on April 16, 2014 by Colin Lewis   


PerezIn a few decades, twenty or thirty years — or sooner – robots and their associated technology will be as ubiquitous as mobile phones are today, at least that is the prediction of Bill Gates; and we would be hard-pressed to find a roboticist, automation expert or economist who could present a strong case against this. The Robotics Revolution promises a host of benefits that are compelling (especially in health care) and imaginative, but it may also come at a significant price.

The Pareto Principle of Prediction

We find ourselves faced with an intractable paradox: On the one hand technology advances increase productivity and wellbeing, and on the other hand it often reinforces inequalities.

A new study due to be published in the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Skills and Training by Stuart Elliot visiting analyst at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), who incidentally is on leave from the Board on Testing and Assessment of the National Research Council, indicates that technology could replace ‘workers for 80 percent of current jobs.’

In his study Elliot relies on advances in speech, reasoning capabilities and movement capabilities to illustrate how robots and technology can replace jobs. I am in agreement with the general thoughts of the study, although I believe speech recognition is now far more advanced than Elliot states. This element alone will lead to a reduction in many jobs, such as translation over the next five years.

Elliot is not the first to claim that robotics and technology will have such a profound impact on employment or inequality. Michael Hammer, a former MIT professor and prime mover in the restructuring of the workplace in the 1990’s estimated that up to 80 percent of those engaged in middle management tasks were susceptible to elimination due to automation.

In the book Average is Over Professor Tyler Cowen also predicts a hollowed-out labor market, devoid of middle-skill, middle-wage jobs, where 80% or more of our citizens will be unable to prosper. They will become a permanent underclass, unable to improve their lot.

This ‘underclass’ may be happening sooner than Cowen predicted. While there are ‘short term’ adjustments in the employment numbers, the majority are in the low-paying sectors, 73% of ‘new’ jobs are in the bottom of the wage pyramid and temporary employment positions rather than permanent.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that among the most rapidly growing occupational categories over the next ten years will be “healthcare support occupations” (nursing aides, orderlies, and attendants) and “food preparation and serving workers” – overwhelmingly low-wage jobs.

more here:


Building a robot firefighter
Navy, colleges take up the challenge of creating robots for dangerous duty
By Hiawatha Bray | Globe Staff April 08, 2014

Before the year is out, the Navy will start a fire on one of its ships and send in a robot to put it out.

Designed at Virginia Tech and the University of Pennsylvania, the Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot, or SAFFiR, is a two-legged machine built to climb stairs and open watertight hatches just like a human. But Dennis Hong, one of SAFFiR’s developers, said the robot is built to withstand flames and smoke that humans might not survive.

“This is almost science fiction, but it’s real,”
Hong said.

Even as Boston mourns the loss of two firefighters trapped in a blaze in March, engineers in Massachusetts and around the world are working to develop robots that may one day take the place of humans in dangerous environments — from burning buildings to damaged nuclear power plants.

Search-and-rescue robots that roll on wheels or caterpillar treads were deployed during disasters such as the 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami. Last year, a hose-wielding robot from South Korea tackled a major fire in Illinois. And in May, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police used an unmanned drone to find an injured man who was lost in a remote area of Saskatchewan, in what may be the first case of a drone aircraft saving a life.

Now the US government and world-class universities such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Worcester Polytechnic Institute are developing humanoid rescue robots, two-legged machines designed to climb stairs, open doors, operate fire hoses, even drive emergency vehicles.

But do not expect to see such robots in action anytime soon.

Michael A. Gennert, the director of WPI’s robotics engineering program, said that teaching machines to perform even basic rescue tasks is a daunting challenge.

“There’s an awful lot of stuff to do,”
Gennert said. “It’s not going to be easy or cheap.”

Gennert, his colleagues, and students are developing control software for Atlas, a six-foot-tall, 330-pound robot shaped like a man.

Atlas was engineered for use as a first-responder robot by Boston Dynamics, a Waltham company recently acquired by Google Inc.

video and more here:


Friday, April 25, 2014

Why does Cliven Bundy sound like an old racist?

My wife got me thinking about my last newsletter.

"Why does this man sound like an old racist?"

It's simple, he either knows nothing of the following because he lives in a bubble, or he refuses to admit it:

Slaves were bred
> Just as Cliven breeds cattle for Beef, Slaves were bred for the purpose of creating the strong slaves.

That shatters any idea that slavery kept families together.

sources can be found here:

Slave breeding in the United States


On Slaveholders’ Sexual Abuse of Slaves
Selections from 19th- & 20th-century Slave Narratives


Slave Breeding: Sex, Violence, and Memory in African American History


buy here:


Even Thomas Jefferson was probably creating mix-race children:

Did Thomas Jefferson Father Slave Children?

The first American presidential sex scandal never went on trial, but rumors have persisted to this day that President and founding father Thomas Jefferson had an illicit relationship with his slave mistress, Sally Hemings, that bore him children. Jefferson never responded publicly to this attack on his character nor denied the accusations.

The circumstantial evidence is suggestive. Jefferson, who traveled extensively for long periods, always happened to be in residence nine months before the birth of each of Sally Hemings's seven children. Some of Hemings's children were said to bear a striking resemblance to Jefferson. And in an 1873 interview, Sally's fourth son Madison stated that his mother had been Jefferson's "concubine," and that he and his siblings were the president's children.

The Y chromosome keeps its family secrets and now, nearly two centuries later, DNA evidence has unequivocally linked a male descendant of Sally Hemings to the house of Thomas Jefferson.

To a geneticist, the obvious solution to resolve questions of paternity going back generations is to compare Y chromosomes from living descendants of the father in question. Because the Y chromosome is passed virtually intact from father to son to grandson and so on down the line, it traces the father's male side of the family tree.

more here:


Sally Hemings

Sarah "Sally" Hemings (c. 1773 – 1835) was an enslaved woman of mixed ethnicities owned by President Thomas Jefferson and known for having a long-term relationship and six children with him, of whom four survived and all gained freedom. The youngest of six siblings by the planter John Wayles and his slave Betty Hemings, Hemings was a half-sister of Jefferson's wife, Martha Wayles Skelton.[1]

In 1787, Sally Hemings, at the age of 14,[2] accompanied Jefferson's youngest daughter Mary (Polly) to London and then to Paris, where the widowed Jefferson was serving as the United States Ambassador to France. Hemings spent two years there. Hemings and Jefferson are believed by some to have begun a sexual relationship either in France or soon after their return to Monticello. Hemings had six children of record born into slavery; four survived to adulthood.[3] Sally Hemings served as a domestic servant in Jefferson's house until his death.

The historical question of whether Jefferson was the father of Hemings' children is known as the Jefferson–Hemings controversy. Following renewed historic analysis in the late 20th century and a 1998 DNA study that found a match between the Jefferson male line and a descendant of Hemings' last son, Eston Hemings, a consensus among historians has concluded that the widower Jefferson fathered her son Eston Hemings and likely all her children.[4] However, some historians disagree.[5]

Hemings' children lived in Jefferson's house and were trained as domestic servants and artisans. Jefferson freed all of Hemings' children: Beverly, Harriet, Madison, and Eston, as they came of age. They were seven-eighths European in ancestry, and three of the four entered white society as adults. Their descendants identified as white.[6][7] Hemings was "given her time", and lived her last nine years freely with her two younger sons in Charlottesville, and saw a grandchild born in the house her sons owned.

more here:


He won't stop digging that hole:

Here’s Cliven Bundy Being Super-Racist Again
“Cliven Bundy is wondering about the black community,” says Cliven Bundy.
posted on April 24, 2014 at 5:27pm EDT

Andrew Kaczynski
BuzzFeed Staff

On Thursday, Bundy attempted to do a press conference for what many assumed was damage control, but really just dug a bigger hole for himself.

Here are the highlights:

On whether African-Americans were better off as slaves: “I didn’t say that — I said I was wondering. I’m still wondering.”

On African-Americans he saw in Las Vegas: “It looked to me like they were slaves.”

“I’m a-wondering, Cliven Bundy is wondering about the black community. Are they better off with their woman aborting their children? Are they better off with their young men in prison? Are they with the older people on the sidewalks in front of their government-issued homes with a few children? Are they better off, are they happier than they was when they was in the South in front of their homes with their chickens, and their gardens, and their children around them. … and their men having something to do?”

“I’m not saying that I thought they should be slaves … I’m not even saying they was better off. I’m a-wondering if they were better off?”

Bundy also repeatedly used the terms “the Negro,” “those people,” and “black boys.”

“Now let me tell you something about what I’ve seen with the Negro community…”

“I see the Negro…”

“They’re not slaves no more. They seem to be slaves to the welfare system.”

“I understand what slavery is all about. … slavery’s about when you take away choices from people.”

video here:


Any how, here's something else interesting that some of you may already know about.

It seems to fit the agenda quite well.


Willie Lynch letter: The Making of a Slave


Gentlemen. I greet you here on the bank of the James River in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twelve. First, I shall thank you, the gentlemen of the Colony of Virginia, for bringing me here. I am here to help you solve some of your problems with slaves. Your invitation reached me on my modest plantation in the West Indies, where I have experimented with some of the newest, and still the oldest, methods for control of slaves. Ancient Rome would envy us if my program is implemented. As our boat sailed south on the James River, named for our illustrious King, whose version of the Bible we cherish, I saw enough to know that your problem is not unique. While Rome used cords of wood as crosses for standing human bodies along its highways in great numbers, you are here using the tree and the rope on occasions. I caught the whiff of a dead slave hanging from a tree, a couple miles back. You are not only losing valuable stock by hangings, you are having uprisings, slaves are running away, your crops are sometimes left in the fields too long for maximum profit, you suffer occasional fires, your animals are killed. Gentlemen, you know what your problems are; I do not need to elaborate. I am not here to enumerate your problems, I am here to introduce you to a method of solving them. In my bag here, I HAVE A FULL PROOF METHOD FOR CONTROLLING YOUR BLACK SLAVES. I guarantee every one of you that, if installed correctly, IT WILL CONTROL THE SLAVES FOR AT LEAST 300 HUNDREDS YEARS. My method is simple. Any member of your family or your overseer can use it. I HAVE OUTLINED A NUMBER OF DIFFERENCES AMONG THE SLAVES; AND I TAKE THESE DIFFERENCES AND MAKE THEM BIGGER. I USE FEAR, DISTRUST AND ENVY FOR CONTROL PURPOSES. These methods have worked on my modest plantation in the West Indies and it will work throughout the South. Take this simple little list of differences and think about them. On top of my list is “AGE,” but it’s there only because it starts with an “a.” The second is “COLOR” or shade. There is INTELLIGENCE, SIZE, SEX, SIZES OF PLANTATIONS, STATUS on plantations, ATTITUDE of owners, whether the slaves live in the valley, on a hill, East, West, North, South, have fine hair, course hair, or is tall or short. Now that you have a list of differences, I shall give you an outline of action, but before that, I shall assure you that DISTRUST IS STRONGER THAN TRUST AND ENVY STRONGER THAN ADULATION, RESPECT OR ADMIRATION. The Black slaves after receiving this indoctrination shall carry on and will become self-refueling and self-generating for HUNDREDS of years, maybe THOUSANDS. Don’t forget, you must pitch the OLD black male vs. the YOUNG black male, and the YOUNG black male against the OLD black male. You must use the DARK skin slaves vs. the LIGHT skin slaves, and the LIGHT skin slaves vs. the DARK skin slaves. You must use the FEMALE vs. the MALE, and the MALE vs. the FEMALE. You must also have white servants and overseers [who] distrust all Blacks. But it is NECESSARY THAT YOUR SLAVES TRUST AND DEPEND ON US. THEY MUST LOVE, RESPECT AND TRUST ONLY US. Gentlemen, these kits are your keys to control. Use them. Have your wives and children use them, never miss an opportunity. IF USED INTENSELY FOR ONE YEAR, THE SLAVES THEMSELVES WILL REMAIN PERPETUALLY DISTRUSTFUL. Thank you gentlemen.”


It was the interest and business of slave holders to study human nature, and the slave nature in particular, with a view to practical results. I and many of them attained astonishing proficiency in this direction. They had to deal not with earth, wood and stone, but with men and, by every regard, they had for their own safety and prosperity they needed to know the material on which they were to work, conscious of the injustice and wrong they were every hour perpetuating and knowing what they themselves would do. Were they the victims of such wrongs? They were constantly looking for the first signs of the dreaded retribution. They watched therefore with skilled and practiced eyes, and learned to read with great accuracy, the state of mind and heart of the slave, through his sable face. Unusual sobriety, apparent abstractions, sullenness and indifference indeed, any mood out of the common was afforded ground for suspicion and inquiry. Frederick Douglas LET’S MAKE A SLAVE is a study of the scientific process of man-breaking and slave-making. It describes the rationale and results of the Anglo Saxons’ ideas and methods of insuring the master/slave relationship. LET’S MAKE A SLAVE “The Original and Development of a Social Being Called ‘The Negro.’” Let us make a slave. What do we need? First of all, we need a black nigger man, a pregnant nigger woman and her baby nigger boy. Second, we will use the same basic principle that we use in breaking a horse, combined with some more sustaining factors. What we do with horses is that we break them from one form of life to another; that is, we reduce them from their natural state in nature. Whereas nature provides them with the natural capacity to take care of their offspring, we break that natural string of independence from them and thereby create a dependency status, so that we may be able to get from them useful production for our business and pleasure.


For fear that our future generations may not understand the principles of breaking both of the beast together, the nigger and the horse. We understand that short range planning economics results in periodic economic chaos; so that to avoid turmoil in the economy, it requires us to have breadth and depth in long range comprehensive planning, articulating both skill sharp perceptions. We lay down the following principles for long range comprehensive economic planning. Both horse and niggers [are] no good to the economy in the wild or natural state. Both must be BROKEN and TIED together for orderly production. For orderly future, special and particular attention must be paid to the FEMALE and the YOUNGEST offspring. Both must be CROSSBRED to produce a variety and division of labor. Both must be taught to respond to a peculiar new LANGUAGE. Psychological and physical instruction of CONTAINMENT must be created for both. We hold the six cardinal principles as truth to be self-evident, based upon following the discourse concerning the economics of breaking and tying the horse and the nigger together, all inclusive of the six principles laid down above. NOTE: Neither principle alone will suffice for good economics. All principles must be employed for orderly good of the nation. Accordingly, both a wild horse and a wild or natur[al] nigger is dangerous even if captured, for they will have the tendency to seek their customary freedom and, in doing so, might kill you in your sleep. You cannot rest. They sleep while you are awake, and are awake while you are asleep. They are DANGEROUS near the family house and it requires too much labor to watch them away from the house. Above all, you cannot get them to work in this natural state. Hence, both the horse and the nigger must be broken; that is breaking them from one form of mental life to another. KEEP THE BODY, TAKE THE MIND! In other words, break the will to resist. Now the breaking process is the same for both the horse and the nigger, only slightly varying in degrees. But, as we said before, there is an art in long range economic planning. YOU MUST KEEP YOUR EYE AND THOUGHTS ON THE FEMALE and the OFFSPRING of the horse and the nigger. A brief discourse in offspring development will shed light on the key to sound economic principles. Pay little attention to the generation of original breaking, but CONCENTRATE ON FUTURE GENERATION. Therefore, if you break the FEMALE mother, she will BREAK the offspring in its early years of development; and when the offspring is old enough to work, she will deliver it up to you, for her normal female protective tendencies will have been lost in the original breaking process. For example, take the case of the wild stud horse, a female horse and an already infant horse and compare the breaking process with two captured nigger males in their natural state, a pregnant nigger woman with her infant offspring. Take the stud horse, break him for limited containment. Completely break the female horse until she becomes very gentle, whereas you or anybody can ride her in her comfort. Breed the mare and the stud until you have the desired offspring. Then, you can turn the stud to freedom until you need him again. Train the female horse whereby she will eat out of your hand, and she will in turn train the infant horse to eat out of your hand, also. When it comes to breaking the uncivilized nigger, use the same process, but vary the degree and step up the pressure, so as to do a complete reversal of the mind. Take the meanest and most restless nigger, strip him of his clothes in front of the remaining male niggers, the female, and the nigger infant, tar and feather him, tie each leg to a different horse faced in opposite directions, set him afire and beat both horses to pull him apart in front of the remaining niggers. The next step is to take a bullwhip and beat the remaining nigger males to the point of death, in front of the female and the infant. Don’t kill him, but PUT THE FEAR OF GOD IN HIM, for he can be useful for future breeding.

more of the letter, here:


William Lynch speech

The William Lynch speech is an address purportedly delivered by a certain William Lynch (or Willie Lynch) to an audience on the bank of the James River in Virginia in 1712 regarding control of slaves within the colony.[1] The letter purports to be a verbatim account of a short speech given by a slave owner, in which he tells other slave masters that he has discovered the "secret" to controlling black slaves by setting them against one another. The document has been in print since at least 1970, but first gained widespread notice in the 1990s, when it appeared on the Internet.[2] Since then, it has often been promoted as an authentic account of slavery during the 18th century, though its inaccuracies and anachronisms have led historians to conclude that it is a hoax.[2][3]

more here:


If Cliven Bundy is not an old racist, he needs to stop talking about the black community, unless he has some solutions to a 400 year old agenda.

Black people could help themselves if the government didn't start out sponsoring racism and doing the exact opposite of the bible.

I mean really.

Cliven Bundy - full video in context - Not a racist, just Anti-Government

Cliven Bundy (Full) Controversial Remarks April 19, 2014


found here:


In a YouTube video, he is filmed already in mid-sentence.

... and so what I've testified to you -- I was in the Watts riot, I seen the beginning fire and I seen that last fire. What I seen is civil disturbance. People are not happy, people are thinking they don't have their freedoms, they didn't have these things, and they didn't have them.

We've progressed quite a bit from that day until now, and we sure don't want to go back. We sure don't want the colored people to go back to that point. We sure don't want these Mexican people to go back to that point. And we can make a difference right now by taking care of some of these bureaucracies, and do it in a peaceful way.

Those comments appear to change the context of the next section, which was quoted in the New York Times. One clear point the rancher made: America has progressed since the 1965 race riots and "we sure don't want to go back."

Here are the heavily quoted comments from Bundy that followed the above section edited out by most news organizations.

Let me tell, talk to you about the Mexicans, and these are just things I know about the negroes. I want to tell you one more thing I know about the negro. When I go, went, go to Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, and I would see these little government houses, and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids -- and there's always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch. They didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

And because they were basically on government subsidy -- so now what do they do? They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never, they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered are they were better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things? Or are they better off under government subsidy?

You know they didn’t get more freedom, they got less freedom -- they got less family life, and their happiness -- you could see it in their faces -- they wasn't happy sitting on that concrete sidewalk. Down there they was probably growing their turnips -- so that’s all government, that’s not freedom.

But Bundy went on after saying that -- and again, his comments were edited out of most reports.

Now, let me talk about the Spanish people. You know, I understand that they come over here against our Constitution and cross our borders. But they’re here and they’re people -- and I’ve worked side by side a lot of them.

Don’t tell me they don’t work, and don’t tell me they don’t pay taxes. And don’t tell me they don’t have better family structures than most of us white people. When you see those Mexican families, they’re together, they picnic together, they’re spending their time together, and I’ll tell you in my way of thinking they’re awful nice people. And we need to have those people join us and be with us not, not come to our party.

So, Bundy thinks Hispanics are hard-working family people, and laments the current plight of American blacks under the federal welfare system while saying there has been much progress and that "we sure don't want to go back." As always, there's more to the story than what the New York Times says.

more here:

and here:

Cliven Bundy update - The Ronald Reagan Connection and Why the Feds showed up with Guns

He claimed it's been his families land since the 1800s, this is not the case.
Now we find that he was prepping to fight the Feds, now we know why they showed up with Guns.

and below you'll see the Reagan Connection ^_-


Lone rancher is prepared to fight feds for land


Rancher Cliven Bundy, left, and his son, Arden, stand on land the family has worked since the 1880s on August 20, 2013, in Bunkerville, Nevada. Bundy is battling the Bureau of Land Management over grazing rights.

John M. Glionna, Los Angeles Times
Monday, Sept. 23, 2013 | 2 a.m.

BUNKERVILLE — Squinting into the morning light, Cliven Bundy lifted the brim of his western hat and watched his youngest son, who sat silently in the saddle on a mixed-breed horse he named Turbo.

At 15, Arden Bundy is cowboy sturdy, a trusted ranch hand on the family spread 100 miles north of Las Vegas. He wears dusty boots with bloodstains on his chaps from calf-roping escapades. He also has the cowpoke pose down cold: the knowing slouch, right thumb hooked into his oversize belt buckle.

The 67-year-old Bundy, a father of 14, said the boy reminds him of himself, his own father and grandfather — generations of Bundys who have ranched and muscled this unforgiving landscape along the Virgin River since the 1880s.

“He’s a real cowboy,”
he said of Arden, his only child still living at the ranch. “Those bloodstains could be from the cattle, his horse or even him. I want him to run this ranch one day. He’s the one I’m fighting for.”

Bundy believes big government is trying to sabotage his plans to one day hand over the ranch’s reins to his son by stripping Bundy of land-use rights his family spent a century earning. He says overregulation has already driven scores of fellow ranchers out of business in sprawling Clark County, leaving him as the last man standing.

For two decades, Bundy has waged a one-man range war with federal officials over his cattle’s grazing on 150 square miles of scrub desert overseen by the Bureau of Land Management. Since 1993, he’s refused to pay BLM grazing fees. He claims he “fired the BLM,” vowing not to give one dime to an agency that’s plotting his demise. The back fees exceed $300,000, he said.

Now a showdown looms, one with a hint of possible violence.

Officials say Bundy and his son are illegally running cattle in the 500,000-acre Gold Butte area, a habitat of the protected desert tortoise. In July, U.S. District Court Judge Lloyd George ruled that if Bundy did not remove his cattle by Aug. 23, they could be seized by the BLM.

That hasn’t happened — yet — and the rancher insists his cattle aren’t going anywhere. He acknowledges that he keeps firearms at his ranch and has vowed to “do whatever it takes” to defend his animals from seizure.

“I’ve got to protect my property,”
Bundy said as Arden steered several cattle inside an elongated pen. “If people come to monkey with what’s mine, I’ll call the county sheriff. If that don’t work, I’ll gather my friends and kids and we’ll try to stop it. I abide by all state laws. But I abide by almost zero federal laws.”

The face-off is the second time Bundy has challenged federal officials. In 1998, a federal judge issued a permanent injunction against the white-haired rancher, ordering his cattle off the land.

Representing himself, Bundy lost his appeal to San Francisco’s 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. A simple man in a plaid shirt and denims, he’s handled his legal battle from his Nevada ranchhouse, arguing in mailed-off court filings that his Mormon ancestors worked the land long before the BLM was even formed, giving him rights that predate federal involvement.

Despite the court order, he refused to pull one head of cattle off BLM land.

“At first I said, ‘No,’” he said. “Then I said, ‘Hell, no.’”

His defiance led to visits by Department of Homeland Security officials and local sheriff’s deputies, who interviewed Bundy’s neighbors to determine any possible threat. But the BLM took little public action — until this summer.

The case is the latest flourish of the civil disobedience popularized during the 1970s Sagebrush Rebellion, a movement that sought greater local control in 12 Western states, where the federal government administers 60 percent of the land. In Nevada, the BLM manages 87 percent of the state’s land.

Experts say anti-government clashes at Idaho’s Ruby Ridge and Waco, Texas, are the modern chapters of an old Western story.

“It’s the 18th-century mindset that the sweat off your brow determines your ability to survive, not the government,” said Jeffrey Richardson, a historian at the Autry National Center in Los Angeles. “But the notion of the great pioneer has been slowly chipped away by barbed wire and government regulation.”

Bending to federal will is hard for independents like Bundy, Richardson added: “If a family has worked for generations to shape the land to their needs, it’s difficult. These people have long thrived in difficult territory.”

Others say Bundy’s rugged individualism is misguided.

“The reality is this is public land, and that means something,”
said Paul Starrs, a geography professor at UNR. “He’s part of a long chain, and he’s entitled to feel oppressed. But that doesn’t mean he’s right.”

“I’ve got a shotgun,” she said. “It’s loaded and I know how to use it. We’re ready to do what we have to do, but we’d rather win this in the court of public opinion.”

more here:



Executive Order 12548 -- Grazing Fees
February 14, 1986

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, and in order to provide for establishment of appropriate fees for the grazing of domestic livestock on public rangelands, it is ordered as follows:

Section 1. Determination of Fees. The Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior are directed to exercise their authority, to the extent permitted by law under the various statutes they administer, to establish fees for domestic livestock grazing on the public rangelands which annually equals the $1.23 base established by the 1966 Western Livestock Grazing Survey multiplied by the result of the Forage Value Index (computed annually from data supplied by the Statistical Reporting Service) added to the Combined Index (Beef Cattle Price Index minus the Prices Paid Index) and divided by 100; provided, that the annual increase or decrease in such fee for any given year shall be limited to not more than plus or minus 25 percent of the previous year's fee, and provided further, that the fee shall not be less than $1.35 per animal unit month.

Sec. 2. Definitions. As used in this Order, the term:

(a) ``Public rangelands'' has the same meaning as in the Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978 (Public Law 95 - 514);

(b) ``Forage Value Index'' means the weighted average estimate of the annual rental charge per head per month for pasturing cattle on private rangelands in the 11 Western States (Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, and California) (computed by the Statistical Reporting Service from the June Enumerative Survey) divided by $3.65 and multiplied by 100;

(c) ``Beef Cattle Price Index'' means the weighted average annual selling price for beef cattle (excluding calves) in the 11 Western States (Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, and California) for November through October (computed by the Statistical Reporting Service) divided by $22.04 per hundred weight and multiplied by 100; and

(d) ``Prices Paid Index'' means the following selected components from the Statistical Reporting Service's Annual National Index of Prices Paid by Farmers for Goods and Services adjusted by the weights indicated in parentheses to reflect livestock production costs in the Western States: 1. Fuels and Energy (14.5); 2. Farm and Motor Supplies (12.0); 3. Autos and Trucks (4.5); 4. Tractors and Self-Propelled Machinery (4.5); 5. Other Machinery (12.0); 6. Building and Fencing Materials (14.5); 7. Interest (6.0); 8. Farm Wage Rates (14.0); 9. Farm Services (18.0).

Sec. 3. Any and all existing rules, practices, policies, and regulations relating to the administration of the formula for grazing fees in section 6(a) of the Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978 shall continue in full force and effect.

Sec. 4. This Order shall be effective immediately.

Ronald Reagan

The White House,

February 14, 1986.

[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 10:32 a.m., February 18, 1986]




cliven bundy update - are black people better off as slaves?

"It turns out those ancestral rights don't go back very far..." - Chris Hayes

Welcome to the New World Order, Cliven

Truth about Ronald Reagan, he was a Liberal Democrat

Ronald Reagan and Gun Control - 01.16.2013
