Monday, November 28, 2016

Election 2016 Part 04: The Clinton Connection

It has been said that the Trump/Clinton relationship is of no consequence.

However, once we examine the details, we’ll find that the relationship between the Clinton and Trump families is very significant indeed.

To be fair, we’ll point out the fact that Hillary Clinton (02/03/2016) has said:

"We were not friends," the Democrat presidential candidate and former U.S. senator for New York says in an interview for the new issue of People Magazine.

"We knew each other, obviously, in New York. I knew a lot of people."

When asked about his views concerning Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump had nothing but kind words:

From the New York Post:

The GOP presidential nominee — who labeled his rival “such a nasty woman” in their final debate — dished out the flattery during a November 11th, 2008 interview with the TV channel NY1.

“I think she’s a wonderful woman. I think she’s a little bit misunderstood. You know, Hillary is a very smart woman. A very tough woman. That’s fine. She’s also a very nice person. I know Hillary and I know her husband very well. They’re fine people,” the mogul gushed.

Trump also had kind words for Bill Clinton.

“I think she is a great wife to a president and I think Bill Clinton was a great president. You know, you look at the country then, the economy was doing great,” Trump said.

CBS News reports:

In 2008

"Hillary Clinton said she'd consider naming Barack Obama as her vice-president when she gets the nomination, but she's nowhere near a shoo-in. For his part, Obama said he's just focused on winning the nomination, although at least one member of his team said Clinton would make a good vice-president. (I know Hillary and I think she'd make a great president or vice-president.)," Trump wrote.

"Hillary is smart, tough and a very nice person, so is her husband. Bill Clinton was a great president. They are fine people. Hillary was roughed up by the media, and it was a tough campaign for her, but she's a great trooper. Her history is far from being over," he said.

In 2012

“Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman,” “I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard.”

12/29/2015, 1:30 PM

Donald Trump changed his tune about what he thinks of Hillary Clinton in 2015.

MSNBC reports:

“Hillary Clinton was the worst secretary of state in the history of the United States,” he said. “There’s never been a secretary of state so bad as Hillary. The world blew up around us, we lost everything, including all relationships. There wasn’t one good thing that came out of that administration or her being secretary of state.”

07/08/15 02:20 PM—UPDATED 07/08/15 05:54 PM

He’s even created a nickname for her:

He’s spent most of this campaign calling calls her 'Crooked Hillary'.
He’s constantly tweeted this out and it’s even his own speeches and frequently in tweets:

“Crooked Hillary Clinton is spending a fortune on ads against me. I am the one person she doesn't want to run against. Will be such fun!”
8:41 AM - 17 Apr 2016

“Crooked Hillary's bad judgement forced her to announce that she would go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand. Dem pols said no way, dumb!”
9:09 PM - 23 Sep 2016

“Crooked Hillary Clinton made up facts about me, and "forgot" to mention the many problems of our country, in her very average scream!”
7:51 AM - 29 Jul 2016

“Crooked Hillary Clinton is 100% owned by her donors.”
4:42 PM - 1 Aug 2016

Their children seem to get along just fine.
Chelsea and Ivanka are close, and promise to remain friends no matter how things go with this election.

“We were friends long before this election. We will be friends long after this election. Our friendship didn't start in politics, it certainly is not going to end because of politics,” Clinton said on ABC’s “The View” on Friday. “I have tremendous respect for Ivanka.”

09/09/16 12:24 PM EDT

Would Donald Trump really allow his daughter to be friends with his now sworn enemies daughter? How are they friends if they don’t have any connections?

What about Bill Clinton, have they ever been close?

As it turns out Donald Trump and Bill Clinton have done quite a bit together.

Does Donald Trump have any financial connections to the Clinton’s?

Despite his recent criticism of the Clinton Foundation, Donald Trump apparently donated at least $100,000 to the organization, according to a 2009 tax document circulated online Tuesday night and foundation records.

The Clinton Foundation's website shows "Donald J. Trump" under a list of individuals and organizations that donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the foundation.

Chris Sanchez Aug. 24, 2016, 12:12 AM

Remember what Donald Trump said about Roger Ailes?

"I think they are unfounded just based on what I've read,"
"Totally unfounded, based on what I read."

Here’s another interesting thing that Bill and Donald have in common.
They’ve both been accused of rape.

The oldest of the rape accusations against Trump dates back more than 20 years. Harry Hurt III’s Last Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump, published in 1993, describes a 1989 assault which at the time Trump’s ex-wife Ivana characterized as a “rape.” According to Hunt, Trump had gone to a doctor Ivana had recommended for scalp reduction surgery. When the treatment went poorly, Ivana said that Trump, in a rage, violently attacked her.

Trump was also accused of sexual assault by a woman in 1997; again, he denied the charges. The plaintiff in the case dropped her lawsuit shortly after filing, but said she stood by her accusations in a text message sent to the Guardian in February. And this summer, new rape allegations against Trump were filed. An anonymous woman claimed in a federal lawsuit that Trump raped her in 1994, when she was 13 years old. The lawsuit alleges that the accuser attended a number of parties arranged by Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire convicted in 2008 of soliciting an underage prostitute. In her lawsuit, the woman says Trump tied her to a bed and “proceeded to forcibly rape” her, despite her pleas for him to stop. Trump and Epstein then allegedly threatened her and her family if she took the case to the authorities.

The oldest accusation against Clinton, and the most credible, was made by Juanita Broaddrick, a volunteer for Clinton’s campaign for Arkansas governor in 1978. Broaddrick says Clinton arranged a meeting about campaign matters in a hotel room in April of 1978; when Broaddrick arrived, Clinton made sexual advances and then, she says, raped her. A number of witnesses have said that they saw Broaddrick’s injuries after the incident. Clinton has denied the allegations.

Neither the accusations against Trump nor those against Clinton have been proven in a court of law. But public willingness to discuss the accusations has more to do with political affiliation than with the facts at hand. Right-wing websites and commenters have supported Broaddrick’s claims for years. Meanwhile, left-wing sites and pundits have focused on the accusations against Trump.

Powerful people facing sexual harassment allegations have an incentive to identify with other powerful people who face sexual harassment allegations. Trump, who wants to be president, and Bill Clinton, who wants his wife to be president, have many disagreements. But their actions suggest they agree that accusations of sexual misconduct should not necessarily undermine the pursuit of high office. And that agreement means that fewer people will listen when victims speak.


We should point out that the case against Trump has been dismissed:

In June, we told you about a lawsuit that accuses Donald Trump of raping a 13-year-old girl, and the bizarre backstory about how the allegations hit the public eye. The complainant, identified as “Katie Johnson,” still hasn’t spoken publicly, and the reality TV producer pushing the allegations has been accused in the past of making outlandish claims. Today, Johnson’s attorney announced he was filing to dismiss the suit, but said a new complaint will be filed, and “an additional witness” will be identified.

“Katie Johnson” is the pseudonym the complainant used in a California lawsuit, which was dismissed. She refiled the case in New York under the name Jane Doe. All of Jezebel’s efforts to reach her—both through her attorney, Thomas Meagher, and through a man calling himself “Al Taylor,” a former reality TV producer—have been unsuccessful.

Anna Merlan 9/16/16 4:15pm

In the past, whenever Bill Clinton was accused of being a sexual deviant, Donald Trump was there to defend him. Now it’s his go-to line of attack on Hillary:

Donald Trump in 1998: Bill Clinton Is a ‘Victim’ of ‘Unattractive’ Women
Many moons ago, Trump said Bill Clinton was a ‘victim’ to an ugly group of female accusers.

During an August 1998 appearance on Fox News, the real estate mogul was asked about then-President Clinton’s multiple alleged extramarital affairs and sexual harassment cases. Trump proceeded to rail against the Clinton accusers.

“The whole thing, it’s just so unattractive,” the orange-hued demagogue told host Neil Cavuto, according to transcripts. “Linda Tripp may be one of the most unattractive human beings I’ve ever seen—not women, human beings. She’s just an unattractive person. This [Lucianne] Goldberg person, her agent or whatever she is, is just a terrible woman. You look at Paula Jones, I mean the whole cast of characters.”

He added: “It’s like it’s from Hell. It’s a terrible group of people.”

Seconds later, Trump felt the need to reiterate his obsession with their appearance. “The whole group, it’s truly an unattractive cast of characters—Linda Tripp, Lucianne Goldberg—I mean, this woman—I watch her on television, just vomiting. She is so bad. The whole group—Paula Jones, Lewinsky—it’s just a really unattractive group.

“And I’m not just talking about physical, but I am also talking about physical.”

Trump noted, however, that if the accusers were supermodels they “would be more pleasant to watch.”

He also expressed some sympathy for Bubba: “I don’t necessarily agree with his victims. His victims are terrible. He is really a victim himself. But he put himself in that position.”

In recent months Trump has hinted that he will not shy away from the Lewinsky scandal as a way to attack his likely general election opponent, Hillary Clinton.

“She's got one of the great women abusers of all time sitting in her house, waiting for her to come home for dinner,” he said in January. Prior to that, Trump also said that referencing Jones—now a Trump supporter—and Lewinsky would be “fair game.”

Well, now we know why Bill Clinton called Donald Trump.

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