Monday, November 28, 2016

Election 2016: Epilogue

As of Trump becoming President-Elect, he’s flip-flopped (also known in the The Word of God as lying) on a lot of what he said he would do as President:

Trump flip-flops 6 times in 1-hour NYT interview
Yahoo News Michael Walsh Reporter
Yahoo NewsNovember 22, 2016

Electoral College

During the 2012 presidential election, Trump called the Electoral College “a disaster for a democracy” and said it had made “a laughingstock out of our nation.”

But after he defeated Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College while losing the popular vote, Trump tweeted that the Electoral College is “actually genius” because it “brings all states, including the smaller ones, into play.”

President Obama

In May, President Obama delivered a thinly veiled critique of Trump by saying that “in politics and in life, ignorance is not a virtue.” Trump quoted the line and declared that it was the reason that Obama was “the worst president in U.S. history!”

But he told the Times that he had a great meeting with Obama, whom he had never met before, after the election and that he “liked him a lot.”

Investigating Hillary Clinton

During the second presidential debate, Trump told Clinton that she’d “be in jail” if he were in charge of U.S. law enforcement. He also told Clinton that he’d appoint a special prosecutor to go after her. During his rallies, he proclaimed Clinton “guilty as hell.”

Trump told the Times, however, that he thinks prosecuting the Clintons would be “very, very divisive for the country.”

When pressed as to whether he absolutely ruled out prosecuting Clinton, he replied, “It’s just not something that I feel very strongly about.”

Clinton Foundation

On Aug. 22, Trump released a statement arguing that the Clinton Foundation, a nonprofit corporation established by former President Bill Clinton in 1997, should be shut down.

“Hillary Clinton is the defender of the corrupt and rigged status quo. The Clintons have spent decades as insiders lining their own pockets and taking care of donors instead of the American people. It is now clear that the Clinton Foundation is the most corrupt enterprise in political history. What they were doing during Crooked Hillary’s time as Secretary of State was wrong then, and it is wrong now. It must be shut down immediately.”

He told the Times that there’s an argument that the Clinton Foundation has done “good work.” He said he’s inclined to use whatever power he will have as president to say let’s go forward.

Climate Change

Trump has dismissed climate change as an expensive, money-making hoax and vowed to pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement, in which nearly 200 countries agreed to reduce carbon emissions in an effort to keep the increase in average global temperature to below 2°C.

But he told the Times that he doesn’t dismiss the possibility of man-made climate change, for which there’s an overwhelming scientific consensus.

When asked if he’d pull out of the climate change accords, Trump said, “I’m looking at it very closely. I have an open mind to it.”

The New York Times

Another institution that’s been at the receiving end of Trump’s vitriol is the Times itself. He has bashed it as “a seriously failing paper” that’s “becoming irrelevant” with readership “way down.” He also gloated over “how badly” he perceived the Times to be doing.

“The failing @nytimes has gone nuts that Crooked Hillary is doing so badly. They are willing to say anything, has become a laughingstock rag!” he tweeted. Trump further railed against the “failing” Times earlier Tuesday morning when he temporarily canceled the meeting.

But as he wrapped up his interview, Trump called the Times “a great, great American jewel — world jewel.”

Sources here:

He’s handing out Tax Cuts for the Rich, while raises Taxes on everyone else;

Who Benefits From Donald Trump's Tax Plan?

Trump's Plan

$0 - 37,500
N/A (single-filer rates)
$0 - 75,000
$37,500 - 112,500
N/A (single-filer rates)
$75,000 - 225,000
N/A (single-filer rates)

Current Plan

$0 - 9,275
$0 - 13,250
$0 - 18,550
$9,275 - 37,650
$13,250 - 50,400
$18,550 - 75,300
$37,650 - 91,150
$50,400 - 130,150
$75,300 - 151,900
$91,150 - 190,150
$130,150 - 210,800
$151,900 - 231,450
$190,150 - 413,350
$210,800 - 413,350
$231,450 - 413,350
$413,350 - 415,050
$413,350 - 441,000
$413,350 - 466,950
Credit: Brittany Mayes/NPR

Donald Trump proposes having three tax brackets, down from the current seven, and repealing the head-of-household tax-filing category. The standard deduction would be $30,000 for married couples filing jointly (up from $12,600 currently) and $15,000 for single individuals (up from $6,300).

Tax Increases Projected Under Trump Plan

Lily Batchelder, a law professor at NYU and visiting fellow at the Tax Policy Center, says Donald Trump's plan would boost taxes for many families, with some of the largest increases applying to single-parent families "because of the repeal of the head of household filing status and personal exemptions."

  • A single parent with $75,000 in earnings, two school-age children and no child care costs would face a tax increase of around $2,440.

  • A single parent with $50,000 in earnings, three school-age children and no child care costs would also face a tax increase of around $1,188.

  • A married couple with $50,000 in earnings, two school-age children and no child care costs would face a tax increase of about $150.

  • Other married couples would get almost no benefit.

Source: Tax Policy Center

Jobs, you can forget about Trump saving the day on that.

Automation is already here, you’re better off preparing for a new career if you are able bodied enough to do so.

The big reason Trump is going to struggle to keep his promise on jobs

The Jobs Donald Trump Wants to Bring Back Will Be Gone by 2020

Manufacturing Jobs Aren’t Coming Back
President-elect Trump’s promise to bring back production jobs ignores the realities of advanced manufacturing.
by Mark Muro  November 18, 2016

Don’t Blame China For Taking U.S. Jobs
by  Wolfgang Lehmacher  NOVEMBER 8, 2016, 1:39 PM EST

Trump's populism is only the beginning. Here come the robots.
by Matt McFarland   @mattmcfarland
November 17, 2016: 12:24 PM ET

He’s gone back to treating the Clintons like he loves them.

Lesley Stahl: You called her “crooked Hillary,” said you wanted to get in jail, your people in your audiences kept saying, “Lock em’ up.”

Donald Trump: Yeah. She did--

Lesley Stahl: Do you—

Donald Trump: She did some bad things, I mean she did some bad things--

Lesley Stahl: I know, but a special prosecutor? You think you might…

Donald Trump: I don’t want to hurt them. I don’t want to hurt them. They’re, they’re good people. I don’t want to hurt them. And I will give you a very, very good and definitive answer the next time we do 60 Minutes together.


It’s consistent with what he said about Hillary years ago.

In other Breaking News, but it turns out that Hillary and Donald are related.

Reminds me of when we were told Obama, Bush and Cheney are related.

Looks like “Lock her Up!” and “Build that Wall!” sounded more like “Yes We Can!” after all.

Hey, you know what, how about we just do what President Obama and Henry Kissinger said after meeting with Donald Trump.

“We’ll have to wait and see what he does...”


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