Monday, November 28, 2016

Election 2016 Part 02: "That’s called Business." --Donald Trump

"Seek the good of the nation" --Wayne Grudem on Donald Trump as the Moral Choice in the 2016 Election

“Mr. Trump is either inexcusably hypocritical or inexcusably ignorant of economics,” according to Donald J. Boudreaux, a professor of economics at George Mason University. “There is zero economic difference between, say, a U.S. car company’s investments abroad in factories and Mr. Trump’s own investments abroad in hotels: both are meant to improve the bottom line of companies headquartered in the U.S. by taking advantage of profitable economic opportunities outside of the U.S.”

08/17/2015 @ 05:00 PM

Within minutes of the beginning of the first presidential debate, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton brought up some of Donald Trump’s more thoughtless past comments—in particular, a 2007 snippet in which the real estate mogul said he was “excited” for the housing market crash that would come a year later.

“People have been talking about the end of the cycle for 12 years, and I’m excited if it is,” he told The Globe and Mail. “I’ve always made more money in bad markets than in good markets.”

When Clinton told viewers that Trump had “rooted” for the recession, Trump shot back, “that’s called business.”

While a number of publications have focussed on his Tax Returns, we’ll leave that alone since the very idea of showing one’s Tax Returns stems from a false concept of transparency.

He’s maintained that his Tax Returns are in his own words “It’s none of your business” and he’s absolutely right.

There’s no Constitutional mandate to release them, but he’s bald face lying when he continues to say that the IRS won’t allow him to release his Tax Returns until he’s done with being audited.

We’ll simply look at this Global Business connections.

As Donald Trump once said,

"While Hillary profits off the rigged system, I am fighting for you! Remember the simple phrase: #FollowTheMoney"
5:17 PM - 29 Sep 2016

Donald Trump has deep financial ties to Russia:

As reported in The Guardian:

A key figure at the Republican national convention where Donald Trump was nominated for president has strong business ties with Ukraine, the Guardian has learned.

The party platform, written at the convention in Cleveland last week, removed references to arming Ukraine in its fight against pro-Russia rebels, who have received material support from the Kremlin. Trump’s links to Russia are under scrutiny after a hack of Democratic national committee emails, allegedly by Russian agents.

The coordinator of the Washington diplomatic corps for the Republicans in Cleveland was Frank Mermoud, a former state department official involved in business ventures in Ukraine via Cub Energy, a Black Sea-focused oil and gas company of which he is a director. He is also on the board of the US Ukraine Business Council.

Mermoud has longstanding ties to Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, who in 2010 helped pro-Russia Viktor Yanukovych refashion his image and win a presidential election in Ukraine. Manafort was brought in earlier this year to oversee the convention operations and its staffing.

Three sources at the convention also told the Guardian that they saw Philip Griffin, a long-time aide to Manafort in Kiev, working with the foreign dignitaries programme.

“After years of working in the Ukraine for Paul and others, it was surprising to run into Phil working at the convention,” one said.

The change to the platform on arming Ukraine was condemned even by some Republicans. Senator Rob Portman of Ohio described it as “deeply troubling”. Veteran party operative and lobbyist Charlie Black said the “new position in the platform doesn’t have much support from Republicans”, adding that the change “was unusual”.

Thousands of Democratic National Committee emails, meanwhile, were hacked and published by WikiLeaks on the eve of the party’s convention in Philadelphia this week. The mails showed that officials, who are meant to remain impartial, favoured Hillary Clinton and discussed ways to undermine her rival, Bernie Sanders. The leak led to the resignation of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Since the DNC hack became public, hacks against the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Clinton campaign have been reported.

The FBI is investigating, with all signs pointing to Russian involvement, though Moscow rejects this but experts argue Vladimir Putin has attempted in the past to damage western democracy, saying Russian security agencies have made cyberattacks on French, Greek, Italian and Latvian targets during elections. In 2014, malware was discovered in Ukrainian election software that would have robbed it of legitimacy.

Alina Polyakova, deputy director of the Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center at the Atlantic Council, said: “We can’t say 100% that Mr Putin had a hand in any of this but this kind of meddling in other countries’ affairs is part of Russia’s toolkit. It’s a kind of asymmetric warfare. To me, this looks like something straight from the Russian secret service playbook, but I’m surprised at how brazen they’ve been.”

Trump and his campaign have denied any connection to the hack but on Wednesday he ignited a firestorm by calling on Russia to find 30,000 emails deleted from the private server used by Clinton while she was secretary of state in the Obama administration. “I think you will probably be mightily rewarded by our press,” he said. He later claimed that he was being sarcastic.

You can read more on this here: (sources)
Saturday 30 July 2016 10.38 EDT

It was not long after that Guardian article was written, documents were discovered revealing that Trump’s Campaign chairman Paul Manafort received millions in payments from the pro-Kremlin part of Ukraine which forced him to resign.
PBS NewsHour reports:

Once-secret accounting documents of Ukraine’s pro-Kremlin party were released Friday, purporting to show payments of $12.7 million earmarked for Paul Manafort, who resigned from his job as Donald Trump’s campaign chairman following the revelations.

Manafort’s resignation comes a day after The Associated Press reported that confidential emails from his firm contradicted his claims that he had never lobbied on behalf of Ukrainian political figures in the U.S.

The AP found that Manafort helped Ukraine’s Party of Regions secretly route at least $2.2 million to two Washington lobbying firms. Manafort told Yahoo News that the AP’s account was wrong.

Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau, which was set up in 2014 to deal with high-profile corruption cases, is studying the so-called black ledgers of the Party of Regions which investigators believe are essentially logs of under-the-table cash payments that the party made to various individuals.

The bureau on Friday released 19 pages of the logs which contain 22 line-item entries where Manafort is listed as the ultimate recipient of funds totaling $12.7 million. The bureau said, however, that it cannot prove that Manafort actually received the money because other people including a prominent Party of the Regions deputy signed for him in those entries.

Handwritten notes in a column describe what the payments were used for with entries such as: “Payment for Manafort’s services,” ”contract payment to Manafort” dated between November 2011 and October 2012.

Manafort and business associate Rick Gates, another top strategist in Trump’s campaign, were working in 2012 on behalf of the political party of Ukraine’s then-president, Viktor Yanukovych.

You’ll find source and more on this here:

Donald Trump spent a lot of time during Republican Primary talking about China.

"What I'm saying is this, I'm saying that we do it but if they don't start treating us fairly and stop devaluing and let their currency rise so that our companies can compete and we don't lose all of these millions of jobs that we're losing, I would certainly start taxing goods that come in from China. Who the hell has to lose 505 billion dollars a year?"

--Donald Trump, Jan. 14, 2016

Here’s the thing, he’s had no problem having his own branded products made in a nation that in his own words: “rape our country”

"We can't continue to allow China to rape our country, and that's what they're doing,"

As reported on numerous publications, here’s a sample from CNN Money:

Donald J. Trump signature men's dress shirts are made in China, Bangladesh or "imported," meaning they were made abroad.

And it's not just Donald's products. Harvard professor and trade expert Robert Lawrence analyzed over 800 items in the Ivanka Trump fashion line. There are shoes, dresses, purses and scarves. All are "imported."

The top five countries that America imports clothing from are China (by far the leader), India, Vietnam, Pakistan and Mexico.

You can find sources and more here:

Even Conservatives have pointed out the clear contradictions of Trump’s Anti-Globalization/Pro-Nationalism Presidential platform.

Trump’s advocacy of protectionism and massive tariffs remains one of the most troubling aspects of his campaign, not least of which for the harm it would assuredly inflict on hard-working, tax-paying Americans both in terms of their jobs and daily expenses.  The fact that Trump’s political rhetoric runs directly contrary to his own globalist actions as a very successful and wealthy businessman requires a better explanation than he has given thus far.

05/07/2016 -- Mark Levin


Trump’s own VP pick was Pro-TPP not too long ago.

From the Washington Post:
Before he became governor of Indiana and a candidate to be Donald Trump's vice-presidential nominee, Mike Pence was a congressman, and he voted for every free-trade agreement that came before him. That record, along with at least two votes favoring freer trade with China, puts him squarely at odds with Trump on one of the signature issues of the businessman's presidential campaign.

Pence backed trade agreements with Colombia, South Korea, Panama, Peru, Oman, Chile and Singapore during his House tenure from 2001 through 2012. He voted for the Central American Free Trade Agreement, or CAFTA.

He voted to keep the United States in the World Trade Organization and to maintain permanent normal trade relations with China, the country Trump repeatedly criticized for unfair trade practices and threatens with tariffs to boost U.S. job creation.

Pence also has publicly supported the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement of Pacific Rim nations, an agreement negotiated by the Obama administration which Trump opposes and has likened to rape.

You can read more here (07/14/2016)

We should note that Mike Pence was not his first pick.
How can he ‘Make America Great Again’ if he can’t even choose his own VP?
Hillary Clinton and Mike Pence have something in common.
They’ve both flip-flopped on TPP.

From Politifact, the Hillary on TPP Timeline:

She has addressed the trade deal on a number of occasions since official negotiations started in 2010 (CNN counted at least 45 comments), so we’ll note her most representative remarks in chronological order.

Sept. 8, 2010, remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations: "We want to realize the benefits from greater economic integration. In order to do that, we have to be willing to play. To this end ... we're pursuing a regional agreement with the nations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and we know that that will help create new jobs and opportunities here at home."

March 9, 2011, remarks at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum: "The United States is also making important progress on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which will bring together nine APEC economies in a cutting-edge, next generation trade deal, one that aims to eliminate all trade tariffs by 2015 while improving supply change, saving energy, enhancing business practices both through information technology and green technologies."

July 8, 2012, remarks with a Japanese official: "The United States welcomes Japan's interest in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which we think will connect economies throughout the region, making trade and investment easier, spurring exports, creating jobs."

Nov. 5, 2012, remarks in Australia: "This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field. And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40 percent of the world's total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment."

July 2014, in her memoir Hard Choices: "Because TPP negotiations are still ongoing, it makes sense to reserve judgment until we can evaluate the final proposed agreement. It’s safe to say the TPP won’t be perfect -- no deal negotiated among a dozen countries ever will be -- but its higher standards, if implemented and enforced, should benefit American businesses and workers… The TPP became the economic pillar of our strategy in Asia."

May 22, 2015, at a press conference in New Hampshire: "I've been for trade agreements, I've been against trade agreements, voted for some, voted against others, so I want to judge this when I see exactly what exactly is in it and whether or not I think it meets my standards," adding she had some "concerns" about the TPP.


"I still believe in the goal of a strong and fair trade agreement in the Pacific as part of a broader strategy both at home and abroad, just as I did when I was secretary of state," Clinton said in an Oct. 7 statement. "I appreciate the hard work that President Obama and his team put into this process and recognize the strides they made. But the bar here is very high and, based on what I have seen, I don't believe this agreement has met it."

Donald Trump has made it clear that Hillary Clinton is a friend of the Bankers.

Trump hires Wall Street bankers to work for him while criticizing Hillary Clinton for doing the same. Which makes him a hypocrite.

Steven Mnuchin is the Finance Chair for Trump, Goldman Sachs

John Paulson, confirmed CFR Member, Hedge Fund Manager, Founder and President of Paulson & Co.

Stephen Feinberg, active in hedge fund management and private equity. He is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Cerberus Capital Management, L.P.

Stephen Calk - the founder of the Federal Savings Bank

Wilbur Ross, Billionaire who spent 25 years running Rothschild Inc’s bankruptcy practice.
Graduate of Xavier High School (New York City), an independent Jesuit university-preparatory high school for young men. He is the Owner of WL Ross & Corp, International Steel Group, and Vice Chairman of Bank of Cyprus.

Stephen Bannon, Investment Banker, Media Executive, Filmmaker, Political Consultant, Executive chairman of Breitbart's parent company, a self-proclaim 'Leninist' as the chief executive of his campaign.

We all know that George Soros funded Barack Obama's campaign with $1 million to Pro-Obama Super PAC in 2012, and he appears to be backing Hillary as well, with $8 million in 2016.

In 2004, Soros he loaned Donald Trump $160 million for a Tower in Chicago.

As reported in the Daily Beast:

Tim Kaine is taking some right-wing heat for getting dinner with the son of lefty billionaire and top GOP villain George Soros.

“NEW SOROS SEED RISES: Tim Kaine Dines with Billionaire Son,” blared a Drudge Report headline.

It linked to a Breitbart News piece saying the pair broke bread as Trump’s rise “TERRIFIES WORLD ELITE.” But if Kaine is friendly with Alex Soros, it probably doesn’t compare to the good times Donald Trump has shared with Soros’s dad.


The pair’s relationship goes back more than a decade. In 2004, Soros lent Trump a cool $160 million to help with the construction of Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune reported. At the time, some Chicagoans were skeptical that Trump would ever get his tower built. The project, after all, was yuuuge.

“It is such a huge project, and the prices he said he was getting were so outside the norm,” Robert Glickman, then the head of Chicago’s Corus Bank, told the Tribune. “It was reasonable to say, ‘Is this real?’”
Trump crowed about pre-sales of condos in the building.

“It’s a great tribute to Chicago, to the location and to a great design,” he said, according to the paper. “And, I guess, to Trump, when you think of it.”

sources and more here:

You don't think he owes Soros some favors?
If Soros had loaned $160 million to Obama or Clinton, people would have lost their minds.


Is Donald Trump really the “Anti-Establishment” Candidate?

He's already met with Henry Kissinger (CFR Member, Globalist and War-Criminal) and Richard Haas (President, Council on Foreign Relations).

The Telegraph:

Mr Kissinger is the latest in a string of policy experts sought out by Mr Trump as he looks to reassure the Republican establishment that he is not, as Hillary Clinton has described him, a "loose cannon".

19 MAY 2016

The New York Times:

Donald J. Trump, who again declined on Thursday morning to say whom he talks to about foreign affairs, held a private briefing last summer with Richard N. Haass, the president of the Council on Foreign Relations, a spokeswoman for Mr. Haass said Thursday.

The spokeswoman, Iva Zoric, released a statement after Mr. Trump made a laudatory statement about Mr. Haass in an appearance Thursday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“I respect Richard Haass, who’s on your show a lot,” Mr. Trump said. “And I like him a lot. I have a few people that I really like and respect.’

4:41 PM ET

This is an interesting connection, because we already know the CFR has it’s hands in the media. None of the negative publicity affected his polling in a negative way for a reason.

It’s estimated that he has received nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising.
As he said himself:

“There’s no reason to raise that,” he said when asked about the $1 billion fundraising goal. “I just don’t think I need nearly as much money as other people need because I get so much publicity. I get so many invitations to be on television. I get so many interviews, if I want them.”


The same media he claims is crooked, and we all know he’s right about that, but I digress.
The Guardian:

At a Saturday night rally in Fairfield, Connecticut, Trump went so far as to say that his race is not against the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, but against journalists. “I’m not running against Crooked Hillary,” he told a crowd. “I’m running against the crooked media.”

On Sunday, the nominee challenged the application of first amendment rights: “It is not ‘freedom of the press’ when newspapers and others are allowed to say and write whatever they want even if it is completely false!”

Sunday 14 August 2016 14.30 EDT

He's on the record agreeing with CFR Foreign policy. So there's no denying that there's already influence from the CFR.

Speaking of foreign policy.

Let's take a look at Donald Trump's official foreign policy team.

Joseph E. Schmitz is an American lawyer, former inspector general of the United States Department of Defense and a former executive with Blackwater Worldwide.
He attended Stanford University, and is a Roman Catholic.

He lied about his views concerning Iraq. All while criticizing Hillary for supporting the same war.

As reported in PolitiFact:

In a policy speech June 22, 2016, in New York, Trump tried to contrast himself with his likely fall opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

"In short, Hillary Clinton’s tryout for the presidency has produced one deadly foreign policy disaster after another," Trump said. "It all started with her bad judgment in supporting the War in Iraq in the first place.

"Though I was not in government service, I was among the earliest to criticize the rush to war, and yes, even before the war ever started," Trump said.

> He clearly lied.

Most damning to Trump’s claim is a September 2002 interview in which Trump said he supported the Iraq invasion.

Shock jock Howard Stern asked Trump if he supported the looming invasion.

Trump responded, "Yeah, I guess so."

This goes directly against Trump’s claims that he criticized the rush to war before the war began.

On Jan. 28, 2003, just under three months before the invasion, Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked Trump whether President George W. Bush should be more focused on Iraq or the economy.

Speaking of Iraq, Trump said, "Well, he has either got to do something or not do something, perhaps, because perhaps shouldn't be doing it yet and perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations, you know. He's under a lot of pressure. I think he's doing a very good job. But, of course, if you look at the polls, a lot of people are getting a little tired. I think the Iraqi situation is a problem. And I think the economy is a much bigger problem as far as the president is concerned."


You can view the complete timeline of this lie here:
And here:

To further confirm his true intentions with Iraq and the Middle East., he chooses James Woolsey as his senior adviser on national security issues.

The Intercept:

Donald Trump named former CIA director and extremist neoconservative James Woolsey his senior adviser on national security issues on Monday. Woolsey, who left the CIA in 1995, went on to become one of Washington’s most outspoken promoters of U.S. war in Iraq and the Middle East.

As such, Woolsey’s selection either clashes with Trump’s noninterventionist rhetoric — or represents a pivot towards a more muscular, neoconservative approach to resolving international conflicts.

Trump has called the Iraq War “a disaster.”

Woolsey, by contrast, was a key member of the Project for the New American Century — a neoconservative think tank largely founded to encourage a second war with Iraq. Woolsey signed a letter in 1998 calling on Clinton to depose Saddam Hussein and only hours after the 9/11 attacks appeared on CNN and blamed the attacks on Iraq. Woolsey has continued to insist on such a connection despite the complete lack of evidence to support his argument. He also blames Iran.

Weeks before the invasion of Iraq, Woolsey called for broader war in the Middle East, saying “World War IV” was already underway.

Sep. 12 2016, 3:22 p.m.
Sources and more here:

He’s not looking so “Anti-Establishment” now, is he?

Then we have Roger Ailes found/former Chairman and CEO of Fox News.
In July 2016, after the resignation of Roger Ailes due to accusations of sexual harassment, Murdoch was named the acting CEO of Fox News.

Roger Ailes has been credited with creating ‘modern conservatism’ is now an advisor for the Trump campaign. This is not his first rodeo.

This is the same man accused of sexually harassing several women. Just like Donald Trump and Bill Clinton. That’s a revealing parallel. Especially considering that Trump defended him.

Trump and his own surrogate Steve Cortes admitted on live Television that Trump has paid to play, while claiming the Clinton Foundation has done the same thing.

“It is clear that Clinton is the pick of the establishment, which explains the largely negative coverage of Trump in the mainstream media. But considering the nature of the advisers surrounding Trump, the establishment has pulled its usual trick of ensuring that it controls both major candidates in the presidential race.”

--Steven MacMillan, The Counterpunch, AUGUST 19, 2016

Are you starting to see a pattern of here?
All this has to make one wonder why Alex Jones is endorsing him so much.

Election 2016 Part 03: Political Rise and Birth of a Campaign

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