On May 28th, 2015, I saw the following article posted on Facebook with this caption:
"Down and down and down we go... What happens when society turns it's back on God and his law."
Americans are shifting left on almost every social issue you can think of
Updated by Matthew Yglesias on May 28, 2015, 9:00 a.m. ET
Americans are feeling a lot more permissive about things in 2015 than they did in 2001.
A recent Gallup poll shows Americans are more likely to say that gay sex is morally acceptable, that divorce is acceptable, that extramarital affairs are acceptable, that physician-assisted suicide is acceptable, and even that cloning animals or human beings is acceptable:
It's not that these matters are related or even that anything goes — public support for cloning, suicide, and polygamy (among other things) remains distinctly low. But the matter of what is acceptable behavior has widely expanded.
Just about the only things Americans are less likely to accept since 2001? The death penalty and animal testing. While the trend is shifting in a libertarian direction, the rising influence of "cultural liberal" values seem to move along with more libertine views about sex and a growing compassion toward convicted criminals and non-human animals.
What am I leading to?
Keep reading.
Remember when I said I noticed people liking content related to black people being shot and beaten but never posting anything about whites committing crime?
Take a look at this interesting conversation: (concerning the same-sex marriage ruling)
Person 1: "Was this the last nail in the coffin for America? We will just have to wait and see where the American society goes from here. My projection, into the dumps even further than before."
Person 2: "I think that we are about to see a lot of changes, and not many, if any, good ones. This is going to provide leverage for all the LGBT people, and I think we are going to see Christians being sued, fined, and sent to jail for taking a stand on the Word of God. And we'll see a lot of "Christians" that will be showing that they are not true Christians."
> You know how to avoid being persecuted before it's actually time to be persecuted? Stop trying to apply the Word of God to the constitution.
Person 1: "Christ told us this would happen so I'm not offended just still hate to see it that's all."
Person 2: "Agreed. I think that we (that is, all Christians) should cling to whatever rights we have, and fight to keep them, but my prayer is for the course that will bring God the most glory, and most speed the return of Jesus."
Person 1: "Same here. He will bring it all around I know because he is in control and nothing happens without his notice."
Person 2: "You know this is just further proof that the fallen angels are unrepentant and are continuing to try and destroy God's plan by taking as many in the flesh with them as they can we should pray for their help against these fallen spirits."
These two people think that that this meme is true:
(and quite a few people liked it when it was posted on Facebook)
I like it when people only trust government data when it fits their world view.
I know for a fact that people who clicked 'like' on this didn't even bother to prove it.
Do I have a bias?
Allow me to explain why.
I am a black man.
I know, shocking right?
You see, how the police treat other black people affects me because even after Jesus Christ called me, repenting of my sins, being baptized and keeping the Law of God I am still black.
That will never change.
I still have to operate and move accordingly since I live in black skin.
So I obey the law and take it even further than that.
I move with caution, as thought I am around bears in the woods.
You think I'm worried about being persecuted as a Christian?
Please, one slip and I can be shot reaching for my wallet.
"but...Jesus Christ can protect you..."
Yes, and he has.
I think there's a reason for that:
I obey the law and do not protest when my rights are violated.
Unlike the rest of the black population, I am an Ambassador of Christ.
Being wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove is how I roll in all things.
It's the reason my personal Facebook page will never have political or religious content.
It's pretty simple.
I've been trying to understand why people think that same-sex marriage is what will cause America to fall.
I mean, what about all the other things America has done before anyone announced being fruity was "OK"?
Why do people continue to connect the Word of God and the Constitution as though they are the same?
Let me be clear:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
Even with same-sex marriage being law, you can still do the following:
1) Pray to Jesus Christ.
2) Get married to the opposite sex under the name of Jesus Christ.
"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."
--John Adams
This has already been chopped up here:
So, what is worse?
Same-sex marriage.
The CFR media contributes to perceptions and misconceptions:
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