Remember the piece I wrote up:
"I just want to note something I noticed..."
Well, I decided in January 2015, that if I saw misinformation posted on Facebook I would not correct it.
Then, as the death of DJS approached, the misinformation became even more prevalent.
As I said in a previous post:
In the after math of recent events concerning police brutality, I noticed something...
No one I know on Facebook that attended the COGEA posted news concerning the The Biker Shooting in Waco:
These are the same people who had zero issue sending a video out of a Black Man discussing compliance to police:
or this popular video of 'Micheal Brown' allegedly beating another man in Texas. Which has thoroughly been proven to not be him:
I find that to be very, very revealing.
Now we have this situation going on in McKinney...
The weekend, I saw zero posts on Facebook concerning the Domestic Terrorist Attack on the DPD from those who constantly post anti-Obama, pro-republican and so on.
Suspect in Dallas Police HQ attack has criminal history
DALLAS — The suspect in an armored van that engaged in a shooting outside Dallas Police headquarters and led officers on a chase to Hutchins, TX told
more on him here:
Dallas shooter was a conspiracy theorist who threatened to shoot up schools and churches: reports
Tom Boggioni
13 Jun 2015 at 12:37 ET
Timeline: How the Dallas Police HQ attack happened
12:30 a.m. Saturday - Shots fired outside Dallas Police headquarters 12:45 a.m. - More shots fired at a Jack in the Box on the Interstate 45 access
These are the same people who like and post misinformation such as the following:
The chances of this nation having a Republican President in 2016 are very high.
It's going to be interesting seeing the kinds of things posted about who is chosen as president.
Very interesting, indeed.
One more thing...
Alex Jones insists on non-violence while hyping up the anti-government mindset:
Yes, I know about the Van bought on Ebay:
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