Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Social Media Observations - Gun Control Memes

Yet another post by a person who has no idea what they are talking about.

The person who posted that would have never done so a few years ago.
After leaving COGEA bitter over what was not being done concerning Tim West speaking inaccurately from the pulpit, this person has become quite the Facebook Activist. (No, I'm not giving you this persons name.)

The Word of God says to endure until the end, not endure until you are good and ready to make a move on your own.

First off, a church full of black people with guns will not happen.

We're not encouraged to own guns, as a matter of fact, I've already researched and cracked this open:

Ronald Reagan and Gun Control - 01.16.2013


'Good Guy With a Gun' Stories Are a Lot Less Common Than the NRA Wants You to Believe
Posted: 06/22/2015 4:55 pm EDT Updated: 06/22/2015 4:59 pm EDT

Charleston shootings reminiscent of 2007 local tragedy
Former security guard Jeanne Assam reflects on shooting gunman who killed two sisters at New Life Church
POSTED: 08:41 PM MDT Jun 18, 2015
UPDATED: 10:47 PM MDT Jun 18, 2015

If black people in churches owned guns, or had a guard at the door with a gun, it would be seen as militant.

I hear and read a lot of right-wing non-sense about the tyranny "America" is facing, and Ted Cruz had the nerve to suggest that Same-Sex Marriage being legal was the darkest day in our history.

9 people were just murdered in a Church and Ted Cruz thinks that gays getting married is darker than that?

I think his thoughts reflect the mindset of a lot of people on the right.

Let me tell you something, tyranny has always been here, ask any black person that has ever had their car searched without a warrant or probable cause.
Tyranny has been a part of our lives since day one, they just have kicked your behind, yet.

I'm not on the right or the left, I'm in the stands watching it all go down.

Monday, June 29, 2015

What the difference between Same-Sex Marraige and Pedophilia?

The short answer:

Two people of the same-sex are consenting to that sin, a child cannot consent to anything of that nature.

I saw following article posted with the caption:

"This was predicted, and here it is. Bestiality will be the next thing after this."

Psychologist claims 'minor-attracted persons' normal as heterosexuals
Published: 07/18/2013 at 9:24 PM

That article is relying on several people who are not even relevant to the agenda to support the idea that adult-child sexual relationships will eventually be valid and normal. This approach to research fails on it's face from the first paragraph.

I asked in April: (after Bruce Jenner announced his Transgendered distraction, I mean desire)

> So, what's next?

from Late Greek πολυγαμία, polygamia, "state of marriage to many spouses"

(from Greek πολύ poly, "many, several", and Latin amor, "love") is the practice, desire, or acceptance of intimate relationships that are not exclusive with respect to other sexual or intimate relationships, with knowledge and consent of everyone involved

> Will the world accept the absolute worst kind of sickness?

Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger.

> I use to think so, but I think since it's an obvious victimization of children, (and even the most anti-Christ individuals would agree) that the masses would never accept it as normal human behavior.

Consider the following:

Multiple Lovers, Without Jealousy
Polyamorous people still face plenty of stigmas, but some studies suggest they handle certain relationship challenges better than monogamous people do.
Olga Khazan
Illustrations by Jackie Lay
JULY 21, 2014

When I met Jonica Hunter, Sarah Taub, and Michael Rios on a typical weekday afternoon in their tidy duplex in Northern Virginia, a very small part of me worried they might try to convert me.

All three live there together, but they aren’t roommates—they’re lovers.

Or rather, Jonica and Michael are. And Sarah and Michael are. And so are Sarah and whomever she happens to bring home some weekends. And Michael and whomever he might be courting. They’re polyamorous.

Michael is 65, and he has a chinstrap beard that makes him look like he just walked off an Amish homestead. Jonica is 27, with close-cropped hair, a pointed chin, and a quiet air. Sarah is 46 and has an Earth Motherly demeanor that put me at relative ease.

Together, they form a polyamorous “triad”— one of the many formations that’s possible in this jellyfish of a sexual preference. “There’s no one way to do polyamory” is a common refrain in “the community.” Polyamory—which literally means “many loves”—can involve any number of people, either cohabiting or not, sometimes all having sex with each other, and sometimes just in couples within the larger group.

more here:

Considering Bestiality for a moment, that is also something that a majority believe to be a crime against animals.

Zoophilia is a paraphilia involving a sexual fixation on animals. Bestiality is cross-species sexual activity between human and non-human animals.

Remember, they plan on outlawing the very eating of meat in the future, why would they allow raping animals?

They don't need to make what the whole of society agrees to be criminal behavior legal in order to bring about Global Government.

I just don't see them going that far, especially considering the pattern of Babylonian behavior so far. (yes, I could be wrong, but I'll need more data to believe it.)


The New Normal - 06.29.2015

A good friend of mine pointing me to this, you know who you are.


Orthodox Christians Must Now Learn To Live as Exiles in Our Own Country
Rod Dreher @roddreher  June 26, 2015

"Rod Dreher is a senior editor and blogger at The American Conservative."

For one, we have to accept that we really are living in a culturally post-Christian nation. The fundamental norms Christians have long been able to depend on no longer exist. To be frank, the court majority may impose on the rest of the nation a view widely shared by elites, but it is also a view shared by a majority of Americans. There will be no widespread popular resistance to Obergefell. This is the new normal.

more here:



When the author says "Orthodox Christians", he doesn't know that he is really saying Catholic.


There's worse things going on besides same-sex marriage...

On May 28th, 2015, I saw the following article posted on Facebook with this caption:

"Down and down and down we go... What happens when society turns it's back on God and his law."


Americans are shifting left on almost every social issue you can think of
Updated by Matthew Yglesias on May 28, 2015, 9:00 a.m. ET

Americans are feeling a lot more permissive about things in 2015 than they did in 2001.

A recent Gallup poll shows Americans are more likely to say that gay sex is morally acceptable, that divorce is acceptable, that extramarital affairs are acceptable, that physician-assisted suicide is acceptable, and even that cloning animals or human beings is acceptable:

It's not that these matters are related or even that anything goes — public support for cloning, suicide, and polygamy (among other things) remains distinctly low. But the matter of what is acceptable behavior has widely expanded.

Just about the only things Americans are less likely to accept since 2001? The death penalty and animal testing. While the trend is shifting in a libertarian direction, the rising influence of "cultural liberal" values seem to move along with more libertine views about sex and a growing compassion toward convicted criminals and non-human animals.



What am I leading to?
Keep reading.


Remember when I said I noticed people liking content related to black people being shot and beaten but never posting anything about whites committing crime?

Take a look at this interesting conversation: (concerning the same-sex marriage ruling)

Person 1: "Was this the last nail in the coffin for America? We will just have to wait and see where the American society goes from here. My projection, into the dumps even further than before."

Person 2: "I think that we are about to see a lot of changes, and not many, if any, good ones. This is going to provide leverage for all the LGBT people, and I think we are going to see Christians being sued, fined, and sent to jail for taking a stand on the Word of God. And we'll see a lot of "Christians" that will be showing that they are not true Christians."

> You know how to avoid being persecuted before it's actually time to be persecuted? Stop trying to apply the Word of God to the constitution.

Person 1: "Christ told us this would happen so I'm not offended just still hate to see it that's all."

Person 2: "Agreed. I think that we (that is, all Christians) should cling to whatever rights we have, and fight to keep them, but my prayer is for the course that will bring God the most glory, and most speed the return of Jesus."

Person 1: "Same here. He will bring it all around I know because he is in control and nothing happens without his notice."

Person 2: "You know this is just further proof that the fallen angels are unrepentant and are continuing to try and destroy God's plan by taking as many in the flesh with them as they can we should pray for their help against these fallen spirits."

These two people think that that this meme is true:
(and quite a few people liked it when it was posted on Facebook)

I like it when people only trust government data when it fits their world view.

I know for a fact that people who clicked 'like' on this didn't even bother to prove it.

Do I have a bias?

Allow me to explain why.

I am a black man.
I know, shocking right?

You see, how the police treat other black people affects me because even after Jesus Christ called me, repenting of my sins, being baptized and keeping the Law of God I am still black.

That will never change.
I still have to operate and move accordingly since I live in black skin.

So I obey the law and take it even further than that.
I move with caution, as thought I am around bears in the woods.

You think I'm worried about being persecuted as a Christian?
Please, one slip and I can be shot reaching for my wallet.

"but...Jesus Christ can protect you..."

Yes, and he has.
I think there's a reason for that:

I obey the law and do not protest when my rights are violated.
Unlike the rest of the black population, I am an Ambassador of Christ.

Being wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove is how I roll in all things.
It's the reason my personal Facebook page will never have political or religious content.

It's pretty simple.


I've been trying to understand why people think that same-sex marriage is what will cause America to fall.

I mean, what about all the other things America has done before anyone announced being fruity was "OK"?

Why do people continue to connect the Word of God and the Constitution as though they are the same?

Let me be clear:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

Even with same-sex marriage being law, you can still do the following:

1) Pray to Jesus Christ.
2) Get married to the opposite sex under the name of Jesus Christ.

"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."
--John Adams

This has already been chopped up here:


So, what is worse?

Same-sex marriage.

The CFR media contributes to perceptions and misconceptions:

Friday, June 26, 2015

Gay Marriage is Now Legal in ALL 50 States

The Supreme Court just legalized same-sex marriage across the US
Updated by German Lopez on June 26, 2015, 10:02 a.m. ET

1) In a landmark decision, the US Supreme Court on June 26 struck down states' same-sex marriage bans, effectively bringing marriage equality to the entire US.

2) The ruling means all states should soon allow same-sex couples to marry, but some states may try to briefly resist the Supreme Court's decision.

3) Before the ruling, same-sex marriages were allowed in 37 states and Washington, DC.

Marriages should begin immediately or very soon in all states

more here:

This is the new normal in Babylon.


Monday, June 22, 2015

Who's the real threat to America again?

The Charleston church shooting occurred on the evening of June 17, 2015..

Take a look at the date of this article.

The Growing Right-Wing Terror Threat

THIS month, the headlines were about a Muslim man in Boston who was accused of threatening police officers with a knife. Last month, two Muslims attacked an anti-Islamic conference in Garland, Tex. The month before, a Muslim man was charged with plotting to drive a truck bomb onto a military installation in Kansas. If you keep up with the news, you know that a small but steady stream of American Muslims, radicalized by overseas extremists, are engaging in violence here in the United States.

But headlines can mislead. The main terrorist threat in the United States is not from violent Muslim extremists, but from right-wing extremists. Just ask the police.

In a survey we conducted with the Police Executive Research Forum last year of 382 law enforcement agencies, 74 percent reported anti-government extremism as one of the top three terrorist threats in their jurisdiction; 39 percent listed extremism connected with Al Qaeda or like-minded terrorist organizations. And only 3 percent identified the threat from Muslim extremists as severe, compared with 7 percent for anti-government and other forms of extremism.

The self-proclaimed Islamic State’s efforts to radicalize American Muslims, which began just after the survey ended, may have increased threat perceptions somewhat, but not by much, as we found in follow-up interviews over the past year with counter terrorism specialists at 19 law enforcement agencies. These officers, selected from urban and rural areas around the country, said that radicalization from the Middle East was a concern, but not as dangerous as radicalization among right-wing extremists.

An officer from a large metropolitan area said that “militias, neo-Nazis and sovereign citizens” are the biggest threat we face in regard to extremism. One officer explained that he ranked the right-wing threat higher because “it is an emerging threat that we don’t have as good of a grip on, even with our intelligence unit, as we do with the Al Shabab/Al Qaeda issue, which we have been dealing with for some time.” An officer on the West Coast explained that the “sovereign citizen” anti-government threat has “really taken off,” whereas terrorism by American Muslim is something “we just haven’t experienced yet.”

Last year, for example, a man who identified with the sovereign citizen movement — which claims not to recognize the authority of federal or local government — attacked a courthouse in Forsyth County, Ga., firing an assault rifle at police officers and trying to cover his approach with tear gas and smoke grenades. The suspect was killed by the police, who returned fire. In Nevada, anti-government militants reportedly walked up to and shot two police officers at a restaurant, then placed a “Don’t tread on me” flag on their bodies. An anti-government extremist in Pennsylvania was arrested on suspicion of shooting two state troopers, killing one of them, before leading authorities on a 48-day manhunt. A right-wing militant in Texas declared a “revolution” and was arrested on suspicion of attempting to rob an armored car in order to buy weapons and explosives and attack law enforcement. These individuals on the fringes of right-wing politics increasingly worry law enforcement officials.

Law enforcement agencies around the country are training their officers to recognize signs of anti-government extremism and to exercise caution during routine traffic stops, criminal investigations and other interactions with potential extremists. “The threat is real,” says the handout from one training program sponsored by the Department of Justice. Since 2000, the handout notes, 25 law enforcement officers have been killed by right-wing extremists, who share a “fear that government will confiscate firearms” and a “belief in the approaching collapse of government and the economy.”

Despite public anxiety about extremists inspired by Al Qaeda and the Islamic State, the number of violent plots by such individuals has remained very low. Since 9/11, an average of nine American Muslims per year have been involved in an average of six terrorism-related plots against targets in the United States. Most were disrupted, but the 20 plots that were carried out accounted for 50 fatalities over the past 13 and a half years.

In contrast, right-wing extremists averaged 337 attacks per year in the decade after 9/11, causing a total of 254 fatalities, according to a study by Arie Perliger, a professor at the United States Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center. The toll has increased since the study was released in 2012.

Other data sets, using different definitions of political violence, tell comparable stories. The Global Terrorism Database maintained by the Start Center at the University of Maryland includes 65 attacks in the United States associated with right-wing ideologies and 24 by Muslim extremists since 9/11. The International Security Program at the New America Foundation identifies 39 fatalities from “non-jihadist” homegrown extremists and 26 fatalities from “jihadist” extremists.

Meanwhile, terrorism of all forms has accounted for a tiny proportion of violence in America. There have been more than 215,000 murders in the United States since 9/11. For every person killed by Muslim extremists, there have been 4,300 homicides from other threats.

Public debates on terrorism focus intensely on Muslims. But this focus does not square with the low number of plots in the United States by Muslims, and it does a disservice to a minority group that suffers from increasingly hostile public opinion. As state and local police agencies remind us, right-wing, anti-government extremism is the leading source of ideological violence in America.

source links, here:

This reminds me of what Jon Stewart said:

"Nine people were shot in a black church by a white guy who hated them who wanted to start some kind of civil war," Stewart added. "The Confederate flag flies over South Carolina. And the roads are named for Confederate generals. And the white guy is the one who feels like his country is being taken away from him. We're bringing it on ourselves. And that's the thing: al-Qaeda, all those guys, ISIS, they're not shit compared to the damage that we can apparently do to ourselves on a regular basis."

Lee Boyd Malvo vs Dylann Roof

This image is circulating:

with a interesting caption:

in response to this:

They are both way off.

The only difference is Lee Boyd was shooting anyone, black or white, man or woman, and Dylann Roof was looking to kill blacks.

Tell you what, let's talk about the fact that unarmed people are more likely to be shot than people have already killed and are still armed.

8 White People Who Pointed Guns At Police Officers and Managed Not to Get Killed
White guys get arrested; black guys often get shot in similar cases.
By Harmon Leon / AlterNet January 12, 2015

Unarmed People of Color Killed by Police, 1999-2014
Rich Juzwiak and Aleksander Chan
Filed to: BLACK LIVES MATTER    12/08/14 2:15pm

Yes, there's one in that list of a guy with a knife, that's considered armed, so they can shoot to kill in that instance. You have consider that people with more fire power have lived and people with less have died.

I mean really.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Racism, Terrorism and The Lone Wolf

I've updated this with some thoughts I'd like to share.

The Alex Jones Team is dead wrong:


The search for a universal, precise definition of terrorism has been challenging for researchers and practitioners alike. Different definitions exist across the federal, international and research communities.

Title 22 of the U.S. Code, Section 2656f(d) defines terrorism as “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.” [1]

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines terrorism as “the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”

Both definitions of terrorism share a common theme: the use of force intended to influence or instigate a course of action that furthers a political or social goal. In most cases, NIJ researchers adopt the FBI definition, which stresses methods over motivations and is generally accepted by law enforcement communities.


If we consider what the shooter said:

"I want to kill black people."

We can come to the conclusion rather easily that he was committing an act of terrorism.

Unless, of course, you consider black people to not be people at all...

I'd like to make not of something else:

Being white and having black friends does not mean you are not racist.

Being black and having white friends does not mean you are not racist.

Never calling someone the opposite of your race a racial slur does not mean you don't have preconceived notions concerning other races.

You can be black man and married to a white woman and still be a racist, and the same goes for white man marrying a black woman and so on and so forth.

I've had black and white people tell me that I 'act white', and that is racist.

"but wait, there's a clear gun control agenda in this!"

Yes, there is, and it's disgusting.
The shooter would have found a way to get a gun, that's what criminal minded people do.

Now, some people are convinced he was a mind control puppet.
There's just one problem with that take on this.
No one ever says that when black people commit crime.

We don't have to let that divide us.
We are called of God, and know what scam is:

Truth: there are racists people in the world that choose to harm those different from this selves.

Lie: we need to have our guns taken from us.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Social Media Observations: Crime and Hypocrisy

The past 6 months have been interesting....

Remember the piece I wrote up:
"I just want to note something I noticed..."

Well, I decided in January 2015, that if I saw misinformation posted on Facebook I would not correct it.

Then, as the death of DJS approached, the misinformation became even more prevalent.

As I said in a previous post:


In the after math of recent events concerning police brutality, I noticed something...

No one I know on Facebook that attended the COGEA posted news concerning the The Biker Shooting in Waco:

These are the same people who had zero issue sending a video out of a Black Man discussing compliance to police:

or this popular video of 'Micheal Brown' allegedly beating another man in Texas. Which has thoroughly been proven to not be him:

I find that to be very, very revealing.

Now we have this situation going on in McKinney...


The weekend, I saw zero posts on Facebook concerning the Domestic Terrorist Attack on the DPD  from those who constantly post anti-Obama, pro-republican and so on.

Suspect in Dallas Police HQ attack has criminal history

DALLAS — The suspect in an armored van that engaged in a shooting outside Dallas Police headquarters and led officers on a chase to Hutchins, TX told


more on him here:

Dallas shooter was a conspiracy theorist who threatened to shoot up schools and churches: reports
Tom Boggioni
13 Jun 2015 at 12:37 ET   

Timeline: How the Dallas Police HQ attack happened
12:30 a.m. Saturday - Shots fired outside Dallas Police headquarters 12:45 a.m. - More shots fired at a Jack in the Box on the Interstate 45 access


These are the same people who like and post misinformation such as the following:



The chances of this nation having a Republican President in 2016 are very high.
It's going to be interesting seeing the kinds of things posted about who is chosen as president.

Very interesting, indeed.

One more thing...

Alex Jones insists on non-violence while hyping up the anti-government mindset:

Yes, I know about the Van bought on Ebay:

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

What's Christian About Being Anti-Gay People?

I wrote this back in April...

So, not serving gay people is taking a stand against sin?
"Dishonesty, thievery, and immoral behavior, etc."

He talks a good game, but does he really turn away those cheating on their spouses?
He probably voted for men who cheated on their wives, over and over again.

There's nothing Christian about what he is doing.

One more thing.

I've heard a lot of non-sense over the years concerning 'Gay Marriage' destroying 'Traditional Marriage'.

There's just one problem with that.
There's no such thing as Gay Marriage.

"but it will confuse my children..."

More so than a Father leaving his children?

Maybe, but if your home is not broken, and you are teaching them right, from the Bible.

You'll also have to accept that God may not even call your children.
That's a hard truth, but it's the reality.

I mean, come on.
He calls who wants, he called Saul of Tarsus.

Just like everything else of Babylonian origin, 'Gay Marriage' will not be in the Kingdom of God.

People cheating and leaving their spouses, that destroys 'Traditional Marriage'.
Not two dudes next door.

Texas will eventually allow for Gay Marriage, it's only a matter of time.


That does not mean I advocate gay marriage by stating a fact, I shouldn't even have to say that, but you know how rumors work.

I mean really.


This is how stupid people have become:

‘Marriage is simply too important:’ Christian couple vows to divorce if gays allowed to wed
10 JUN 2015 AT 11:32 ET       

Sarah and Nick Jensen (screenshot/Twitter)

Sarah and Nick Jensen, an Australian couple, published a letter saying they’re considering divorce after 10 years of marriage — because gay people in the country might soon have the legal right to marry, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.

According to the paper, the Jensens believe “widening the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples threatens the sacred nature of the union and leaves the door open to polygamy.”

The Jensens’ divorce threat letter is lengthy, and can be read in its entirety here. What follows is an exerpt from the text:

“MY wife and I just celebrated our 10-year anniversary. But later this year, we may be getting a divorce. The reason has nothing to do with the state of our marriage. We were married at 21 after being high-school sweethearts for several years before that. In fact, my wife is the only woman I have ever loved, the mother of our children, my perfect match…

After our divorce, we’ll continue to live together, hopefully for another 50 years. And, God willing, we’ll have more children. We’ll also continue to refer to each other as “husband” and “wife” and consider ourselves married by the Church and before God.

So why do this? It will certainly complicate our lives as we try to explain our marital status on the sidelines during Saturday sport. The reason, however, is that, as Christians, we believe marriage is not a human invention.

Our view is that marriage is a fundamental order of creation. Part of God’s intimate story for human history. Marriage is the union of a man and a woman before a community in the sight of God. And the marriage of any couple is important to God regardless of whether that couple recognises God’s involvement or authority in it.

My wife and I, as a matter of conscience, refuse to recognise the government’s regulation of marriage if its definition includes the solemnisation of same sex couples…

When we signed that official-looking marriage certificate 10 years ago at Tuggeranong Baptist Church, we understood that the state was endorsing marriage, as currently defined, as the fundamental social institution – with all that this implied.

But if this is no longer the case, then we no longer wish to be associated with this new definition. Marriage is sacred and what is truly ‘marriage’ will only ever be what it has always been.

This has been a big decision for my wife and I. Some will accuse of us being bigoted or too hateful to share. But this couldn’t be further from our intentions.

The truth is, ‘marriage’ is simply too important. It is a sacred institution, ordained by God. It has always been understood to be that exclusive relationship where one man and one woman become “one flesh”. Any attempt to change the definition of marriage by law is not something in which we are able to partake.”

Nick Jensen directs the Laclan Macquarie Institute, which “[fosters] a greater appreciation of the relevance of a Christian worldview in public policy.”

“In modern Australia,” reads the organization’s vision statement,“we are now seeing the very nature of public life declining at an alarming rate. The adversarial nature of the parties, the unfortunate lack of reasoned debate, the shallowness of media interest, and the manipulation of power has all s een a real need emerge for leaders like Macquarie, leaders of integrity, faith and value.”

sources and more here:


I just want to note something I noticed...

In the after math of recent events concerning police brutality, I noticed something...

No one I know on Facebook that attended the COGEA posted news concerning the The Biker Shooting in Waco:

These are the same people who had zero issue sending a video out of a Black Man discussing compliance to police:

or this popular video of 'Micheal Brown' allegedly beating another man in Texas. Which has thoroughly been proven to not be him:

I find that to be very, very revealing.

Now we have this situation going on in McKinney...

I really would like to break it down but I think I'm going to just...


I mean, what's the point?

People have clearly made up their minds about how justice in this nation should be served.

I'm just gonna sit back and watch the show:





Information Warfare - Literally a War for your Mind

It's hit me pretty hard today that I've been fighting an information war.
Not the same war that Alex Jones fights, but the one where we as Christians:

"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good."

I was just trying to look out for my brethren...

Then a few months back a flurry of misinformed memes/news popped concerning the shooting of Michael Brown and other Black American Males.

That's when I stopped trying to show people, I was burned out on it, and still feel burned out.

Lately, this trend has increased, so much so that someone decided they would actually give "prophecy news" from the pulpit.

My reaction:

I've been seeing more and more bad information pop-up on fellow covenant keepers Facebook feeds.
I mean, I expect Babylonians to fall for non-sense, but people with God's Spirit?

If I'm ever wrong about something, I'm like:

But now I'm convinced after this much time lending a hand in proving all things that some people really do not care about proving any thing.
They just want to be first to the "information market" with the "news" they found.

Instead of people doing this:

"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good."

people are doing the following:

"Prove some things; hold fast that which makes us feel good."

Information Warfare, it's real, and people really enjoy being misinformed.

Now, I know what you're thinking...

"Christ-like character development is more important than knowing how news relates to prophecy..."

You're absolutely right.

Reading and Applying the Word of God is priority number one.
Becoming a better Christian everyday is way more important than knowing whether or not the President was born in Kenya or not.

I just find it really ironic that the very people who were taught (and even teaching):

"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good."

don't actually do that.

Ironic and sad.


P.S.: No, I don't think I'm smarter than most people. I just wish people would second guess the information they see and hear.