My reaction to the following article:
Newspaper runs headline referring to President Obama as N-word
Eric Pfeiffer
By Eric Pfeiffer 14 hours ago Yahoo News
The West View News ran this op-ed using an offensive word to describe President Obama (West View News)
A local paper is making national headlines thanks to a questionable word choice in one of its own news headlines.
The West View News, a monthly paper in New York’s West Village with a circulation of around 20,000, ran an op-ed from author James Lincoln Collier titled “N----r in the White House.”
If the headline wasn't strange and shocking enough, the New York Post reports that the op-ed is actually a pro-Obama piece, in which Collier argues that, "far right voters hate Obama because he is black."
The Post included a photo of the article headline in its piece with the offending language blurred out.
The West View News ran an opposing view column below Collier’s piece by African American columnist Alvin Hall titled, "This headline offends me."
"The decision to use this headline feels misguided to me," Hall writes. "I don’t see how its use benefits anyone, but I do feel all too clearly how it deeply offends me."
It’s not the first time Collier, 86, has stoked controversy through his use of the N-word in publication. His 1981 historical novel Jump Ship to Freedom (co-written with his brother) uses the word repeatedly in its text. It was reportedly taken down from the shelves from several libraries over the years.
So, why did the paper decide to run a headline with such a controversial, and many might say, unnecessary, word choice? It might just come down to little more than a strange case of journalistic rivalry.
West View News editor George Capsis says Collier convinced him to use the word over objections from the paper’s editorial staff.
“In this article, however, Jim reminded me that the New York Times avoids using the word which convinced me that West View should,” Capsis says in an explanation published in the paper and reported by The Post.
The West View News has not formally responded to questions about the editorial and did not run a copy of it on its website.
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People think this is clever, problem is, this is how people are expressing themselves now, and its' not new language:
Niggers in the White House
"Niggers in the White House" is a poem that was published in newspapers around the United States between 1901 and 1903.[1] The poem was written in reaction to an October 1901 White House dinner hosted by Republican President Theodore Roosevelt, who had invited Booker T. Washington, an African-American presidential adviser, as a guest. The poem reappeared in 1929 after First Lady Lou Hoover, wife of President Herbert Hoover, invited the wife of African-American congressman, Oscar DePriest, to a tea for congressmens' wives at the White House.[2]
Both visits triggered widespread condemnation by many throughout the United States, particularly throughout the South. Elected representatives in Congress and state legislatures from southern states voiced objections to the presence of an African American as a guest of the First Family.
The poem is composed of fourteen four-line stanzas, in each of which the second and fourth lines rhyme. The poem also frequently uses the titular epithet "nigger" (over 20 times) as a term to represent African Americans. Senator Hiram Bingham (R) of Connecticut described the poem as "indecent, obscene doggerel."[3]
The identity of the author, who used the byline "unchained poet", remains unknown.
sources here:
Ever hear this phrase?
"Go back to Africa!"
News Site Deletes Tweet That Said Obama 'Needs To Go Back To Kenya'
Colin Campbell
May 23, 2014, 2:50 PM
The North Country Gazette, a news site based in upstate New York, reportedly posted a tweet on its main account Thursday criticizing President Barack Obama and Gov. Andrew Cuomo's visit to Cooperstown's Baseball Hall of Fame by referencing conspiracy theories about Obama's place of birth. The site subsequently deleted the message.
"Obama needs to go back to Kenya and take Cuomo with him. Hall of Fame is a great place---not a place for politics," the Gazette tweeted Thursday afternoon, according to Boston.com, which posted a screenshot of the now-deleted tweet.
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video on this:
WATCH: Ted Cruz's Dad Calls US a "Christian Nation," Says Obama Should Go "Back to Kenya"
Want to understand where the tea party champion's hardcore views come from? Meet his father, Rafael.
—By David Corn
| Thu Oct. 31, 2013 6:00 AM EDT
If you are still confused about where President Obama is from, check this out:
who's his daddy? - 06.26.2012
Let's cut the non-sense, and say what it is.
If the people truly understood the agenda, they would not even talk about Obama.
Just like during the Bush years when the kids on the left thought it was all about Bush.
They would talk about the Jesuit Order, and the one they call Lucifer.
That of course is the purpose of the left/right paradigm.
One more piece of historical context:
I mean really.
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