Spotlight is a 2015 American biographical drama film directed by Tom McCarthy and written by McCarthy and Josh Singer.[4][5] The film follows The Boston Globe's "Spotlight" team, the oldest continuously operating newspaper investigative unit in the United States,[6] and its investigation into cases of widespread and systemic child sex abuse in the Boston area by numerous Roman Catholic Priests. It is based on a series of stories by the real Spotlight Team that earned The Globe the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service.[7] The film stars Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams, John Slattery, Stanley Tucci, Brian d'Arcy James, Liev Schreiber, and Billy Crudup.[8]
More people have come forward with sex assault allegations after the film Spotlight
Jen Mills for Saturday 30 Jan 2016 4:49 pm
More victims of sexual assault have found the courage to come forward after watching Oscar-nominated Spotlight, it has been claimed.
The film tells the true story how investigative reporters from the Boston Globe uncovered child molestation and its cover-up within their local Catholic church in 2001.
In an interview with the Independent, the Globe’s editor-at-large Walter Robinson said the film had made a huge impact on the public ‘in a way that the printed word never could have’. ‘More victims are coming forward because of this film,’ he claimed.
The blockchain will be used by major banks and corporations to control transactions and access.
IBM, J.P. Morgan, and Others Build a New Blockchain For Business
by Stacey Higginbotham @gigastacey DECEMBER 17, 2015, 12:01 AM EST
Bitcoin is out and the Open Ledger Project is in.
IBM, Intel, J.P. Morgan and several other big banks are among those making a big bet on blockchain, the distributed transaction processing engine behind cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. The companies have joined forces to create the Open Ledger Project with the Linux Foundation, with the goal of re-imagining supply chains, contracts and other ways information about ownership and value are exchanged in a digital economy.
IBM is contributing thousands of lines of existing code based on its research into the blockchain based on a years-long research effort. Digital Asset, a company that makes software for designing blockchains, is contributing the Hyperledger name to the project, which will be used for branding the effort, as well as code and developer resources.
The Open Ledger Project isn’t proposing another cryptocurrency, but rather wants to use blockchain technology to create tools to allow businesses to build a distributed ledger for anything they can dream up–from exchanging automotive titles in seconds to paying retail suppliers when a sale is made.
Because the ledger is both connected and distributed, it is easy to track changes to the database and difficult to forge entries or delete them. Honduras uses the technology to track land titles and musicians use using it to let fans pay them directly for songs.
Jerry Cuomo, an IBM Fellow working with the Open Ledger Project, says he wants to help create a distributed ledger to offer businesses privacy, confidentiality and accountability. In many cases when customers came to IBM considering something like Ethereum or Bitcoin, they are worried about their data being stored in the larger community. Even big banks are cautiously embracing blockchain, as opposed to Bitcoin.
One of the options the Open Ledger Project tech provides is a way to limit the community of users who have access to the ledger. A company that chooses to implement a version of an Open Ledger blockchain can elect to use rules that determine who can generate transactions and even authenticate them. In Bitcoin for example, anyone who can do the mining work required to generate a Bitcoin generates a transaction. There’s no velvet rope or possibility of a closed door.
But to make blockchain for business, this element of limiting participation was essential.
“I don’t have a strong opinion on cryptocurrencies, but I have a strong opinion on the blockchain as a solution for contracts and supply chains and the internet of things, Cuomo says. “I think Bitcoin is an interesting application for blockchain but there are thousands of applications and wider use cases beyond that.”
Bring On the Cashless Future
45 JAN 31, 2016 5:00 PM EST
By Editorial Board
Cash had a pretty good run for 4,000 years or so. These days, though, notes and coins increasingly seem declasse: They're dirty and dangerous, unwieldy and expensive, antiquated and so very analog.
Sensing this dissatisfaction, entrepreneurs have introduced hundreds of digital currencies in the past few years, of which bitcoin is only the most famous. Now governments want in: The People's Bank of China says it intends to issue a digital currency of its own. Central banks in Ecuador, the Philippines, the U.K. and Canada are mulling similar ideas. At least one company has sprung up to help them along.
Much depends on the details, of course. But this is a welcome trend. In theory, digital legal tender could combine the inventiveness of private virtual currencies with the stability of a government mint.
Most obviously, such a system would make moving money easier. Properly designed, a digital fiat currency could move seamlessly across otherwise incompatible payment networks, making transactions faster and cheaper. It would be of particular use to the poor, who could pay bills or accept payments online without need of a bank account, or make remittances without getting gouged.
For governments and their taxpayers, potential advantages abound. Issuing digital currency would be cheaper than printing bills and minting coins. It could improve statistical indicators, such as inflation and gross domestic product. Traceable transactions could help inhibit terrorist financing, money laundering, fraud, tax evasion and corruption.
The most far-reaching effect might be on monetary policy. For much of the past decade, central banks in the rich world have been hampered by what economists call the zero lower bound, or the inability to impose significantly negative interest rates. Persistent low demand and high unemployment may sometimes require interest rates to be pushed below zero -- but why keep money in a deposit whose value keeps shrinking when you can hold cash instead? With rates near zero, that conundrum has led policy makers to novel and unpredictable methods of stimulating the economy, such as large-scale bond-buying.
A digital legal tender could resolve this problem. Suppose the central bank charged the banks that deal with it a fee for accepting paper currency. In that way, it could set an exchange rate between electronic and paper money -- and by raising the fee, it would cause paper money to depreciate against the electronic standard. This would eliminate the incentive to hold cash rather than digital money, allowing the central bank to push the interest rate below zero and thereby boost consumption and investment. It would be a big step toward doing without cash altogether.
Digital legal tender isn't without risk. A policy that drives down the value of paper money would meet political resistance and -- to put it mildly -- would require some explaining. It could hold back private innovation in digital currencies. Security will be an abiding concern. Non-cash payments also tend to exacerbate the human propensity to overspend. And you don't have to be paranoid to worry about Big Brother tracking your financial life.
Governments must be alert to these problems -- because the key to getting people to adopt such a system is trust. A rule that a person's transaction history could be accessed only with a court order, for instance, might alleviate privacy concerns. Harmonizing international regulations could encourage companies to keep experimenting. And an effective campaign to explain the new tender would be indispensable.
If policy makers are wise and attend to all that, they just might convince the public of a surprising truth about cash: They're better off without it.
So, this show Lucifer that hit the airwaves, I saw the first episode, and it's pretty stupid.
I mean that in the most sincere way, it's basically a huge joke, just to irritate Babylonian religious and non-religious people. (Yes, it does deceive as well)
You would think "Oh wow, this is pretty messed up."
But here's the thing, there already exists several examples of really messed up films that depict Satan in the same light.
For now, I won't get into that, what I want to talk about is this petition:
Other than this petition being an utter waste of time for Ambassadors of Christ to even consider signing, I want to take a look at something I'm pretty sure people missed.
What is the meaning of the name “Fatima”? I read that Mohammed, founder of Islam, named his daughter Fatima.
The name Fatima means "the shining one" and is indeed the name of Mohammed’s favorite daughter, Fatima Zahra. In some Muslim circles, Fatima Zahra is in some ways considered a Muslim counterpart to Mary, Mother of Jesus, as the ideal model for all women. She is revered for her purity and for her motherhood of a Muslim martyr.
How appropriate then that the Blessed Virgin Mary chose to appear in 1917 in Fatima, a town in Portugal dubbed such for a namesake of Fatima Zahra who converted from Islam to Christianity, and that the miracle given to confirm Mary’s appearances there was a miracle involving the sun. In his book on the Blessed Virgin entitled The World’s First Love, Fulton Sheen speculated that just as Judith, Esther, and other heroic women of the Old Testament were pre-Christian types of Mary, Fatima Zahra may well have been a post-Christian type of Mary.
The 'Fatima' word is used in the Muslim and Catholic religions, that can't be an accident.
We're worried about using the word Lucifer, but we'll keep Christmas?
Missing the Forest for the Trees.
Lucifer, the series is based on a comic book: (yes, we know they got it from the bible, but just hang on a second)
and a horrible translation of Isaiah 14:12
ESV: (English Standard Version)
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low!"
Here's another reading:
KJV: (King James Version)
"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"
NKJV: (New King James Version)
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,[a] son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!"
That scripture above is clearly speaking about Satan.
Below is about our Savior, the God of all Flesh, Jesus Christ.
"I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." --Revelation of John 22:16
Interesting stuff: (this is actually what is taught, plenty of people have left Freemasonry after finding out the truth)
"The 23 Supreme Confederated Councils of the world instructing them that Lucifer was God, and was in opposition to the evil god Adonai. Supporters of Freemasonry contend that, when Albert Pike and other Masonic scholars spoke about the "Luciferian path," or the "energies of Lucifer,"
The Mocker
Prince of Darkness
Lord of Hell
Agent of Heaven
Lord Mister Lux
Prince of the East
Shepherd of Suns
Great Prince
The Adversary
The Devil
Anyhow, there are other films that have done far more damage than this TV series will probably ever do.
Also, I'd like that note that most people who call themselves Catholics, already believe the stuff in this Lucifer series.
It's also a huge part of Freemasonry.
Anyhow, here's a list of films depicting the Devil:
from the "America Needs Fatima" site: 'Like St. Michael, make no compromises with evil - PROTEST NOW >>>>>"
> Um, no, just no.
John 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
Some people think that only means Government, but it's the whole world, including what the media shows us.
If you don't want to watch TV, or certain TV program:
Turn it off, or turn the channel, and leave the petitions and Babylonian thinking to the Babylonians.
Pope Francis Said to Bless Human-Animal Chimeras A scientist sought the Vatican’s approval for mixing human cells in animal embryos. And the Pope said yes. By Antonio Regalado on January 27, 2016
A Spanish scientist working at the Salk Institute in California told Scientific American that Pope Francis personally blessed his cutting edge research to mix human cells into animal bodies.
Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, a prominent stem cell biologist, is engaged in efforts to grow human tissue inside of farm animals such as pigs, sheep, and cows. This type of research is sensitive because scientists have to inject human stem cells into early-stage animal embryos, then try to grow the mixtures inside surrogate animals.
Much of Belmonte’s work occurs in collaboration with a team in the province of Murcia in his native Spain, a sausage and ham loving country which is about 77% Catholic.
“Spain is a very Catholic country, so we had to go through the Pope. He very nicely said yes.” Belmonte told Scientific American. “Yes. The current Pope. So the Vatican is behind this research and has no problem based on the idea is to help humankind [sic]. And in theory all that we will be doing is killing pigs.”
The Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Vatican’s scientific body, did not respond to an email seeking to confirm Pope Francis’ position.
After placing human cells into animal embryos, researchers are watching to see what they do. The likely result is that a small percentage of human cells spread throughout the animal’s body. Belmonte’s eventual hope is to channel the human contribution so that it forms a complete human heart or other organ inside a pig or cow. Such an organ could be used to transplant into a needy patient.
While the Catholic Church has opposed research on human embryos it endorses evolution and generally takes a liberal view on scientific matters. In fact, the Vatican’s position on “human-animal chimeras,” as the mixtures are known, may be more liberal than that of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, which in September instituted a ban on funding chimera research until it can weigh ethical questions associated with it.
Attempts to make this sort of human-animal chimera began only recently. Previously, any added human cells would simply die or the embryo would not live. That changed when Belmonte’s lab and that of Israeli scientist Jacob Hanna each developed new ways of cultivating human stem cells to take on a more “naïve,” primitive state that is able to contribute to the animal embryo.
In 2013, Hanna’s lab at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot showed these naïve cells could contribute to the bodies of fetal mice, resulting in animals with as much as 15% human tissue. Scientists predict a slew of other reports discussing human-animal chimeras soon.
In an interview in December, I asked Hanna what Jewish law had to say about human-animal mixtures.
“I’m not sure. I am a Palestinian Christian,” he said.
He's not sure...because he thinks the Law of God is Jewish.
Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
Leviticus 19:19 Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.
Book of Jasher, Chapter 4 18 And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force from their husbands according to their choice, and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all animals.
If you've ever wondered how the elite would ever make it easy to sell "The Mark", consider the following:
1) The rise of the cashless society happening in Europe.
Sweden ‘on way to becoming cashless society’
14/12 19:03 CET
Cash is falling out of favour in Sweden, according to a research study at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
Many Swedes like people everywhere remain attached to their currency, the krona, which has been used since 1873.
However, it seems the embrace of technology in the country means the use of cash is diminishing rapidly.
While card payments have increased, the amount of cash in circulation has fallen by a quarter in six years despite an annual growth in the economy.
Some believe one day physical money may disappear altogether. “Previously I have always said that around the year 2030 Sweden will, in effect, become cashless – meaning that cash will cease to play any real role in the society. It might still exist in theory but would not play any financial role. But when I look at the developments over the last two years, then I actually think that it will happen faster. We might see it happening in ten years, or even faster than that,” said Niklas Arvidsson, an associate professor at the Royal Institute of Technology.
Other people believe that if cash does disappear, a part of Sweden’s national identity will go with it.
“Money plays a part in the formation of a national identity, ‘I have money that comes from my country’. There is a certain pride in it and a pride when you can exchange it for other money – like dollars or other currencies. So I think there is some kind of national value and national pride in having money,” said Torbjoern Sundquist, curator at the Royal Swedish Coin and Economics museum.
Will everyone adapt to the new world? Sweden’s National Pensioners Organisation says many of its members are falling behind in the increasingly cashless society.
It’s calling for gradual rather than abrupt change to avoid a clash of generations.
GE talks marketing automation at CES
Modern automation technology is no panacea for today's many marketing challenges, but at CES 2016, GE's marketing manager suggested the right tools and tactics could help organizations win consumer trust.
By Matt Kapko
CIO | Jan 7, 2016 7:27 AM PT
4) These are the steps towards the perfect control grid. At this moment in time, one could leave the grid and disappear.
When this plan is fully implemented, it will take a miracle to run and hide.
3 U.S. Cities Sign Up to “Get Smart” With AT&T
Atlanta, Dallas and Chicago will get an AT&T smart city ecosystem of services that includes traffic monitoring and gunfire detection, the telecom company announced Tuesday.
AT&T already offers connected utility meters, street lights and water systems, but will expand its infrastructure, transportation and public safety services, according to a press release.
In the release, the company paints a futuristic municipality built on smooth tech-driven efficiency. City officials will be able to remotely keep tabs on systems such as power outages, air quality and traffic jams in real time. Maintenance crews will also be able to identify bridges that need repairs or aging pipes that need to be replaced. Mobile apps will help people stay informed about traffic and safety problems, and even remotely view parking meters or reserve a parking spot. On the safety side, gunfire detection technology could help law enforcement determine where a shooting occurred, the number of people involved and how many rounds were fired. (Last fall, General Electric announced plans to work with the maker of the popular ShotSpotter to bring the same tech to streetlights.)
The Chicago Tribune reported that with the boosted technology, Chicago will focus on “improving resident engagement, using sensors to maintain infrastructure and making buildings smarter and more energy efficient.” “The goal is to better service our residents and to get more out of the budget that we use to deliver those services,” said Brenna Berman, the city’s chief information officer.
AT&T aims to tap into a global market for smart cities that is expected to grow to about $1.6 trillion in 2020, according to a 2014 report. Last September, the Obama administration announced a $160 million “Smart Cities” Initiative that will put federal research and more than 25 new tech-centric collaborations to work helping cities tackle some of their most challenging problems regarding everything from resilience to public safety and transportation. Cisco is working with Kansas City, Missouri, to turn that city into a sensor-filled model of monitoring that proponents tout as, naturally, efficient.
As the “smart city” concept rolls out in more and more U.S. cities, some skeptics remain wary of the integration of government and big business, while others have privacy concerns. The general public, at least in Chicago and according to the local Fox News channel, is also conflicted. Asked about the AT&T deal, one Chicagoan said, “I feel like I’ve been watched before by cameras so it’s not that big of a deal.” Another? “I think it’s very Orwellian and I think technology is already intrusive enough as it is.”