Thursday, October 8, 2015

Ronald Reagan worked for the Jesuit Order

It's really time to stop worshipping this man, he did nothing but what he was told.

When Ronald Reagan Embraced Gun Control

Read: Ronald Reagan's 1991 call for more gun control
Updated by German Lopez on October 5, 2015, 6:21 p.m. ET

A look back at gun control history
01/23/13 07:00 AM—UPDATED 10/02/13 10:03 PM
By Clare Kim

I've already sourced a ton on this:

Truth about Ronald Reagan, he helped bring about a New World Order

Ronald Reagan and Gun Control - 01.16.2013

history that the gop/tea party choose to ignore - 10.20.2013


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Are Israeli teachers armed?

So this post has been floating around:

"Israel has had no classroom shootings since 1974 when they started arming teachers."

found here:

Well, I think you already know where this is going...

Are Israeli teachers armed?
Monday, December 17, 2012 |  Ron Cantor

There is a picture going around the Internet that I have seen about a dozen times today that claims that Israeli teachers are packing heat. Well, are they? The answer is “NO.” There may be some exceptions in dangerous areas like the West Bank (where five percent of Israelis live), but in general, Israeli teachers are not walking around like it’s the Wild Wild West, strapped with a six shooter. No, our teachers are not focused on shooting, but educating. That doesn’t mean, however, that we don’t protect young students.

In the picture, the students are on an outing. While it appears that the teacher is holding a rifle, I have never seen such a thing in ten years of living here. Rest assured however, they are under armed protection. In most cases it is an armed guard or a soldier that will accompany a class, not the teacher. And my guess is that the woman with the gun is a security guard, not a teacher.


December 24, 2012, 5:14 PM
Israel rejects NRA's guns-in-schools claim


Israel's policy on issuing guns is restrictive, and armed guards at its schools are meant to stop terrorists, not crazed or disgruntled gunmen, experts said Monday, rejecting claims by America's top gun lobby that Israel serves as proof for its philosophy that the U.S. needs more weapons, not fewer.

Far from the image of a heavily armed population where ordinary people have their own arsenals to repel attackers, Israel allows its people to acquire firearms only if they can prove their professions or places of residence put them in danger. The country relies on its security services, not armed citizens, to prevent terror attacks.

Though military service in Israel is compulsory, routine familiarity with weapons does not carry over into civilian life. Israel has far fewer private weapons per capita than the U.S., and while there have been gangster shootouts on the streets from time to time, gun rampages outside the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are unheard of.

The National Rifle Association responded to the Dec. 14 killing of 20 first-graders and six adults at a Connecticut elementary school by resisting calls for tighter gun control and calling for armed guards and police at schools. On Sunday, the lobby's chief executive, Wayne LaPierre, invoked his perception of the Israeli school security system to back his proposal.

"Israel had a whole lot of school shootings until they did one thing: They said, `We're going to stop it,' and they put armed security in every school and they have not had a problem since then," LaPierre said on the NBC News show "Meet the Press."

Israel never had "a whole lot of school shootings." Authorities could only recall two in the past four decades.

In 1974, 22 children and three adults were killed in a Palestinian attack on an elementary school in Maalot, near the border with Lebanon. The attackers' goal was to take the children hostage and trade them for imprisoned militants.

In 2008, another Palestinian assailant killed eight young people, most of them teens, at a nighttime study session at a Jewish religious seminary in Jerusalem. An off-duty soldier who happened to be in the area killed the attacker with his personal firearm.

Israel didn't mandate armed guards at the entrances to all schools until 1995, the Education Ministry said — more than two decades after the Maalot attack and two years after a Palestinian militant wounded five pupils and their principal in a knifing at a Jerusalem school.

Israel's lightly armed school guards are not the first or the last line of defense. They are backed up by special police forces on motorcycles that can be on the scene within minutes — again bringing out the main, but not the only, difference between the two systems.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor spelled it out.

"We're fighting terrorism, which comes under very specific geopolitical and military circumstances. This is not something that compares with the situation in the U.S," Palmor said.

more here:


This was posted on Facebook by someone who probably knows that they should:

I Thessalonians 5:21
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

That's a two part statement:
1) Prove all things;
2) hold fast that which is good.


Read whatever sounds horrible as proof of that horrible thing happening, hold on to what sounds good.

Like Obama being a Muslim.


Symbols on the Ten Commandments Monument

Take a look:

All seeing Eye at the top:

Vatican Symbol on the Bottom:

Constantine used it, the same guy that change Sabbath to Sunday:

Both are symbols of the Jesuit Order.

That's how infiltration works, like the Kansas City Shuffle.

You look right, while they move left.


Workers removing Ten Commandments from Oklahoma Capitol

You're probably thinking this is terrible, right?
Have you taken a closer look at that monument?

There's more there than the Ten Commandments (that 99% of this nation does not keep).

If you missed it, look again.


By the way, this nation was founded by Freemasons.

Was Thomas Jefferson a Christian?

The Founding Fathers...said what?

What's my problem with Conservatism? Part 01

What's my problem with Conservatism? Part 02

The UN, the Alamo, and the Truth - 10.31.2013
