I read this today:
Black People are Pumpkin Spice Lattes
I’m sick of you people whining about Ferguson.
That's a funny read, but it got me thinking...about The Agenda.
Since 1676 to 2014, there have been 363 incidents of Civil Unrest, also known as Riots.
While the author of that article makes valid points, he's missing something.
I'll give you a hint at what that is.
According to the officer who shot Michael Brown, he could not have fought him off with his hands, he had to shoot.
Check out the following video:
oh, there's more:
As you can see from above, that's clearly not the first option, not even Baton was used to handle this disturbed individual.
Cops are selectively shooting people.

Here's A Much-Needed Reminder About Civil Unrest In Light Of The Ferguson Decision
Posted: 11/24/2014 8:53 pm EST Updated: 11/25/2014 8:59 pm EST
Just so we're clear, Black People are not responsible for all rioting and looting:
The Sports Riot: First We Lose (Or Win), Then We Set This Sucker On Fire
June 16, 2011 11:26 AM ET
The political potential of party riots
Can frat bros help oppose arbitrary police violence?
October 28, 2014 10:15AM ET
Historical Timeline:
List of incidents of civil unrest in the United States
List of incidents of civil unrest in Colonial North America
President Obama wants more police wearing body cameras
5:48 p.m. EST December 1, 2014
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama wants to see more police wearing cameras to help build trust between the public and police by recording events like the Aug. 9 shooting death of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown, but is not seeking to pull back federal programs that provide the type of military-style equipment used to dispel protests in Ferguson, Mo.
The White House announced the conclusions of a three-month review Monday as the president met with his cabinet, civil rights leaders, law enforcement officials and others to go over the findings. A grand jury decided last week not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the killing.
As community leaders demanded to know why the police came to peaceful protests over the death with riot gear and equipment, Obama ordered a White House review of the rules that govern the distribution of that material.
"This is not a problem just of Ferguson, Missouri. This is a national problem," Obama said.
Pushing back on concerns the task force would be all talk and no action, Obama said this situation was different because he was personally invested in ensuring results. He said young people attending the meeting had relayed stories about being marginalized in society and said those stories violate "my idea of who we are as a nation.
"In the two years I have remaining as president," Obama said, "I'm going to make sure we follow through."
more here:
Did you get it now?
They are building a Scientific Dictatorship, and Technology is the Key.
How else do you think they will have a Control Grid up and running to track those who refuse The Mark?
World Government is coming...
Are you ready?
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