Thursday, November 20, 2014

Immigration Reform - We've seen this Movie before

What's the difference between Republicans and Democrats?



Did George H.W. Bush really pave the way for Obama on immigration?
Updated by Dara Lind on November 20, 2014, 12:29 p.m. ET

Obama's immigration inspiration?   

President Obama's supporters are justifying his coming executive action on immigration by turning to an unlikely argument: Bush did it.

No, not that Bush.

They're pointing to a program started by President Reagan, and expanded by President George H. W. Bush, that ultimately targeted over a third of the country's unauthorized immigrants for protection from deportation. It was called the Family Fairness Program and it's probably the closest analogue in recent presidential history to what Obama is considering now. Here's how it worked.

more here:

====== AND here:

Reagan And Bush Made The Same Immigration Move That Has The GOP Enraged At Obama
Associated Press    Andrew Taylor, Associated Press    Nov. 17, 2014, 10:07 AM

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's anticipated order that would shield millions of immigrants now living illegally in the U.S. from deportation is not without precedent.

Two of the last three Republican presidents — Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — did the same thing in extending amnesty to family members who were not covered by the last major overhaul of immigration law in 1986.

There was no political explosion then comparable to the one Republicans are threatening now.

A tea party-influenced GOP is poised to erupt if and when Obama follows through on his promise. He wants to extend protection from deportation to millions of immigrant parents and spouses of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, and expand his 2-year-old program that shields immigrants brought illegally to this country as children.

"The audacity of this president to think he can completely destroy the rule of law with the stroke of a pen is unfathomable to me," said GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa, an outspoken opponent of relaxing U.S. immigration law. "It is unconstitutional, it is cynical, and it violates the will of the American people."

Such strong feelings are common among congressional Republicans. GOP leaders warn that an executive order from Obama would "poison the well" and severely damage Republicans' willingness to work with the president during his final two years in office.

Some Republicans have even raised the possibility of impeachment.

Nearly three decades ago, there was barely a peep when Reagan and Bush used their authority to extend amnesty to the spouses and minor children of immigrants covered by the 1986 law.

In 1986, Congress and Reagan enacted a sweeping overhaul that gave legal status to up to 3 million immigrants without authorization to be in the country, if they had come to the U.S. before 1982. Spouses and children who could not meet that test did not qualify, which incited protests that the new law was breaking up families.

Early efforts in Congress to amend the law to cover family members failed. In 1987, Reagan's Immigration and Naturalization Service commissioner announced that minor children of parents granted amnesty by the law would get protection from deportation.

Spouses and children of couples in which one parent qualified for amnesty but the other did not remained subject to deportation, leading to efforts to amend the 1986 law.

In a parallel to today, the Senate acted in 1989 to broaden legal status to families but the House never took up the bill. Through the INS, Bush advanced a new "family fairness" policy that put in place the Senate measure. Congress passed the policy into law by the end of the year as part of broader immigration legislation.

"It's a striking parallel," said Mark Noferi of the pro-immigration American Immigration Council. "Bush Sr. went big at the time. He protected about 40 percent of the unauthorized population. Back then that was up to 1.5 million. Today that would be about 5 million."

But a lawyer who worked on the 1986 law and the 1990 follow-up as an aide to then-Sen. Alan Simpson, R-Wyo., said Bush's action wasn't controversial because it came after lawmakers had made it clear they were going to tackle the issue.

That's not the case now.

"Bush Sr. took the action that he did but it wasn't as if Congress was legislating anything to the contrary," said Carl Hampe of Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy. "What's different now is that there is no clear path to legislative relief for the class of beneficiaries for which the president's order would provide relief."

Obama's announcement could come as early as this coming week and cover as many as 5 million people. Like Bush, Obama is expected to extend deportation protections to families of U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

"It's clear that it's fully within his legal authority to issue these orders,"
said Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas. He said Republicans 'didn't raise any objections in the past when Republican presidents issued similar orders. This is pure political theater."

Obama's anticipated action would not award legal status, but it would offer temporary protection from deportation and the possibility of obtaining a work permit.

"There's always some precedent for prosecutorial discretion," said Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz. "But this president would call tearing the Constitution into tiny little pieces in the White House prosecutorial discretion."

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, is stopping short of threatening to use Congress' power of the purse to thwart any executive action by Obama. Boehner's priority is to avoid a government shutdown. But he made it clear that Republicans will make Obama pay a price if he carries out his threat.

"Every administration needs this and needs that, needs all kinds of things," Boehner said Thursday. "You know, if he wants to go off on his own, there are things that he's just not going to get."
Copyright (2014) Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.



Wednesday, November 19, 2014

My Thoughts on the Michael Brown Shooting

It's become very clear after hearing the kinds of things I hear from people who think they understand what has happened that people really do not care about facts.

"His fingerprints are on the gun..."

"The shop owner should have shot 'em, would have been an open and shut case..."

The problem (other than the fact that Black people in this Free Nation have ALWAYS been disposable) is that the police shoot anyone they want on sight, and there's NOTHING we can do about it.

I'd like to point out a few things before I continue:

1) The CFR Controlled media is using the shooting of Michael Brown to push The Agenda

2) There are shootings that involve officers and unarmed black AND white people every day that you never hear about.
Here's one example that is not being spun by the CFR media:

Brother of fugitive killed by Salt Lake City police says he wasn't armed
By Bob Mims And Erin Alberty The Salt Lake Tribune
Published August 13, 2014 10:55 am

 A wanted fugitive fatally shot by Salt Lake City police, who were looking for a man reportedly brandishing a handgun outside a convenience store, was unarmed and trying to comply with police orders when he was killed, his brother claims.

Investigators, citing the ongoing nature of the investigation and need to protect evidence, remained mum on whether a gun was found at the scene of the Monday night shooting at a 7-Eleven store at 2102 S. State St. Police also would not discuss conflicting witness reports that Dillon Delbert Taylor, 20, appeared to have reached toward his waistband during the confrontation.

The Salt Lake Tribune on Wednesday submitted formal requests under the Government Records Access and Management Act for both the shooting incident report and the 911 call that purportedly led up to the confrontation.

Taylor was facing a felony arrest warrant when police challenged him outside the store, court records confirm. But Taylor's brother, 22-year-old Jerrail Pete Taylor — who court records show served time on a 2009 second-degree felony robbery count himself — insists that police did not mention the warrant when they approached him, his brother and a third man outside the store.

"We're walking out of the 7-Eleven with a drink, when the cops show up and start harassing us with guns," Jerrail Taylor told The Salt Lake Tribune Tuesday night. South Salt Lake police, who are investigating the shooting, said Salt Lake City police were answering a 911 call reporting a man there was waving a handgun; Dillon Taylor purportedly matched the description of the armed man.

more here:

This is a screenshot from Dillon Taylor's Facebook page: (before he was killed)

Dillon Taylor Facebook


DA says Dillon Taylor officer-involved killing was justified
By Erin Alberty And Marissa Lang The Salt Lake Tribune
Published October 1, 2014 1:27 pm

Dillon Taylor was not armed when a Salt Lake City police officer shot him to death outside a convenience store.

But in that moment on Aug. 11, Officer Bron Cruz had good reason to think Taylor was pulling a gun out of his pants, Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill ruled on Tuesday.

Taylor, 20, and the two men he was with matched the descriptions of a 911 caller who said three men had "flashed" a gun. And Cruz saw them "making a scene" on their way to the 7-Eleven near 2100 S. State Street.

Confronted by officers, the two men with Taylor held up their hands, while Taylor alone was "noncompliant."

Body-cam video shows that Taylor turned toward officers with his hands in his pants before hoisting his shirt — a gesture officers are trained to recognize as a possible weapon-draw.

"Nothing that Mr. Taylor did assisted in de-escalating the situation," Gill said. "If anything, it escalated things."

Taylor's shooting was justified, Gill said, not because he posed an actual threat, but because Cruz reasonably perceived a threat.

"Officer Cruz's belief that Dillon Taylor was armed with a gun and intended to use it against the officers was reinforced by Dillon's actions and the acts of others," Gill wrote in a letter to Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank. "By the time Dillon drew his hands from his waistband, Officer Cruz's belief that Dillon was presenting a weapon [and ... would use the weapon against officers] was reasonable."

more here:



Why were these two men shot and killed on the scene while unarmed?

Dillon Taylor:

Michael Brown:

The Micael Brown Timeline:

Yet, these two were armed to the teeth, still living and breathing?

Timeline: Colorado Movie Theater Massacre
July 20, 2012

Thousands of eager fans flocked to movie theaters across the country Thursday evening to see the premiere of the new film "The Dark Knight Rises."

But shortly after the movie began at the Century 16 Theater in Aurora, Colo., 24-year-old James Holmes allegedly entered the theater and opened fire, shooting a total of 71 people. Twelve people were killed and 59 were injured.


Cliven Bundy:



The police arrived on the scene ready to beat this black man, why?

Exclusive: Dashcam video clears NJ man
Sarah Wallace has the Eyewitness News exclusive.
February 21, 2014 5:01:35 PM PST

Don't White People Kill Each Other, Too?
And yet we keep hearing about black-on-black crime because it fits the false media narrative.
Posted: April 10 2012 12:40 AM

I would go into a long explaination of the race implications, but I really don't feel like it. I've covered race before:

You Don’t Have To Apologize For Being White (and no one is asking you to)

It's too late now.

As long as it was not happening to you, (and by you I mean white people) nothing was going on.

No one listened to black people back in the day when we tried to tell you that the police state was rising.

Now, we all have to deal with it.

Thank God his Kingdom is coming...


Monday, November 17, 2014

My Reaction when I hear about the Michael Brown case

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declares a state of emergency ahead of an expected grand jury decision in the Michael Brown case.

the comments:

When it comes down to it, it's Babylonians acting like Babylonians.
This is why we need the Kingdom of God.

We can't vote away sin/corruption...

You ever wonder what the Globalist are discussing?

The same things I've been posting on this blog.

How will the second machine age affect jobs?
By Dalia Marin Nov 17 2014


In a famous book, the two economists Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee from MIT describe how recent advances in artificial intelligence are changing our lives: driverless cars, drones for package delivery, computer programs to diagnose illnesses, intelligent pattern recognition software that replaces lawyers, 3D printing, etc (Brynjolfsson and McAfee 2014). They call these developments the ‘second machine age’.

In this column, I want to discuss two hypotheses of how the second machine age may affect the world we live in.

    Hypothesis 1. Robots will bring manufacturing back to the rich countries as machines are replacing workers and the cost of labour will not matter much.
    Hypothesis 2. Intelligent machines will replace smart people rather than increase the demand for skills (capital bias rather than skill bias technical change) and as a result the relative price for skills (the skill premium) will decline.

The revival of manufacturing in rich economies

Let me start with the first hypothesis. Anecdotal evidence of reshoring (the relocation of activity back from the low-wage countries to the high-wage countries) is mounting. Apple is shifting back some of the activity from Foxconn China to Silicon Valley in California; Airtex Design Group is shifting part of its textile production from China back to the US (see New York Times 2013). In a recent survey by the management consultancy PricewaterhouseCoopers among 384 firms in the Eurozone, two-thirds said they had reshored some activities during the past 12 months and 50% plan to do so in the next 12 months.

the data, here:


Robot Brains Catch Humans in 25 Years, Then Speed Right On By
By Tom Randall Nov 10, 2014 1:43 PM CT

An android Repliee S1, produced by Japan's Osaka University professor Hiroshi Ishiguro, performing during a dress rehearsal of Franz Kafka's "The Metamorphosis." Phototographer: Yoshikazu Tsuno/AFP via Getty Images

We’ve been wrong about these robots before.

Soon after modern computers evolved in the 1940s, futurists started predicting that in just a few decades machines would be as smart as humans. Every year, the prediction seems to get pushed back another year. The consensus now is that it’s going to happen in ... you guessed it, just a few more decades.

There’s more reason to believe the predictions today. After research that’s produced everything from self-driving cars to Jeopardy!-winning supercomputers, scientists have a much better understanding of what they’re up against. And, perhaps, what we’re up against.

Nick Bostrom, director of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University, lays out the best predictions of the artificial intelligence (AI) research community in his new book, “Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies.” Here are the combined results of four surveys of AI researchers, including a poll of the most-cited scientists in the field, totalling 170 respondents.

Human-level machine intelligence is defined here as “one that can carry out most human professions at least as well as a typical human.”

By that definition, maybe we shouldn’t be so surprised about these predictions. Robots and algorithms are already squeezing the edges of our global workforce. Jobs with routine tasks are getting digitized: farmers, telemarketers, stock traders, loan officers, lawyers, journalists -- all of these professions have already felt the cold steel nudge of our new automated colleagues.

Replication of routine isn't the kind of intelligence Bostrom is interested in. He’s talking about an intelligence with intuition and logic, one that can learn, deal with uncertainty and sense the world around it. The most interesting thing about reaching human-level intelligence isn’t the achievement itself, says Bostrom; it’s what comes next. Once machines can reason and improve themselves, the skynet is the limit.

Computers are improving at an exponential rate. In many areas -- chess, for example -- machine skill is already superhuman. In others -- reason, emotional intelligence -- there’s still a long way to go. Whether human-level general intelligence is reached in 15 years or 150, it’s likely to be a little-observed mile marker on the road toward superintelligence.

Superintelligence: one that “greatly exceeds the cognitive performance of humans in virtually all domains of interest.”

Inventor and Tesla CEO Elon Musk warns that superintelligent machines are possibly the greatest existential threat to humanity. He says the investments he's made in artificial-intelligence companies are primarily to keep an eye on where the field is headed.

“Hope we’re not just the biological boot loader for digital superintelligence,” Musk Tweeted in August. “Unfortunately, that is increasingly probable.”

There are lots of caveats before we prepare to hand the keys to our earthly kingdom over to robot offspring. First, humans have a terrible track record of predicting the future. Second, people are notoriously optimistic when forecasting the future of their own industries. Third, it’s not a given that technology will continue to advance along its current trajectory, or even with its current aims.

Still, the brightest minds devoted to this evolving technology are predicting the end of human intellectual supremacy by midcentury. That should be enough to give everyone pause. The direction of technology may be inevitable, but the care with which we approach it is not.

“Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history,” wrote theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, in an Independent column in May. “It might also be the last.”


Sunday, November 16, 2014

White Supremecy...the joke is on them

White Supremacists Protest in Rockwall
Yes. It's 2014. White supremacists are protesting in downtown Rockwall. There was a counter protest by Anonymous too. Danny Fulgencio was there for photos 1-27, and Dylan Hollingsworth for 27-43.
Published on November 10, 2014

Tempers flare as white supremacists protest in Rockwall
Jenny Doren, WFAA 3:46 p.m. CST November 10, 2014

ROCKWALL – One planned protest in Rockwall turned into so much more as dozens of people came out on both sides of a hot button issue.

Police in riot gear stood guard Saturday evening as white supremacists rallied on the steps of the county courthouse against illegal immigration.

Families watched on in disbelief.

"I would think this would be back in the segregation days," said Tori Glass, a mother of three. "I'm just in shock. I would never [have] thought this was still going on."

Linda Santiso has lived in Rockwall since 1979. She said seeing Ku Klux Klan members flying neo-Nazi flags was a first for her too.

"I just see the division that's in the country being expressed here in my hometown and it's very sad,"
she said.

The National Socialist Party called their gathering a "show of force." The group gathered to speak out against illegal immigration, violent drug lords and in defense of the "American way of life,"

Several other groups, including Anonymous North Texas, the New Black Panthers, Occupy Dallas and Open Carry Texas, also gathered outside the courthouse to counter protest.

video and more here:


What they don't know:

 "Anyone who interprets National Socialism merely as a political movement knows almost nothing about it. It is more than religion; it is the determination to create a new man."

"I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits", said Hitler... "Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party... I am going to let you in on a secret... I am founding an Order... In my "Burgs" of the Order, we will raise up a youth which will make the world tremble... Hitler then stopped, saying that he couldn't say any more.." Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the government of Dantzig: "Hitler m'a dit", (Ed. Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp.266, 267, 273 ss).

Catholic Church and Nazi Germany

Pius XI (1922–39) and Pius XII (1939–58) led the Roman Catholic Church through the rise and fall of Nazi Germany. In the 1930s, Catholics constituted a third of the population of Germany and "Political Catholicism" was a major force in the interwar Weimar Republic. Prior to 1933, Catholic leaders denounced Nazi doctrines while Catholic regions generally did not vote Nazi. Though hostility between the Nazi Party and the Catholic Church was real, the Nazi Party first developed in largely Catholic Munich, where many Catholics, lay and clerical, offered enthusiastic support.[1]

Raised a Catholic, Hitler retained some regard for the organisational power of the Catholic church, but had utter contempt for its central teachings which, he said, if taken to their conclusion "would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure".[48] Hitler was aware Bismarck's kulturkampf of the 1870s was defeated by the unity of Catholics behind the Centre Party and was convinced Nazism could only succeed if Political Catholicism, and its democratic networks, were eliminated.[29][49][50] Important conservative elements, such as the officer corps, opposed Nazi persecution of the churches.[51][52]

sources here:


The Jesuits are playing games here, they are everywhere.

Ron Paul on Gold - April 23, 2013

He predicted Gold would go up, and that he would buy more in 2013:

Where's his Go(l)d now?

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The "New World Order" Update - 11.15.2014

From time to time I like to run searches for the phrase "New World Order".
This is what I've found this week.


Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel: Get Used to Endless War
From ISIS to climate change, the Pentagon chief says, the threats that face the United States are long-term challenges.
David A. Graham Oct 29 2014, 2:47 PM ET

Sometimes it feels like what's happening now, at any given moment, is bigger, more important, worse, and more dangerous than before. Luckily, that often turns out to be incorrect: Today's news is tomorrow's hazy memory, and what once seemed like an existential threat is now nothing more than an unpleasant recollection.

It sure seems like there are frightening events happening everywhere today—from ISIS to Ebola, Russian imperialism to Chinese saber-rattling, climate change to congressional dysfunction. But is it really worse, or will this, too, pass?

Bad news: It's really worse, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told James Fallows at the Washington Ideas Festival Wednesday.

"I think we are living through one of these historic, defining times," Hagel said. "We are seeing a new world order—post-World War II, post-Soviet Union implosion—being built. There are many questions, foremost among the American people: What's the role of America in this new world that is evolving? Should we have a role? What is appropriate?"
And Hagel didn't seem especially sanguine that it would end anytime soon. In other words: Get used to endless war.

"What we’re seeing in the Middle East with ISIL is going to require a steady, long-term effort. It's going to require coalitions of common interest,"
Hagel said.

But he noted that cooperation is in short supply, especially in his old stamping grounds on Capitol Hill, where Hagel served two terms in the Senate.  "I hope that changes after next Tuesday; I don’t know," he said. "Partnership is critical, because its not a matter of 'We all have to agree.' We need different opinions, but ... both sides get to some conclusion and make a decision on how we go forward."

He noted in particular the challenge of global warming, which Hagel's Pentagon has made a priority, declaring it a national-security threat, even as Hagel's own Republican Party continues to block broader steps.

Even if a new era of comity arrived in Washington, however, Hagel forecast that the U.S. would continue to grapple with overseas threat for the foreseeable future. "Tyranny, terrorism, the challenges and threats to our country ... is going to be with us," he said. "It’s a reality. I see these things continuing to stay out of there."

Buckle your seatbelts.



CBI and Ricoh: New World Order of Robots Will Help, Not Steal, British Jobs
Lianna Brinded By Lianna Brinded November 14, 2014 10:06 GMT

quantum robotics artificial intelligence

The Confederation of British Industry and IT services company Ricoh have urged companies to use technology more effectively in order to increase productivity and efficiency in the workplace and to stop worrying about "robots stealing their jobs".

According to Ricoh data, which surveyed 1,007 full time, office based employees in UK private companies, 75% of people said that they are less productive away from their desks as they felt that they do not have the right technology to work effectively away from the office.

On top of that a further 22% said they want to work from home but don't have the right technology, and nearly half of those who do work from home say not having the right equipment hampers their productivity.

"The overwhelming message from this research is that UK employees feel technology has vastly improved productivity in and out of the office, but there is still a lot of room for further improvement,"
said Phil Keoghan, CEO at Ricoh UK.

"With the recent drive towards a mobile workforce, it is surprising that so few people feel they are as productive when working at home or away from the office.

"This is not about spending a fortune on technology, it is largely about making simple policy changes to allow people easy access to company networks, providing people with laptops and tablets, and training them in how to use them."

Speaking to IBTimes UK, CBI's director for employment and skills' Neil Carberry added that the British economy would be better off embracing technology and stop fearing the robots will replace jobs and view the digital evolution as an opportunity to maximise efficiency.

"Technology is a fundamental part of how people will benefit in the UK as it will help businesses' productivity rise and in turn help wages increase with the rise in efficiency,"
said Carberry.

"People need to stop worrying about the New World Order, post-financial crisis, about labour being replaced by robots and see it as great potential in raising skill levels."

Office for National Statistics data shows that 30.76 million people are employed in the UK.

However, a joint report by big four accountancy firm Deloitte and the University of Oxford said that Britons earning less than £30,000 a year are likely to have their jobs taken by robots over the next two decades as 10 million UK positions are said to be eliminated in favour of automation.

The report falls neatly in line with previous estimates that robots will steal around half of all jobs around the world in the not too distant future as the globe has entered a second age of machinery that will have a more profound effect on society than the onset of the industrial revolution.

Meanwhile, Ricoh UK's director of outsourcing operations Alan Mason told IBTimes UK that Ricoh itself was leading by example by listening to employees about working hours and implementing more technological capability to allow people to work away from the office, has led to an increase in business productivity.

"By listening to employees and giving them the technological tools to work away from the office, it has led greater productivity and longer opening hours for the company," said Mason.

"We are now open 7 in the morning to 7 in the evening because people are able to work under non-standard office hours. We have also cut office space down because of this. Organisations need to trust their employees too."

more here:


​Time for a 'new world order?' No, it's already here
Published time: November 01, 2014 21:31

Reuters / Ueslei Marcelino

Putin has called for a “new world order,” with the aim of stabilizing the globe. He believes the US is abusing its role as global leader. What’s not being widely reported is the fact that the pillars of the old order have been crumbing for years.

It used to be all so simple. The world was split into two camps – the West and the rest. And the West was truly the best. Twenty years ago, six of the world’s biggest economies were part of the pro-Washington world.

The leader, the US itself, was so far in front that its total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was more than four times larger than China’s and nine times the size of Russia’s.

The world’s most populous country, India, had almost the same gross income as comparatively tiny Italy and the UK. Any notion that the order would change so dramatically in a mere two decades seemed laughable.

The Western perception was that China and India were backward and would take a century to become rivals. Russia was seen as a basket case, on its knees and ruled by chaos. There was a lot of merit in that notion in the 90's.

 The world economy in the 1990s and today:

World’s Largest Economies by GDP, adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP), Source: World Bank

1995 (in USD billions)
2015 (IMF Forecast)
United States 7,664
China 19,230
Japan 2,880
United States 18,287
China 1,838
India 7,883
Germany 1,804
Japan 4,917
France 1,236
Germany 3,742
Italy 1,178
Russia 3,643
United Kingdom 1,161
Brazil 3,173
India 1,105
Indonesia 2,744
Brazil 1,031
France 2,659
Russia 955
United Kingdom 2,547

more here:


The author of that last article clearly does not understand that a "New World Order" is built upon the last shift in social, economic and political movements around the world.


Henry Kissinger’s new world order
Diane Francis | November 1, 2014 7:04 AM ET

Henry Kissinger spoke at the International Economic Forum of the Americas about his latest book, “World Order.”
Joshua Roberts/Bloomberg Henry Kissinger spoke at the International Economic Forum of the Americas about his latest book, “World Order.”

Henry Kissinger flew into Toronto this week for a conference, and at 91 years of age demonstrated the mental acuity that earned a front-row seat in foreign policy circles for decades.

He spoke at the International Economic Forum of the Americas about his latest book, “World Order,” which astutely links the past and present to future events. The premise is that world order changed after 9/11 and the new normal is a multi-polar mix of nation-states, regions, cultures and shadowy non-state players.

Before that, a binary Cold War pitted two ideologies against one another in a grip of mutually assured destruction. But now too many irreconcilable differences, and no diplomatic mechanism to find common ground, exist. The only effective international institutions are economic, not political, which further puts these factions at odds with one another.

The absence of international cohesion results in unilateral actions, often uninformed by either history or geographic reality. The most egregious examples of late are the invasion and nation-building attempts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Kissinger supported the Iraq move, but has since recanted.

“I thought it would be a quick operation to replace Saddam [Hussein],” he was quoted as saying. Instead, as we all know, it turned into a long-term occupation to create a first-world democracy from scratch in a geography that wasn’t a cohesive nation-state.

Kissinger points out that since the Second World War, four of the five wars the United States has been involved in have resulted in withdrawals — Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Kissinger worked with Nixon who inherited the war from Johnson and the only “success” was the Gulf war which, ironically, liberated an undemocratic monarchy in Kuwait.

Kissinger’s best contribution to this global challenge is his analysis that technology is another player that must contribute to world order, not disrupt it as is now the case. He believes that cyber warfare and real-time information flow impedes decision-making, democracies and diplomacy.

“Conflicts within and between societies have occurred since the dawn of civilization, but the immediacy of information is a test. Every incident is flashed round the world, everything becomes part of domestic politics, political careers are molded in public. Boldness, leadership and stealth are all more difficult,”
he wrote.

Kissinger describes four models of “world order” extant: Europe’s Westphalian model of nation-states with equal status; the U.S. model; China’s notion of itself as a great regional power; and an Islamic system of believers and infidels.

more here:

Friday, November 14, 2014

If you agree with Wild Bill for America, you're stuck in the Left/Right Paradigm

Take a look at the following video:

He's stuck in the Paradigm for several reasons:

1) He was not called out of Babylon, and therefore, does not understand Prophecy
2) He believes that this nation was founded by Christians
3) He believes the two party system can function

If you are holding onto the Constitution and hoping some Conservative will come along and smooth things out before the Last 7 years (or whatever reason you can come up with) then you are just like him.

How do I let go of something so awesome as the Constitution?

Make a choice:

"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. "--Morpheus

Hebrews 6:4
For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,

The Year is 2050: Racial Demographics Shift

*Note, this is not me setting a date of when something in Prophecy will happen, this is about current trends and they could look in the Future.

I've written a bit concerning Megacities and the Control Grid being built, but I've not covered the People, and who they may be.

Thankfully, someone else wrote about this.


National Geographic Determined What Americans Will Look Like in 2050, and It's Beautiful
By Zak Cheney-Rice  April 10, 2014

It's no secret that interracial relationships are trending upward, and in a matter of years we'll have Tindered, OKCupid-ed and otherwise sexed ourselves into one giant amalgamated mega-race.

But what will we look like? National Geographic built its 125th anniversary issue around this very question last October, calling on writer Lise Funderburg and Martin Schoeller, a renowned photographer and portrait artist, to capture the faces of our nation's multiracial future.

Here's how the "average American" will look by the year 2050:

And like this:

And this:

Wow. These are obviously not Photoshopped projections, but real people, meaning tomorrow's America lives among us now in every "Blackanese," "Filatino," "Chicanese" and "Korgentinian" you meet at the DMV, grocery store or wherever it is you hang out.

Their numbers will only grow. The U.S. Census Bureau let respondents check more than one race for the first time in 2000, and 6.8 million people did so. By 2010 that figure had increased to nearly 9 million, a spike of about 32%.

This is certainly encouraging, but there are obvious flaws with tracking racial population growth through a survey that lets people self-identify, especially since so many familial, cultural and even geographical factors influence your decision to claim one or multiple races. Complicating things further is the definition of race itself: It has no basis in biology, yet its constructions, functions and mythologies irrevocably shape the world as we know it.

So is an end approaching? Will increased racial mixing finally and permanently redefine how we imagine our racial identities? The latest figures suggest we're getting more comfortable with the idea, or perhaps that we simply give fewer shits than ever before. Either would be a step in the right direction.

The Wall Street Journal reported a few years back that 15% of new marriages in 2010 were between individuals of different races. It's unclear whether they've included same-sex unions in the count, but as currently stated, this number is more than double what it was 25 years ago. The proportion of intermarriages also varied by race, with "9% of whites, 17% of blacks, 26% of Hispanics and 28% of Asians [marrying] outside their ethnic or racial group." Interracial unions now account for 8.4% of all marriages in the U.S.

sources, larger images, here:


March of the Non-White Babies
Demographer William Frey explains how minorities are poised to re-map America.

TANVI MISRA @Tanvim 7:00 AM ET


By 2050, there will be no racial majority in the United States. "Minorities"—or groups that are thought of as minorities now—will outnumber the white population. This isn't a small deal. It's going to be this century's baby boom, affecting everything from family structures to economic trends to, obviously, voting patterns.

The U.S. minority population has been growing rapidly and will soon supersede the white population. (Brookings Institution Press)

In his new book Diversity Explosion, Brookings Institution demographer William Frey analyzes current demographic trends and predicts how they're going to shape America's not-so-distant future. 

The share of so-called "new minorities"—Hispanics, Asians and multi-racial groups in America—is going to double. If your first guess is that this is all due to immigration, you're not entirely wrong—it's because of past immigration. What's really driving the growth now (and will continue to do so in the future) is that majority of the immigrants who are already here are at the baby-making age.

"Back in the 1950s, we had a lot of Americans across the board in their childbearing years—we had all these babies,"
Frey explains. "Now, that's really only the case for some of the newer minorities."

This is good news, demographically speaking, because as it turns out, the white population in the U.S. is aging pretty rapidly. This surge in minority births will arrive just in time to pick up the slack, Frey says. Absent any major change in immigration policy, the future of the American labor market will depend on the next generation of U.S.-born minorities.

We spoke with Frey to get a better understanding of how this new demographic reality is likely to be distributed geographically across the country. Below are excerpts from CityLab's conversation with him, illustrated by graphs and charts from his book. 

sourcs, larger images, and more here:


I know this last election in Texas will make people think that we've shifted back to the right. If you look at the data as a whole, you will see that even though the people voted right, they are still moving left.


Meme of the Day - 11.14.2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014

For those who think they will have to force people to take The Mark

I'm just going to leave this right here...

Bitcoin under your skin: Dutch man embeds chips in hands to store cryptocurrency
Published time: November 11, 2014 16:34 Get short URL

Martijn Wismeijer (Screenshot from YouTube video by Mr Bitcoin)
Martijn Wismeijer (Screenshot from YouTube video by Mr Bitcoin)

The founder the bitcoin ATM firm, Mr Bitcoin, has embedded a tiny chip in his hands to keep his digital currency safe, which also gives him an in-body set of keys and an alarm clock.

Dutch entrepreneur Martijn Wismeijer has had an NFC (near-field communication) chip injected into each hand between the muscle and skin tissue.

The ultra-cautious Mr Wismeijer says it’s crucial to get the chips encrypted to prevent theft, although actually stealing the chips would be tricky, bloody and painful for their owner.

Each chip, manufactured from glass, is 2mm x 12mm, and can hold up to 888 bites of programmable memory, the equivalent of about 26 condensed bitcoin private keys.

“I did it because I wanted to experiment with strong bitcoins using subdermal implants because that’s what I thought would be the Holy Grail of contactless payments,” he told the IBTimes.

But Mr Wismeijer found that the microchips could be used for a number of other things and can be read by smartphones like the Apple iPhone 6 and the Samsung Galaxy S5.

“I found you can use them for lots of different things, even as an alarm snooze button. To switch off my alarm I need to scan either one or two of the implants, so this way it takes a little bit of fiddling so you never oversleep again,”
he said.

Wismeijer also hopes to get a special door lock fitted to his house, which will allow him to do away with keys by touching his palm on the door frame to enter.

“I thought that if the storage is limited then there's no point in just getting one if I could have two, because with one I could store private information like cryptocurrency or two-factor authentication for passwords, while the other one I could use for public things like my emergency contacts or my business card," he said.

No pain no gain
Wismeijer does not recommend people try and install it in their bodies themselves.

“Most doctors will not want to install the implant so a body manipulation artist (preferably not just a tattoo artist or piercer) will be your next best bet, but make sure they work according to strict hygiene codes and know what they are doing,” he told the Telegraph.

The pain lasts only for a day he said. When asked, mainly be older people, why he bothers to go to such lengths, Wismeijer says it’s all in the name of progress. He hopes that in the not too distant future we will be able to have more complex chips fitted into our bodies that will be able to monitor things like heart rate and glucose levels.

sources, here:


The sad part.
A lot of people who are into cryptocurrency think this is a way out of the system.

They've already been proven wrong.

The GOP/Conservatives are Drunk on Nostalgia - 11.13.2014

Remember this video:

Check this out:

The Republican Obsession With 'Restoring' America
Why so many conservatives have nostalgia for an era that wasn't all that golden
Peter Beinart Nov 13 2014, 7:30 AM ET

Next January, just in time for a potential presidential bid, Marco Rubio will publish a book. It’s called American Dreams: Restoring Economic Opportunity for Everyone.

Call me a killjoy, but I don’t think Senator Rubio can make good on his subtitle. Creating “economic opportunity for everyone” is hard enough in a country of 316 million. Restoring it is a metaphysical impossibility. To restore something, it must have existed before. And never in its history has America offered “economic opportunity for everyone,” not even in the Edenic days of President Reagan.

Why would Rubio make such an absurd promise? Because conservatives love the word “restore.” In 2007, when he was planning his own presidential bid, Mike Huckabee wrote a book subtitled 12 Steps to Restoring America’s Greatness. (It’s available for one cent on Amazon.) In 2010, Glenn Beck organized a rally on the National Mall entitled “Restoring Honor.” In 2012, Mitt Romney’s supporters established a Super PAC called, paradoxically, “Restore Our Future.” Later that year, the Republican platform promised the “Restoring of the American Dream” and the “Restoration of Constitutional Government.” This June, Ted Cruz pledged to “Restore the Great Confident Roar of America.”

Progressive politicians sometimes use the word too. But as believers in progress, they’re more willing to acknowledge that the bright future they’re promising never existed before. When President Obama invokes America’s past, for instance, he’s less apt to celebrate previous eras than to celebrate the people in those eras who struggled to overcome its injustices. That’s why he talks so much about the civil-rights, women’s-rights, and labor movements. Conservatives, by contrast, want to conserve. Their problem is that they can’t call for conserving things as they are, since that would mean expressing satisfaction with Obama’s America. So they call for restoring the virtues that existed in some prelapsarian America: before the Progressive Era, before the New Deal, before the 1960s, or at least before Obama.

Specifying exactly when that golden age existed can be perilous. In a 1976 campaign speech entitled—what else—“To Restore America,” Reagan declared, “I would like to be president because I would like to see this country become once again a country where a little 6-year-old girl can grow up knowing the same freedom that I knew when I was 6 years old, growing up in America.” Reagan was 6 years old in 1917, when women and most African Americans could not vote, when socialists and labor organizers were being jailed, if not lynched, for opposing America’s entrance into World War I, and when governors in Reagan’s native Midwest were making teaching German a crime.

Here’s the problem. Unlike Reagan, today’s Republicans are generally shrewd enough to avoid identifying exactly which previous age they wish to restore. But for African Americans, Latinos, women, and gays and lesbians, idealizing any previous age means idealizing one in which they enjoyed fewer rights and opportunities than they do today. Pledging to “restore” America appeals to many older, straight, Anglo, white, and male voters, because it’s a subtle way of saying Republicans will bring back the good old days. The GOP’s problem is that to win back the White House, it must make inroads among Americans who know the good old days weren’t all that good.

sources here:


The problem here is, the Right is not going to tell you what is REALLY happening in America.

I hope to, in the next few months, explain the Agenda in full on this blog.
It's starting to get interesting.

Is Latin America really losing its Catholic Identity?

Latin America Is Losing Its Catholic Identity
NOV. 13, 2014
Michael Paulson

These are heady days for Roman Catholics in Latin America. For the first time, one of their own is serving as pope, providing a visible reminder of the importance the region plays in the global church.

But after a century in which nearly all Latin Americans identified as Catholic, the church’s claim on the region is lessening.

A sweeping new survey, conducted by the Pew Research Center, finds that 69 percent of Latin American adults say they are Catholic, down from an estimated 90 percent for much of the 20th century. The decline appears to have accelerated recently: Eight-four percent of those surveyed said they were raised Catholic, meaning there has been a 15-percentage-point drop-off in one generation.

 A mass in July in El Pedregal, a small town along the Guatemala-Mexico border. A survey found that 69 percent of Latin American adults said they were Catholic, down from an estimated 90 percent for much of the 20th century.  Credit Meridith Kohut for The New York Times

Latin America “in most people’s minds is synonymous with Catholicism, but the strong association has eroded,” said Neha Sahgal, a senior researcher at Pew. “And it’s a consistent trend across the region — it’s not just a Central American phenomenon.”

Latin America remains home to an estimated 40 percent of the planet’s Catholic population. But the survey finds that 19 percent of Latin Americans now describe themselves as Protestants. And Protestant churches in Latin America are filled with former Catholics — in Colombia, 84 percent of Protestants say they were baptized as Catholics.

Latin Americans who converted from Catholicism to Protestantism most often said they did so because they were seeking a more personal connection with God.

The change has political and religious implications. According to the survey, Protestants in Latin America are more religious and more conservative than Catholics: The Protestants pray more, go to services more often and are more likely to tithe. They are also more strongly opposed to same-sex marriage.

more here:

Short Answer:

Long Answer:

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

USA and China make Climate Change Agreement - Earth 2100

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before:

A Fruitful Visit by Obama Ends With Blunt Words by Xi Jinping

President Obama and President Xi Jinping of China attended a ceremony inside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Wednesday.

BEIJING — President Obama and President Xi Jinping promoted the virtues of cooperation between China and the United States on Wednesday, drawing an unusually productive state visit to a close with a news conference that nevertheless laid bare stubborn differences over issues like the Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstrations and press freedom.

Announcing a landmark agreement to confront climate change, Mr. Obama and Mr. Xi both portrayed it as an example of how the world’s two largest economies could collaborate on the world’s most pressing problems, even as they compete in many other areas.

“When China and the U.S. work together, we can become an anchor of world stability and a propeller of world peace,” Mr. Xi said. Mr. Obama echoed that sentiment, calling the climate change agreement a milestone in the countries’ relations that “shows what’s possible when we work together on an urgent global challenge.”

But it was the differences that were cast in sharp relief during a rare question-and-answer session after the presidents delivered their statements. During the planning for Mr. Obama’s visit, the White House had lobbied intensively for reporters’ questions to be taken, and the Chinese authorities relented only a day before the leaders stood together in the Great Hall of the People.

more here:

I don't have to make this up. Watch this space.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Obama: Treat broadband—including mobile—as a utility

I'm just going to leave this right here:

more here:

The Agenda doesn't stop because a few people voted.

For those standing up for the Consitution...

Jet crash in Bahamas kills 9; Myles Munroe reportedly among the dead

I'll have to dig into this later, in the meantime, here's the breaking video on this:

Jet crash in Bahamas kills 9; Myles Munroe reportedly among the dead
By Susanna Capelouto and Dave Alsup, CNN
updated 7:53 AM EST, Mon November 10, 2014


Jesuit Pope Demotes Bishop

Pope Francis has been cleaning house of those who are longer fit to push the agenda. He's already fired Vatican bankers, which should make clear to anyone thinking the Bankers are the ones running the show.


Pope Francis reassigns conservative American cardinal
By Mariano Castillo, CNN
updated 7:16 PM EST, Sun November 9, 2014

Pope Francis greets the crowd as he arrives for his general audience at St. Peter's Square at the Vatican on Wednesday, October 8. With his penchant for crowd-pleasing and spontaneous acts of compassion, the Pope has earned high praise from fellow Catholics and others since he replaced Pope Benedict XVI in March 2013.
Pope Francis greets the crowd as he arrives for his general audience at St. Peter's Square at the Vatican on Wednesday, October 8. With his penchant for crowd-pleasing and spontaneous acts of compassion, the Pope has earned high praise from fellow Catholics and others since he replaced Pope Benedict XVI in March 2013.

(CNN) -- Pope Francis has reassigned a conservative American cardinal from a key post to one that is mostly symbolic.

Cardinal Raymond Burke, a leading conservative, has been vocal in his criticism of the direction the Pope is leading the Catholic Church in.

Burke was one of the highest ranking Americans in the church hierarchy in his position on the Vatican's supreme court. But he was reassigned to the position of Patron of the Order of Malta, the Vatican announced on Saturday. The National Catholic Reporter points out that Burke's new post is a job that "has almost no responsibilities."

The Vatican did not give a reason for the demotion.

The change, however, was not unexpected. Last month, Burke himself said he had been ousted from the Vatican's high court.

Burke has been outspoken about his opposition to Pope Francis' move toward more openness and inclusiveness of gays and lesbians.

"The Pope is not free to change the church's teachings with regard to the immorality of homosexual acts or the insolubility of marriage or any other doctrine of the faith," Burke told Buzzfeed recently.

When a recent draft report included a call for the church to be more welcoming to gays, Burke said the report "lacks a solid foundation in the sacred Scriptures."

Subsequently, some of the language on the "gifts and qualities" that gay people can bring to the church was removed from the report.

The Pope has appointed moderates in several big dioceses, including in Chicago earlier this fall, and he's removed some archconservatives from their posts.

more images, here:


Here's the New Normal:

Pope Francis on gays: 'Who am I to judge?'
July 29th, 2013
08:48 AM ET

By John L. Allen Jr. and Hada Messia, CNN

Aboard the Papal Airplane (CNN) - Pope Francis said Monday that he will not "judge" gays and lesbians, including gay priests, signaling a shift from his predecessor and offering another sign that the new pope is committed to changing the church's approach to historically marginalized groups.

“If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?”
Francis said in a wide-ranging news conference aboard the papal plane.

Though he was answering a question about the so-called "gay lobby" at the Vatican, the pope indicated a change in tone, if not in teaching, in the church's stance towards gays and lesbians more generally.

The pope was flying back to Rome from Brazil, where he spent the past week celebrating World Youth Day, an international Catholic event that drew millions.

Taking questions from reporters aboard the plane, the pope addressed nearly every hot-button issue facing the Roman Catholic Church: its alleged "gay lobby," Vatican bank corruption, the role of women, abortion, homosexuality and his own personal security.

But it was the pope's remarks on homosexuality - the fact that the head of a 1 billion-member church said that it's not his place to judge gays - that caused the widest stir.

"Pope Francis's brief comment on gays reveals great mercy," said the Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit priest and editor at America, a Catholic magazine based in New York.

"Today Pope Francis has, once again, lived out the Gospel message of compassion for everyone,"
Martin said.

The pontiff spoke  for an hour and a half in the back of the plane that was carrying him back to Italy after his first international trip as pope to Brazil, where he was greeted by massive, frenzied crowds at every turn.

"I'm happy. It has been a beautiful trip, spiritually speaking; it has been good to me. I'm tired enough but with a heart full of joy,"
he said.

Here are the highlights from his press conference.

On the 'gay lobby' and homosexuality

The pope addressed the issue of an alleged "gay lobby" within the church. Hints that the Holy See contained a network of gay clergy surfaced last year in reports about a series of embarrassing leaks to Italian journalists.

The "Vatileaks" scandal factored in Benedict's shocking decision to resign this year, according to some church experts, as it impressed upon the 86-year-old pontiff that the modern papacy requires a vigorous and watchful presence.

"There's a lot of talk about the gay lobby, but I've never seen it on the Vatican ID card!" Francis said.

"When I meet a gay person, I have to distinguish between their being gay and being part of a lobby. If they accept the Lord and have goodwill, who am I to judge them? They shouldn't be marginalized. The tendency (to homosexuality) is not the problem ... they're our brothers."

The problem, he said was, lobbies that work against the interest of the church.

In 2005, during the papacy of Pope Benedict XVI, the Vatican issued directives barring from the priesthood men "who are actively homosexual, have deep-seated homosexual tendencies, or support the so-called 'gay culture.'"

Francis' brief remarks seem to signal a sharp shift from that policy.

On women

The pope also spoke out about the role of women in the church, saying it needs to be deeper and not end. But he brushed aside the possibility of ordaining women as priests, saying the church had spoken on the matter: "The church says no. That door is closed." He did say that more work needed to be done theologically on the role of women in the church.

On abortion

Pope watchers have noted that Francis said little to nothing about abortion on his trip to Brazil. Abortion is illegal in Brazil, except for cases in which the health of the mother is at risk. Laws were recently changed to allow abortions in cases in which the child would be born with certain life-threatening birth defects.

The pope said he had nothing to say on the trip about abortion because the church teachings against it were clear and this trip was the time for "positive" news.

On divorce

"I believe this is a time of mercy, a change of epoch," the pope said when asked about divorce. He said the group of eight cardinals tasked with reform will explore the issue of whether divorcees can receive Communion, which they are currently barred from doing.

On the Vatican Bank

The pope conceded he was unsure what to do with the Vatican Bank, which is known by its acronym IOR.

"Some say that it would be better if it were a bank, others say that it should be a foundation. Other say to shut it down. These are the suggestions going around. I don't know. I trust the commission's members that are working on the IOR. But I wouldn't be able to tell you how this story is going to end."

And as for what was in the black leather bag he carried onto the plane? A razor, a prayer book, a diary and a book about St. Theresa, but, the pope joked, "Certainly not the keys to the atomic bomb!"

He said he carried his own bags because, "It's normal, we have to be normal. We have to be accustomed to being normal."

more images here:


Friday, November 7, 2014

1500 Troops


Obama Deploys Up to 1,500 More Troops to Iraq

President Barack Obama on Friday authorized the deployment of up to 1,500 more troops to Iraq in an expansion of the American fight against ISIS militants, the Pentagon said.

If all 1,500 are deployed, it would almost double the American presence in Iraq. The troops will serve in a non-combat role, expanding the U.S. mission of training and advising Iraqi forces, the Pentagon said.

That will include helping Iraqi forces in the highly volatile section of Anbar Province mostly under ISIS control, sources told NBC News.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel recommended the additional troops, said Rear Adm. John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman.

U.S. Central Command will also establish centers to train 12 Iraqi brigades, nine from the Iraqi army and three from the Kurdish security forces, the Pentagon said.

Rep. Buck McKeon, R-Calif. and the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, gave a qualified welcome to reports that Obama was planning to ask for more money for the fight.

“I remain concerned that the president’s strategy to defeat ISIL is insufficient,” he said, using another acronym for ISIS. “I would urge the president to reconsider his strategy and clearly explain how this additional funding supports a new direction. Such clarity is more likely to find swift congressional approval.”



Back then:

50 Years Later: Learning From The Bay Of Pigs
April 17, 2011 1:59 PM ET

Fifty years ago Sunday, a brigade of around 1,500 CIA-trained soldiers stormed the beach in Cuba's Bay of Pigs. It was the opening phase of a secret mission to overthrow Fidel Castro and, President John F. Kennedy hoped, halt the spread of communism throughout the world.

Things did not go as planned.

"I think the thing that you have to keep in mind when you ask yourself, 'How did this ever happen?' is the extraordinary fear of communism in the late 50s and early 60s," writer Jim Rasenberger tells NPR's Noah Adams.

In his new book, The Brilliant Disaster, Rasenberger suggests the debacle marked the start of the Vietnam era — before which, "it would have been a fairly skeptical or cynical American who doubted he lived in a country run by competent men, engaged in worthwhile enterprises."

more here:


U.S. President John F. Kennedy visits West Berlin (June 26, 1963)

As a symbolic gesture of support, John F. Kennedy had sent his vice president, Lyndon B. Johnson, to Berlin after the Wall was built in August 1961. At the time, he had also ordered 1,500 troops to travel the Autobahn from West Germany to Berlin to reinforce the U.S. garrison already stationed there. In June 1963, the President made a personal visit to the city. On the occasion of Kennedy’s visit, East German border guards suspended large panels of red cloth from the Brandenburg Gate and mounted an English-language propaganda poster directly in front of it. The poster maintained that the denazification and demilitarization of Germany that had been called for in Yalta and Potsdam had only occurred in the GDR. After Kennedy had his photograph taken with West Berlin mayor Willy Brandt and Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer in front of the Wall, he delivered his famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech before Schöneberg City Hall. Photo by Will McBride.


Memes - 11.07.2014

Market Update - 11.07.2014

I was unemployed/underemployed during a good chunk of the Bush Years.
Did that make it the Presidents fault?


The Corporations choose to not hire , and choose to not pay more.

Prime Example:


Revenue                      Increase US$ 476.294 billion (2014)[2]
Operating income       Decrease US$ 26.872 billion (2014)[2]
Net income                 Decrease US$ 16.022 billion (2014)[2]
Total assets                Increase US$ 204.751 billion (2014)[2]
Total equity                Decrease US$ 81.339 billion (2014)[2]


Do you see that?

They have $204.751 billion in Total Assets, and $26.872 billion in Operating Income.


The Wal-Mart Heirs Are Worth More Than Everyone in Your City Combined
October 7, 2014
by Josh Harkinson

Everybody knows that middle-class incomes have stagnated while those of the richest Americans have skyrocketed, but the trend is even more pronounced when you look at the relative fortunes of the super-duper rich. Consider the Wal-Mart heirs: Since 1983, their net worth has increased a staggering 6,700 percent. According to a report released last week by the union-backed Economic Policy Institute, here’s how many American families earning the median income it would have taken to match the Waltons’ wealth in a given year:

(Photo: Joe Wolf/ flickr CC 2.0)

In 1983, the Walton family’s net worth was $2.15 billion, equivalent to the net worth of 61,992 average American families, about the population of…[1]

Peoria, Arizona

In 1989, the Walton family’s net worth was $9.42 billion, equivalent to the net worth of 200,434 average American families, about the population of…

Albuquerque, New Mexico

In 1992, the Walton family’s net worth was $23.8 billion, equivalent to the net worth of 536,631 average American families, about the population of…
San Antonio, Texas

In 1998, the Walton family’s net worth was $48 billion, equivalent to the net worth of 796,089 average American families, about the population of…
The State of New Mexico

In 2001, the Walton family’s net worth was $92.8 billion, equivalent to the net worth of 1,077,761 average American families, about the population of…
Chicago, Illinois

In 2010, the Walton family’s net worth was $89.5 billion, equivalent to the net worth of 1,157,827 average American families, about the population of…
The State of Arkansas

In 2013, the Walton family’s net worth was $144.7 billion, equivalent to the net worth of 1,782,020 average American families, about the population of…
The State of Louisiana

(1 Correction: An earlier version of this article confused families with individuals, causing an under-estimate of how many individuals’ net worth would equal that of the Waltons. Population equivalents in this story are based on the size of the average American family: 2.55 individuals.)

sources here:


Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50% raise
by Stephen Gandel    @stephengandel
November 12, 2013, 3:27 PM EST

The world’s largest retailer is under fire for its low wages. But the numbers show it can easily pay more without tanking its stock.

FORTUNE — When a Wal-Mart executive boasted at a Goldman Sachs investor conference in September that 475,000 of the company’s U.S. store associates make more than $25,000 — meaning that a large portion of its 1.4 million workers in the U.S. make less — a long-simmering debate about the company’s wages boiled over. Last week, a large protest outside a California Wal-Mart store led to 50 arrests.

Fueling the anger, Payscale, a salary information site, estimates that Wal-Mart CEO Mike Duke’s 2012 pay of $23.2 million was 1,034 times more than the company’s average worker. Wal-Mart has called that figure inflated.

So how much should Wal-Mart WMT -0.01% pay its employees? To tackle that tricky question, I crunched a bunch of numbers and concluded this: Wal-Mart’s workers should get a 50% raise.

And get this: The company wouldn’t even have to disappoint Wall Street to pull it off. I’ll explain the math in detail below.

read here:


OK, now to Market News:

Jobs Report: U.S. Economy Added 214,000 Jobs In October, Unemployment Down To 5.8%
11/07/2014 @ 8:42AM

Friday morning The Bureau of Labor Statistics released a weaker than anticipated October jobs report but made significant positive revisions to its August and September readings. Employers added 214,000 jobs last month compared to the 230,000 or so economists were predicting. The unemployment rate, which is drawn from a different survey of households, ticked down from 5.9% to 5.8% the lowest level since the recession.

The already strong September payroll count was revised higher from plus 248,000 to plus 256,000. The once disappointing August number was also bumped higher from plus 180,000 to plus 203,000.  Total employment gains in August and September were therefore 31,000 greater than what BLS — a division of the Department of Labor — previously reported. Average monthly gains for the 12 months leading up to October were 222,000. January is now the only month of 2014 with job gains below 200,000.

“It’s good. It’s consistent solid growth,” noted Rich Thompson, chief human resources officer at staffing firm Adecco Group North America following the report, pointing out that the economy has had 49 months in a row of job gains, the longest stretch since the 1930s. “Anytime you are over 200,000 that is good progress.”

Tara Sinclair, economics professor at George Washington University and economist at job search site, noted the revisions can be seen as positive sign for future employment and the economy at large. “When the economy is growing we tend to underestimate how quickly it’s growing,” she explained. “When we go back and get more data we revise upwards with that new information. The initial numbers that we are getting are in part estimates based on forecasting models following past patterns. If in the recent past we have been underestimating how fast the economy is growing there is evidence to suggest that pattern is going to continue for awhile.”

“This was a solid report that suggests ongoing health in the labor market,” wrote RBS U.S. Chief Economist Michelle Girard in a note on the report, “though no sign yet of a meaningful acceleration in the pace of improvement (however, given the recent strengthening in labor market indicators, we still think some strong numbers are coming). In our view, this data keeps the Fed on track to hike (not sooner, not later) in 2015 (our best guess remains June).”  Last month the Federal Reserve ended its long time bond buying program and signaled an improving labor market outlook. The increasingly hawkish tone has led to some debate among Fed watchers on when the central bank will make its next policy move — raising interest rates.

more here:


11/07/2014 @ 9:05AM
Gold Sees Modest Boost Following Slightly Downbeat U.S. Jobs Data

(Kitco News) - Gold prices are modestly higher in the immediate aftermath of the much-anticipated U.S. employment report that did not quite meet market expectations. Prices hit a four-year low overnight. Short covering in the gold futures market and bargain hunting in the spot gold market are featured, following the recent strong selling pressure. December Comex gold was last up $4.80 at $1,147.40 an ounce. Spot gold was last quoted up $6.20 at $1,148.00. December Comex silver last traded up $0.057 at $15.47 an ounce.

Arguably the most important U.S. economic data point of the month saw Friday’s October employment report from the Labor Department produce a rise of 214,000 in non-farm payrolls. The key non-farm payrolls number was expected to come in at up around 230,000. The overall U.S. unemployment rate came in a 5.8% versus expectations of unchanged at last month’s 5.9%. The “whisper” in the market place was that the non-farm jobs number would be higher than the consensus forecast.

The dollar index sold off on the jobs report, most of which was just profit taking after hitting a four-year high on Thursday. The greenback weakness also aided the precious metals market bulls Friday morning.

more here:


It's not just government involved in the world problems:

Non-Government Organizations are involved as well.

Am I advocating Socialism by saying that Walmart and other Corporations should pay more?


I'm only pointing out the clear corruption within our market.
Because of this corruption 'the problem', a solution has been presented:


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Market Update - 11.06.2014

Dow Jones
17,554.08    +69.55    (0.40%)
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Nov 6, 4:02PM EST 
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New Jobless Claims Fall Further, Bolstering Hope for Hiring

WASHINGTON — Fewer people applied for unemployment benefits last week, adding to signs that the job market should continue to improve.

The Labor Department said on Thursday that weekly applications fell 10,000 to a seasonally adjusted 278,000. The four-week average, a less volatile measure, declined 2,250 to 279,000, the lowest level in more than 14 years.

Applications are a proxy for layoffs, and they have retreated 18.5 percent in the last year, suggesting rising economic confidence among businesses.

Employers have added an average of 227,000 jobs a month in 2014 and added an average of 194,000 last year. Over the last 12 months, they have added 2.64 million jobs, the best showing since April 2006. The unemployment rate has fallen to 5.9 percent, a six-year low.

Economists predict that the Friday jobs report will show 230,000 new jobs in October. The unemployment rate is projected to hold steady.

In a separate report, the Labor Department said workers’ productivity increased in the third quarter at a slower pace than in the previous quarter. Productivity, the amount of output per hour of work, rose at a 2 percent annual rate in the third quarter after a 2.9 percent gain in the second quarter.

Labor costs rose 0.3 percent in the third quarter after falling 0.5 percent in the second quarter.

The payroll processor ADP reported on Wednesday that companies in the United States added 230,000 jobs in October. The result was the highest in four months and a sign that businesses are still willing to hire despite signs of slowing growth overseas. Job gains above 200,000 are usually enough to lower the unemployment rate.

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When THAT market crash comes, no one is going to see it coming.

Matthew 24:36
But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.

Not even Jesus Christ.