Burglars Stumble Upon Man's Child Porn Stash, Turn Him In
Published October 06, 2011FoxNews.com
Two burglars looking for blank CDs in California instead found a man’s child pornography stash and turned him in, Fox40 Sacramento reported Wednesday.
He was booked into jail for possession of child pornography and posted his $25,000 bail.
The two people that found the pornography were not arrested for the burglary.
"We did not actually go out and arrest the suspects for the burglary. They were obviously the lesser of two evils," McKenzie told Fox40.
Sure, one could argue that stealing is less harmful than child rape, and they would be right, at least in my opinion.
I hear the phrase applied when people want to find any which way to justify voting.
That kind of thinking, in my opinion, is for the blind in Babylon.
Since I am an Ambassador of Christ, logically that kind of thinking does not apply.
I'll make some points on this:
1) Both parties are run by corporations, and we all know who controls corporations. (that pyramid break down is for another time)
2) Both parties have contributed, and are continuing to contribute to the destruction of U.S. (regardless of who supposedly contributed the most)
3) The democrats like giving people things for doing nothing
4) The republicans like taking things from people so they can do nothing
5) Most republicans are self-proclaimed Christians
6) Most democrats are self-proclaimed anti-religion Atheists
In a nutshell:
The republicans are the thesis.
The democrats are the anti-thesis.
The next step, whether it's "Obamacare" or "The Patriot Act", is the synthesis.
World Government will be the final synthesis, or the solution.
(democrats and republicans are interchangeable)

Think about it.
CFR Deception -- Official Newswatch Magazine
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