Just so it's clear, this is not about me wanting this to happen.
This is agenda news, and it can't be stopped, regardless of beliefs.
Texas gay marriage ban struck down
02/26/14 02:58 PM—UPDATED 02/26/14 03:10 PM
By Emma Margolin
Marriage equality has officially infiltrated the deep South.
Texas moved to join 17 states and the District of Columbia on Wednesday in allowing gay couples to legally wed, after a federal judge struck down the state’s nine-year-old amendment banning same-sex nuptials. U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia, an appointee of President Clinton, issued a preliminary injunction on the ban, then suspended his ruling, meaning gay couples won’t be able to marry in the Lone Star State until the case is heard by a higher court.
In a 48-page opinion, Garcia found the state’s 2005 voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage violated the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee to equal protection under the 14th Amendment. He is the sixth federal judge to strike down all or part of a state ban on same-sex marriage since the U.S. Supreme Court gutted the federal Defense of Marriage Act last June, and the first to do so in the deep South.
“Without a rational relation to a legitimate governmental purpose, state-imposed inequality can find no refuge in our United States Constitution,” Garcia wrote. “These Texas laws deny plaintiffs access to the institution of marriage and its numerous rights, privileges, and responsibilities for the sole reason that Plaintiffs wish to be married to a person of the same sex.”
The case was filed last fall on behalf of two same-sex couples – Victor Holmes and Mark Phariss, who have been together for 17 years; and Cleopatra De Leon and Nicole Dimetman, who were legally married five years ago in Massachusetts, but want Texas to recognize their union.
more here:
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
The Constitution was written in such a way, as to not allow religious reasoning to create laws.
Something interesting my wife pointed out once:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
more here:
How can we allow Buddhists to worship here, and then say we're a "Christian Nation"?
We can't have it both ways.
If that had said:
Congress shall make no law allowing the worship of anyone other than the God of Israel, Jesus Christ, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
For crying out loud, it was written by Freemasons.
"But, but...the gays hurt the idea of the family."
Are you a Christian, or a Babylonian?
Matthew 15:11
Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.
Them, the homosexuals, having fruity sex has nothing to do with me, you or your family/children.
You've taught them the Way of the Lord to the best of the ability God gave you, you have nothing to worry about.
What I find fascinating about the generic christian world is their sincerity is wrapped in hypocrisy.
When a star football player is out sleeping with any young lady ready and willing, (and a lot of case not willing) he is applauded.
Fornication is sin, and the penalty would be death, in physical Israel.
That's just one example.
If we apply judgement on one law, we'd have to start all over and clean some stuff up.
This is Babylon, and Texas is in Babylon, plain and simple.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Monday, February 17, 2014
The Lesser of Two Evils
I saw this article from 2011:
Burglars Stumble Upon Man's Child Porn Stash, Turn Him In
Published October 06, 2011FoxNews.com
Two burglars looking for blank CDs in California instead found a man’s child pornography stash and turned him in, Fox40 Sacramento reported Wednesday.
He was booked into jail for possession of child pornography and posted his $25,000 bail.
The two people that found the pornography were not arrested for the burglary.
"We did not actually go out and arrest the suspects for the burglary. They were obviously the lesser of two evils," McKenzie told Fox40.
Sure, one could argue that stealing is less harmful than child rape, and they would be right, at least in my opinion.
I hear the phrase applied when people want to find any which way to justify voting.
That kind of thinking, in my opinion, is for the blind in Babylon.
Since I am an Ambassador of Christ, logically that kind of thinking does not apply.
I'll make some points on this:
1) Both parties are run by corporations, and we all know who controls corporations. (that pyramid break down is for another time)
2) Both parties have contributed, and are continuing to contribute to the destruction of U.S. (regardless of who supposedly contributed the most)
3) The democrats like giving people things for doing nothing
4) The republicans like taking things from people so they can do nothing
5) Most republicans are self-proclaimed Christians
6) Most democrats are self-proclaimed anti-religion Atheists
In a nutshell:
The republicans are the thesis.
The democrats are the anti-thesis.
The next step, whether it's "Obamacare" or "The Patriot Act", is the synthesis.
World Government will be the final synthesis, or the solution.
(democrats and republicans are interchangeable)
Think about it.
CFR Deception -- Official Newswatch Magazine
Burglars Stumble Upon Man's Child Porn Stash, Turn Him In
Published October 06, 2011FoxNews.com
Two burglars looking for blank CDs in California instead found a man’s child pornography stash and turned him in, Fox40 Sacramento reported Wednesday.
He was booked into jail for possession of child pornography and posted his $25,000 bail.
The two people that found the pornography were not arrested for the burglary.
"We did not actually go out and arrest the suspects for the burglary. They were obviously the lesser of two evils," McKenzie told Fox40.
Sure, one could argue that stealing is less harmful than child rape, and they would be right, at least in my opinion.
I hear the phrase applied when people want to find any which way to justify voting.
That kind of thinking, in my opinion, is for the blind in Babylon.
Since I am an Ambassador of Christ, logically that kind of thinking does not apply.
I'll make some points on this:
1) Both parties are run by corporations, and we all know who controls corporations. (that pyramid break down is for another time)
2) Both parties have contributed, and are continuing to contribute to the destruction of U.S. (regardless of who supposedly contributed the most)
3) The democrats like giving people things for doing nothing
4) The republicans like taking things from people so they can do nothing
5) Most republicans are self-proclaimed Christians
6) Most democrats are self-proclaimed anti-religion Atheists
In a nutshell:
The republicans are the thesis.
The democrats are the anti-thesis.
The next step, whether it's "Obamacare" or "The Patriot Act", is the synthesis.
World Government will be the final synthesis, or the solution.
(democrats and republicans are interchangeable)
Think about it.
CFR Deception -- Official Newswatch Magazine
Friday, February 14, 2014
How would humanity change if we knew aliens existed?
We have yet to discover any signs of an extraterrestrial civilization — a prospect that could quite literally change overnight. Should that happen, our sense of ourselves and our place in the cosmos would forever be shaken. It could even change the course of human history. Or would it?
Top image: Josh Kao; more about this artist here.
Last week, SETI's Seth Shostak made the claim that we'll detect an alien civilization by 2040. Personally, I don't believe this will happen (for reasons I can elucidate in a future post — but the Fermi Paradox is definitely a factor, as is the problem of receiving coherent radio signals across stellar distances). But it got me wondering: What, if anything, would change in the trajectory of a civilization's development if it had definitive proof that intelligent extraterrestrials (ETIs) were real?
read more here:
Reagan's ALIEN speech to UN
We have yet to discover any signs of an extraterrestrial civilization — a prospect that could quite literally change overnight. Should that happen, our sense of ourselves and our place in the cosmos would forever be shaken. It could even change the course of human history. Or would it?
Top image: Josh Kao; more about this artist here.
Last week, SETI's Seth Shostak made the claim that we'll detect an alien civilization by 2040. Personally, I don't believe this will happen (for reasons I can elucidate in a future post — but the Fermi Paradox is definitely a factor, as is the problem of receiving coherent radio signals across stellar distances). But it got me wondering: What, if anything, would change in the trajectory of a civilization's development if it had definitive proof that intelligent extraterrestrials (ETIs) were real?
read more here:
Reagan's ALIEN speech to UN
Affordable Care Act, why lie about it?
I'm going to rehash some stuff I've already covered, then get to the update:
"foxnews simply lies about obamacare - 10.20.21013"
cnn - sean hannity accused of distorting obamacare - busted
Eric Stern talks about his piece in which he fact-checked a "Hannity" segment about damage from Obamacare.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=fOvRp4odd6o
below is the article:
Friday, Oct 18, 2013 05:15 PM CDT
Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare
UPDATE I re-reported a Fox News segment on Obamacare -- it was appallingly easy to see how it misleads the audience
By Eric Stern
I happened to turn on the Hannity show on Fox News last Friday evening. “Average Americans are feeling the pain of Obamacare and the healthcare overhaul train wreck,” Hannity announced, “and six of them are here tonight to tell us their stories.” Three married couples were neatly arranged in his studio, the wives seated and the men standing behind them, like game show contestants.
As Hannity called on each of them, the guests recounted their “Obamacare” horror stories: canceled policies, premium hikes, restrictions on the freedom to see a doctor of their choice, financial burdens upon their small businesses and so on.
“These are the stories that the media refuses to cover,” Hannity interjected.
But none of it smelled right to me. Nothing these folks were saying jibed with the basic facts of the Affordable Care Act as I understand them. I understand them fairly well; I have worked as a senior adviser to a governor and helped him deal with the new federal rules.
I decided to hit the pavement. I tracked down Hannity’s guests, one by one, and did my own telephone interviews with them.
First I spoke with Paul Cox of Leicester, N.C. He and his wife Michelle had lamented to Hannity that because of Obamacare, they can’t grow their construction business and they have kept their employees below a certain number of hours, so that they are part-timers.
Obamacare has no effect on businesses with 49 employees or less. But in our brief conversation on the phone, Paul revealed that he has only four employees. Why the cutback on his workforce? “Well,” he said, “I haven’t been forced to do so, it’s just that I’ve chosen to do so. I have to deal with increased costs.” What costs? And how, I asked him, is any of it due to Obamacare? There was a long pause, after which he said he’d call me back. He never did.
There is only one Obamacare requirement that applies to a company of this size: workers must be notified of the existence of the “healthcare.gov” website, the insurance exchange. That’s all.
read more here:
http://www.salon.com/2013/10/ 18/inside_the_fox_news_lie_ machine_i_fact_checked_sean_ hannity_on_obamacare/?ncid= edlinkusaolp00000008
========= UPDATE ======
So, if the Affordable Care Act is that bad, why not feature real people:
Tell Sen. Landrieu: Obamacare is Hurting Louisiana Families
The ACA ‘victims’ who aren’t
02/14/14 09:11 AM
By Steve Benen
If opponents of the Affordable Care Act are correct, the law’s victims are everywhere. “Obamacare” has hurt so many people, crushed so many dreams, and caused so much anguish that the right has no trouble at all finding “horror stories” that prove just how awful the ACA really is.
But despite the ubiquity of these victims, the “horror stories” tend to fall apart rather quickly when subjected to even minor scrutiny. Indeed, in Louisiana, it’s even come to this.
A new political attack ad from the Koch brothers-funded group Americans for Prosperity calls on Louisianans to tell Sen. Mary Landrieu that Obamacare is hurting their families.
The ad shows a number of people, who appear to be Louisianans, opening their mail to find a letter stating that their health care policy has been cancelled because of the Affordable Care Act.
“Due to the Affordable Care Act, your monthly premium has increased,” a voice-over says in the ad as a man in a rural neighborhood opens a cancellation letter and looks at his young daughter standing next to him. “No longer covered, due to the Affordable Care Act.”
As ABC News found, none of the featured victims are actually victims – they’re actors.
To be sure, it’s not unusual to hire actors to appear in commercials – it is, in fact, the norm – but the AFP attack ad could have featured real Louisianans. Indeed, the state is presumably filled with angry people who, according to the commercial, have seen increased premiums and lost coverage. There’s ample reason to believe these enraged throngs don’t actually exist in reality, but maybe they’re out there somewhere.
So why not feature them instead of actors?
“Hiring professional actors to impersonate Louisiana families is low even for the billionaire Koch brothers,” Friends of Mary Landrieu Campaign Manager Adam Sullivan told ABC News. “If the Koch brothers had even a shred of credibility before launching their latest misleading ad campaign against Sen. Landrieu, they’ve surely lost it now.”
Of course, there’s a larger context to this. Landrieu is in a tough, red state re-election fight, so state residents should expect to see plenty of attack ads between now and then fall, but that’s not all that’s going on in the Pelican State right now.
Greg Sargent raised an important point yesterday.
The Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity is also planning to lobby state legislators hard to oppose the Medicaid expansion, which is supported by Senator Landrieu and will be debated by the state legislature this spring. Supporters say it could expand coverage to up to 300,000 people.
In short, Americans for Prosperity is up with a major TV ad buy featuring fake victims of Obamacare, while planning a major lobbying effort to block Obamacare’s benefits from reaching untold numbers of real people.
For their part, Louisiana Democrats recognize that Medicaid expansion is an uphill climb as a legislative matter, but party leaders told Greg they hope to get the issue onto the statewide ballot on Election Day 2014.
found here:
If the affordable care act, or obamcare is affecting in a real adverse way, right now, then I'd like to see that.
Either way, you've already accepted socialism.
"foxnews simply lies about obamacare - 10.20.21013"
cnn - sean hannity accused of distorting obamacare - busted
Eric Stern talks about his piece in which he fact-checked a "Hannity" segment about damage from Obamacare.
below is the article:
Friday, Oct 18, 2013 05:15 PM CDT
Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare
UPDATE I re-reported a Fox News segment on Obamacare -- it was appallingly easy to see how it misleads the audience
By Eric Stern
I happened to turn on the Hannity show on Fox News last Friday evening. “Average Americans are feeling the pain of Obamacare and the healthcare overhaul train wreck,” Hannity announced, “and six of them are here tonight to tell us their stories.” Three married couples were neatly arranged in his studio, the wives seated and the men standing behind them, like game show contestants.
As Hannity called on each of them, the guests recounted their “Obamacare” horror stories: canceled policies, premium hikes, restrictions on the freedom to see a doctor of their choice, financial burdens upon their small businesses and so on.
“These are the stories that the media refuses to cover,” Hannity interjected.
But none of it smelled right to me. Nothing these folks were saying jibed with the basic facts of the Affordable Care Act as I understand them. I understand them fairly well; I have worked as a senior adviser to a governor and helped him deal with the new federal rules.
I decided to hit the pavement. I tracked down Hannity’s guests, one by one, and did my own telephone interviews with them.
First I spoke with Paul Cox of Leicester, N.C. He and his wife Michelle had lamented to Hannity that because of Obamacare, they can’t grow their construction business and they have kept their employees below a certain number of hours, so that they are part-timers.
Obamacare has no effect on businesses with 49 employees or less. But in our brief conversation on the phone, Paul revealed that he has only four employees. Why the cutback on his workforce? “Well,” he said, “I haven’t been forced to do so, it’s just that I’ve chosen to do so. I have to deal with increased costs.” What costs? And how, I asked him, is any of it due to Obamacare? There was a long pause, after which he said he’d call me back. He never did.
There is only one Obamacare requirement that applies to a company of this size: workers must be notified of the existence of the “healthcare.gov” website, the insurance exchange. That’s all.
read more here:
========= UPDATE ======
So, if the Affordable Care Act is that bad, why not feature real people:
Tell Sen. Landrieu: Obamacare is Hurting Louisiana Families
The ACA ‘victims’ who aren’t
02/14/14 09:11 AM
By Steve Benen
If opponents of the Affordable Care Act are correct, the law’s victims are everywhere. “Obamacare” has hurt so many people, crushed so many dreams, and caused so much anguish that the right has no trouble at all finding “horror stories” that prove just how awful the ACA really is.
But despite the ubiquity of these victims, the “horror stories” tend to fall apart rather quickly when subjected to even minor scrutiny. Indeed, in Louisiana, it’s even come to this.
A new political attack ad from the Koch brothers-funded group Americans for Prosperity calls on Louisianans to tell Sen. Mary Landrieu that Obamacare is hurting their families.
The ad shows a number of people, who appear to be Louisianans, opening their mail to find a letter stating that their health care policy has been cancelled because of the Affordable Care Act.
“Due to the Affordable Care Act, your monthly premium has increased,” a voice-over says in the ad as a man in a rural neighborhood opens a cancellation letter and looks at his young daughter standing next to him. “No longer covered, due to the Affordable Care Act.”
As ABC News found, none of the featured victims are actually victims – they’re actors.
To be sure, it’s not unusual to hire actors to appear in commercials – it is, in fact, the norm – but the AFP attack ad could have featured real Louisianans. Indeed, the state is presumably filled with angry people who, according to the commercial, have seen increased premiums and lost coverage. There’s ample reason to believe these enraged throngs don’t actually exist in reality, but maybe they’re out there somewhere.
So why not feature them instead of actors?
“Hiring professional actors to impersonate Louisiana families is low even for the billionaire Koch brothers,” Friends of Mary Landrieu Campaign Manager Adam Sullivan told ABC News. “If the Koch brothers had even a shred of credibility before launching their latest misleading ad campaign against Sen. Landrieu, they’ve surely lost it now.”
Of course, there’s a larger context to this. Landrieu is in a tough, red state re-election fight, so state residents should expect to see plenty of attack ads between now and then fall, but that’s not all that’s going on in the Pelican State right now.
Greg Sargent raised an important point yesterday.
The Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity is also planning to lobby state legislators hard to oppose the Medicaid expansion, which is supported by Senator Landrieu and will be debated by the state legislature this spring. Supporters say it could expand coverage to up to 300,000 people.
In short, Americans for Prosperity is up with a major TV ad buy featuring fake victims of Obamacare, while planning a major lobbying effort to block Obamacare’s benefits from reaching untold numbers of real people.
For their part, Louisiana Democrats recognize that Medicaid expansion is an uphill climb as a legislative matter, but party leaders told Greg they hope to get the issue onto the statewide ballot on Election Day 2014.
found here:
If the affordable care act, or obamcare is affecting in a real adverse way, right now, then I'd like to see that.
Either way, you've already accepted socialism.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Made...on Planet Earth? Automobiles in Context
Let's start with this...
Who Will Do More?
Collapse - Obama for America TV Ad
TUE OCT 30, 2012 AT 10:48 AM PDT
Fiat-Chrysler CEO Rebuts Romney's Lie
In a letter to shareholders, Fiat-Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne rebuts Romney's deliberate lie about Chrysler and jobs to China. (Fiat and the UAW pension plan own Chrysler, with Fiat owning about 55% and [had been] planning to buy out the UAW over time). [Fiat now says it will not buy out UAW because it is using that money to deal with bad Euro economy]
I feel obliged to unambiguously restate our position: Jeep production will not be moved from the United States to China.
He mentioned Jeep being made in produced in another country other than America, which is not true.
What is true, is that Fiat was in the process of buying Chrysler, which no one person was refuting.
Well, here's the timeline:
(I'm putting all car manufacturing info in this, for proper context.)
Done deal: Fiat owns Chrysler
James R. Healey, USA TODAY 4:51 p.m. EST January 21, 2014
Jeep's global growth to speed up now that Fiat has acquired Chrysler
7:06 PM, January 27, 2014
Fiat Chrysler taps Maserati for first inspirational Super Bowl ad
By Michael Wayland | mwayland@mlive.com
on February 02, 2014 at 7:25 PM, updated February 02, 2014 at 9:00 PM
Is GM Becoming ‘China Motors’?
Posted on June 8, 2012
Q: Is General Motors becoming ‘China Motors’ using taxpayer dollars?
A: No. The restructured GM is still based in Detroit and is still one-third owned by the U.S. government. But it sells nearly as many cars in China as in the U.S. and has continued expanding operations there.
more here:
Says Barack Obama "sold Chrysler to Italians who are going to build Jeeps in China" at the cost of American jobs.Mitt Romney on Monday, October 29th, 2012 in a television ad
Mitt Romney says Obama's Chrysler deal undermined U.S. workers
GM boosts exports of China-built cars to supply emerging markets
BEIJING, June 3 | Mon Jun 3, 2013 4:27am EDT
(Reuters) - General Motors Co, the biggest foreign automaker be sales in China, aims to boost its exports from the country by nearly 70 percent this year because of strong demand for its Chinese-developed low-cost cars, a local executive said.
The U.S. automaker plans to export as many as 130,000 China-made vehicles this year, up from 77,000 vehicles in 2012, driven by demand for its Chevrolet Sail in other emerging markets.
"While GM's primary philosophy is to manufacture where it sells, we find that product exports are necessary to meet global market demands when GM does not have local manufacturing capabilities for a particular vehicle," Bob Socia, the head of GM in China, told Reuters in an email.
The Sail, which was co-developed with partner SAIC Motor Corp, became an instant hit when it was launched in January 2010. It is the first foreign brand in China with a price tag below 60,000 yuan ($9,800).
The Sail, which accounted for 80 percent of GM's exports from China last year, is also helping the firm compete with Japanese, South Korean and other brands in South America and other emerging markets, said Socia, who is also chief country operations officer for GM's China, India and ASEAN operations.
more here:
UPDATED Feb. 27, 2011
Born in the U.S.A.
The cars and trucks that are currently built in the United States.
the list, here:
related article:
For Baffled Buyers, a Guide to Cars Made in North America
Published: June 19, 2009
ABOUT 8.5 million cars
and light trucks were assembled in the United States last year, but
only about five million of those were made by the automakers
traditionally known as the Big Three. More than three million of the
vehicles assembled in American plants were built by autoworkers employed
by foreign brands like BMW, Honda, Hyundai, Mercedes-Benz and Toyota.
more here:
GM sells more cars in China than US again
Maker sells nearly 3.2 million units, which is an average of one vehicle every 10 seconds and almost 9,000 each day in China.
By Joseph Szczesny of The Detroit Bureau
The Chinese are BUYING Jeeps, not PRODUCING them in China
U.S. Car Revival Boosts Shipping as Jeeps Sent to China
By Isaac Arnsdorf
Dec 18, 2013 12:22 PM CT
Saudis driving F-150 pickup trucks and Chinese coveting Jeep sport-utility vehicles mean more automobiles are filling up ships leaving U.S. ports, boosting revenue for vessel operators including Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA. (WWASA)
The U.S. exported a record 1.8 million cars and light trucks last year, and shipments rose another 8.9 percent in the first 10 months of 2013, Commerce Department data show. Because the U.S. imports about twice as many cars as it sends overseas, more outbound shipments help companies such as Wilhelmsen fill up their carriers on return trips.
American carmakers are expanding sales overseas as the industry rebounds from the worst downturn since the Great Depression and after government bailouts for General Motors Co. and Chrysler Group LLC. Ford Motor Co. said this month it will sell Mustangs in 110 countries, the most in the car’s almost 50-year history. Foreign manufacturers such as Bayerische Motoren Werke AG are also increasing exports from U.S. plants.
“It’s another signal that the U.S. auto industry is out of firefighting mode,” said Jeff Schuster, senior vice president of forecasting an LMC Automotive, a research company in Troy, Michigan. “There is an opportunity and an expectation for the shipping industry to see more activity out of this region.”
more here:
A Chinese Company Brings Hope To Former GM Workers In Ohio
TUE JANUARY 28, 2014
VW, GM, Toyota gain as China vehicle sales top 20 million
New-car deliveries rose to nearly 18 million last year
January 9, 2014 13:10 CET
GM Bailout Ends as U.S. Sells Last of ‘Government Motors’
By Tim Higgins, Ian Katz and Kasia Klimasinska
Dec 9, 2013 11:01 PM CT
General Motors Co. is free from U.S. taxpayer ownership almost half a decade after first receiving government aid, underscoring the domestic auto industry’s rebound from the deepest downturn since the Great Depression.
The Treasury Department’s sale yesterday of final shares of GM signals the end of Government Motors, as the nation’s largest automaker was derisively labeled by some critics after the U.S. government stepped in with emergency funding in 2008. Bailouts from the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations helped GM avoid liquidation and reorganize in a 2009 bankruptcy that has given new life to the company.
“This marks one of the final chapters in the administration’s efforts to protect the broader economy by providing support for the automobile industry,” Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew told reporters yesterday on a conference call.
Buoyed by lower debt, reduced labor costs and a focus on only its strongest brands, GM is emblematic of a revitalized U.S. auto industry that’s on pace to reap the fastest sales growth since 2007. While the U.S. said it lost about $10.5 billion on its investment of $49.5 billion, the government’s exit paves the way for an influx of fresh investor money.
September 24, 2013 12:25 am
US manufacturers ‘reshoring’ from China
By Ed Crooks in New York
American companies are increasingly “reshoring” manufacturing operations from China to the US, according to a survey of executives.
The shift reflects China’s ebbing competitive advantage as a low-cost manufacturing centre after years of rapid wage inflation and points to rising employment in US manufacturing, even though official data have shown little growth over the past year.
Recent examples of companies announcing plans to shift production from China to the US include K’Nex, the toy manufacturer, Trellis Earth Products, which makes bioplastic goods such as bags and utensils, and Handful, the bra manufacturer.
The Boston Consulting Group survey found 21 per cent of a sample of 200 executives of large manufacturers were either already relocating production to the US, or planning to do so within the next two years. A further 33 per cent said they were considering it, or would consider it in the near future.
Those figures are sharply increased from a similar BCG survey early last year, which found 10 per cent of respondents moving production to the US, and a further 27 per cent considering or close to considering it.
Labour costs were the factor most commonly cited by executives as determining location decisions, and China’s advantage has been slipping. Wage inflation has been running at about 15-20 per cent per year. Average hourly earnings in US manufacturing have risen just 1.6 per cent per year since 2011.
So far there has been little sign in the employment data of the improvement in the competitive position of US manufacturing. After bouncing back strongly from the trough of the recession, US manufacturing employment has stagnated for the past year at just under 12m.
However, Hal Sirkin of BCG said he expected the effect of reshoring would begin to show in the data over the next few years.
“These are leading indicators,” he said. “If you are going to have a plant up and running in 2015, you have to start planning in 2011, or 2012 at the latest.”
BCG is predicting that, by the end of the decade, reshoring and rising exports will have created 0.6m-1.2m new manufacturing jobs in the US.
The effect will vary across industries, BCG says. Prime candidates for reshoring are industries that have relatively lower labour costs, and relatively higher transport costs or other reasons to be close to their customers.
The US shale boom is also stimulating investment in industries that have high energy costs, particularly petrochemical production.
found here:
So, is it OK for foreign companies to make cars in America?
The Cars.com American-Made Index
By Kelsey Mays, Cars.com
Buying "American" Could Mean Buying Foreign
By JENNY STRIETER 12:46PM Mar 13, 2013
In a new survey conducted by Harris Interactive, 75 percent of those surveyed considered a product American if it was manufactured in the U.S. In the same survey released last week, 15 percent of those surveyed also named Ford as the most American company.
"What many consumers don't know is that companies very traditionally seen as American, from GE to John Deere to Levi Strauss, outsource varying portions of their operations overseas, so it takes a lot of attention and research to determine if you're buying American and what that specifically means to you," said Mike de Vere, president of the Harris Poll. "Even the big three automakers - Ford, General Motors and Chrysler - two of whom were thought of as the most American brands in our findings, increasingly have cars in which parts are produced abroad, while Japanese automakers Toyota and Honda have upped U.S. production."
Although Ford is considered the most American company by survey respondents, the annual American-Made Index by Cars.com only has one Ford vehicle listed (the Ford F-150). Cars.com says the “American-Made Index recognizes cars that are built here, have a high percentage of domestic parts and are bought in large numbers by American consumers.” The index, made up of 10 vehicles, has five Japanese-branded models that some consumers may automatically disqualify because they are made by a foreign car company. In reality, the Japanese Toyota Camry has ranked number one in the index over the last four years. The Camry is assembled in Kentucky and Indiana and is built with more U.S. parts than any other vehicle based on the index criteria.
Besides the Toyota Camry, the Sienna and Tundra made the list for 2012. Tying Toyota as the most represented automaker was General Motors, with the Chevrolet Traverse, GMC Acadia and Buick Enclave. Representing Honda was the Accord and Pilot, and one vehicle from Chrysler Group, the Jeep Liberty, made the list.
more here:
It's been global for a long time, nothing new here.
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