By Laura Dimon January 27, 2014
It almost seems like another life, or like it could've, should've, just been a nightmare. But it's very real.
Several years ago, Danielle Douglas, now 31, was trafficked into sex slavery. Her story does not begin with a spring break gone wrong, or in a dusty town in Cambodia, or on a dark, brothel-lined alleyway in Bangkok. It starts in an apartment in Boston.
Douglas was 17 years old in 2000 when she moved from New Jersey to start college at Northeastern University. One night, when she arrived at what she thought was a party, she found nothing of the sort. There was only one man there, who appeared to be in his mid-40s. He claimed to feel badly that there had been a misunderstanding, so he offered her in for dinner. For the next two weeks, they casually kept in touch. "I honestly have no idea how he got my information," she said in an interview. She suspects that he paid off her friends for her phone number.
At the end of that two weeks, everything changed.
"I was hanging out with him, we were going to get something to eat, so I thought, and I ended up in Chinatown where he basically shoved me out of the car and told me to make money for him."
She did not have her phone, purse, identification or anything. "I was pretty much in shock. I saw other girls out there at the time so I kind of understood what he wanted me to do, but I wasn’t interested in doing that. … I went into an alleyway to figure out what I was going to do."
He came around the other side of the alley. "He beat me very badly and threatened my life and told me to make the money or I was going to die. So at that point I just started following directions."
It only got worse from there. She was constantly beaten, and he was always with her unless she was with a john (a client paying for sex.) "I was in so much fear, the only thing in my mind was to not do anything wrong and get killed or hurt."
She was manipulated, intimidated, and forced into submission. "They know everything you do, every minute of the day. [You are] mentally and physically chained."
(A trafficked girl whose pimp forced her to have his name tattooed on her back. ©Tricked Film)
Perhaps one of the most jarring and perplexing types of her abuse was the psychological. The pimp brainwashed Douglas to believe she was worth nothing. "You're so ashamed of what you've done already, and then to be told every minute of every day, 'I'm the only one that’s going to love you now. The only one who is ever gonna love a ho is a pimp … I can take care of you.' And this is drilled into you. Drilled, drilled, drilled. Until you start believing it.'"
She remained under her pimp's intense, overpowering control and manipulation for the miserable two years that followed. The once innocent, bright-eyed girl from Summit, New Jersey never attended Northeastern University.
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just so we're clear, this is nothing new:
The Washington Child Sex Ring Coverup
The Franklin Child Sex Ring Implicating the Bush Whitehouse
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Conspiracy Of Silence (Banned Discovery Channel Documentary)
Franklin child prostitution ring allegations
The Franklin child prostitution ring allegations took place between 1988 and 1991 and involved an alleged child sex ring serving prominent citizens of the Nebraska Republican Party, as well as high-level U.S. politicians.[1] The allegations also claimed that the alleged sex ring was led by, "a cult of devil worshipers involved in the mutilation, sacrifice and cannibalism of numerous children."[1] The allegations centered on the actions of Lawrence E. King Jr., who ran the now defunct Franklin Community Federal Credit Union (FCFCU) in Omaha.[2]
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"A pimp is only as good as his product, and his product is women. Now you've got to go out there and get the best ones you can find. And you've got to work them broads like nobody's ever worked them before. And never forget: anybody can control a woman's body, you see, but the key is to control her mind."
...and people are worried about Obama.
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