Friday, February 14, 2014

Affordable Care Act, why lie about it?

I'm going to rehash some stuff I've already covered, then get to the update:

"foxnews simply lies about obamacare - 10.20.21013"

cnn - sean hannity accused of distorting obamacare - busted
Eric Stern talks about his piece in which he fact-checked a "Hannity" segment about damage from Obamacare.

below is the article:

Friday, Oct 18, 2013 05:15 PM CDT
Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare
UPDATE I re-reported a Fox News segment on Obamacare -- it was appallingly easy to see how it misleads the audience
By Eric Stern

Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare

I happened to turn on the Hannity show on Fox News last Friday evening. “Average Americans are feeling the pain of Obamacare and the healthcare overhaul train wreck,” Hannity announced, “and six of them are here tonight to tell us their stories.”  Three married couples were neatly arranged in his studio, the wives seated and the men standing behind them, like game show contestants.

As Hannity called on each of them, the guests recounted their “Obamacare” horror stories: canceled policies, premium hikes, restrictions on the freedom to see a doctor of their choice, financial burdens upon their small businesses and so on.

“These are the stories that the media refuses to cover,” Hannity interjected.

But none of it smelled right to me. Nothing these folks were saying jibed with the basic facts of the Affordable Care Act as I understand them. I understand them fairly well; I have worked as a senior adviser to a governor and helped him deal with the new federal rules.

I decided to hit the pavement. I tracked down Hannity’s guests, one by one, and did my own telephone interviews with them.

First I spoke with Paul Cox of Leicester, N.C.  He and his wife Michelle had lamented to Hannity that because of Obamacare, they can’t grow their construction business and they have kept their employees below a certain number of hours, so that they are part-timers.

Obamacare has no effect on businesses with 49 employees or less. But in our brief conversation on the phone, Paul revealed that he has only four employees. Why the cutback on his workforce? “Well,” he said, “I haven’t been forced to do so, it’s just that I’ve chosen to do so. I have to deal with increased costs.” What costs? And how, I asked him, is any of it due to Obamacare? There was a long pause, after which he said he’d call me back. He never did.

There is only one Obamacare requirement that applies to a company of this size: workers must be notified of the existence of the “” website, the insurance exchange. That’s all.

read more here:

========= UPDATE ======

So, if the Affordable Care Act is that bad, why not feature real people:

Tell Sen. Landrieu: Obamacare is Hurting Louisiana Families


The ACA ‘victims’ who aren’t
02/14/14 09:11 AM
By Steve Benen

If opponents of the Affordable Care Act are correct, the law’s victims are everywhere. “Obamacare” has hurt so many people, crushed so many dreams, and caused so much anguish that the right has no trouble at all finding “horror stories” that prove just how awful the ACA really is.

But despite the ubiquity of these victims, the “horror stories” tend to fall apart rather quickly when subjected to even minor scrutiny. Indeed, in Louisiana, it’s even come to this.

A new political attack ad from the Koch brothers-funded group Americans for Prosperity calls on Louisianans to tell Sen. Mary Landrieu that Obamacare is hurting their families.

The ad shows a number of people, who appear to be Louisianans, opening their mail to find a letter stating that their health care policy has been cancelled because of the Affordable Care Act.

“Due to the Affordable Care Act, your monthly premium has increased,” a voice-over says in the ad as a man in a rural neighborhood opens a cancellation letter and looks at his young daughter standing next to him. “No longer covered, due to the Affordable Care Act.”

As ABC News found, none of the featured victims are actually victims – they’re actors.

To be sure, it’s not unusual to hire actors to appear in commercials – it is, in fact, the norm – but the AFP attack ad could have featured real Louisianans. Indeed, the state is presumably filled with angry people who, according to the commercial, have seen increased premiums and lost coverage. There’s ample reason to believe these enraged throngs don’t actually exist in reality, but maybe they’re out there somewhere.

So why not feature them instead of actors?

“Hiring professional actors to impersonate Louisiana families is low even for the billionaire Koch brothers,” Friends of Mary Landrieu Campaign Manager Adam Sullivan told ABC News. “If the Koch brothers had even a shred of credibility before launching their latest misleading ad campaign against Sen. Landrieu, they’ve surely lost it now.”

Of course, there’s a larger context to this. Landrieu is in a tough, red state re-election fight, so state residents should expect to see plenty of attack ads between now and then fall, but that’s not all that’s going on in the Pelican State right now.

Greg Sargent raised an important point yesterday.

The Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity is also planning to lobby state legislators hard to oppose the Medicaid expansion, which is supported by Senator Landrieu and will be debated by the state legislature this spring. Supporters say it could expand coverage to up to 300,000 people.

In short, Americans for Prosperity is up with a major TV ad buy featuring fake victims of Obamacare, while planning a major lobbying effort to block Obamacare’s benefits from reaching untold numbers of real people.

For their part, Louisiana Democrats recognize that Medicaid expansion is an uphill climb as a legislative matter, but party leaders told Greg they hope to get the issue onto the statewide ballot on Election Day 2014.

found here:


If the affordable care act, or obamcare is affecting in a real adverse way, right now, then I'd like to see that.

Either way, you've already accepted socialism.

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