Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Politics of Plagiarism

I honestly do not care that Malania Trump totally ripped off Michelle Obama.
This is about reporting what actually happened:

So, because of this, people have re-uploaded this video:

Here's the difference between Trump and Obama:


Donald Trump Calls Melania Trump’s Controversial Speech a ‘Success’
JULY 18, 2016 | 11:26PM PT

“In her beautiful speech, Melania’s team of writes took notes on her life’s inspirations, and in some instances included fragments of that reflected her own thinking,” the statement read. “Melania’s immigrant experience and love for America shone through her in her speech, which made it such a success.”

more here:


Trump aide offers resignation in Melania Trump plagiarism incident
By Jeremy Diamond, CNN
Updated 12:40 PM ET, Wed July 20, 2016

"Over the phone, she read me some passages from Mrs. Obama's speech as examples. I wrote them down and later included some of the phrasing in the draft that ultimately became the final speech. I did not check Mrs. Obama's speeches. This was my mistake, and I feel terrible for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama. No harm was meant."

more here:


Clinton Camp Says Obama Plagiarized in Speech

During a news conference here, Mr. Obama said he and Mr. Patrick “trade ideas all the time.” Asked if he should have given credit to Mr. Patrick, he said, “I’m sure I should have,” but he said he doubted that voters were concerned by the dust-up.

“I’m happy to give Deval credit, as I give to a lot of people for spurring all kinds of ideas,” he said. “But I think it’s fair to say that everything we’ve been doing and generating excitement and the interest that people have had in the elections is based on the core belief in me that we need change in America.”

more here:


All the Trump campaign has to do is own up to it.
Plain and simple.

The truth is, the Elite lie all day long and people continue to vote for them.

I expect that from Babylonains, not from Convenant Keepers.


Monday, July 18, 2016

The Baton Rouge Shooter was a Sovereign Citizen

I was thinking MSNBC was making this up, but it's true.
Here's the shooters own documentation on it:


Inside the Moorish ‘sovereign citizen’ movement that motivated the Baton Rouge cop killer
Travis Gettys
18 Jul 2016 at 07:20 ET 

The gunman who killed three Baton Rouge police officers Sunday apparently believed most laws did not apply to him because he’d declared himself a “sovereign citizen.”

Gavin Eugene Long, who went by the name Cosmo Setepenra, filed documents last year near his Missouri home declaring himself a United Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu’ur Nation, Mid-West Washita Tribes, reported the Kansas City Star.

Long, who served five years in the U.S. Marines and about six months in Iraq, posted YouTube videos and social media tips about achieving “complete and full masculinity,” and he shared the anti-government views of the loosely organized sovereign citizen movement.

“This group believes that they are indigenous to the continent and therefore above all federal, state and local laws,” said author J.J. MacNab, an expert on anti-government extremists and a fellow at George Washington University’s Center for Cyber and Homeland Security. “(Those) documents show Long’s attempt to separate his flesh and blood ‘indigenous’ self from his legal entity self.”

He put those anti-government beliefs into action after becoming increasingly angry over the police shootings of unarmed black men, saying that non-violent protest had accomplished nothing.

Sovereign citizens are fairly easy to spot in news reports, even when their affiliation isn’t specified.

Adherents claim immunity from federal, state, and local laws, citing God’s law or common law over constitutional authority, and they frequently use fake driver’s licenses issued by the “Kingdom of Heaven” or phony Native American tribes and place hand-drawn license plates on their vehicles.

Sometimes they carry weapons or threaten others with them, and they often file bogus court documents and act as their own attorneys.

The sovereign citizen belief system originated about 40 years ago in the deeply racist and anti-Semitic Posse Comitatus movement, which teaches that the government has authority over only those citizens who submit to a contract.

The Posse Comitatus movement also teaches that black Americans were made citizens by the 14th Amendment and were therefore bound under permanent contract to the U.S. government.

But the idea that tax and criminal laws can be nullified by individuals who exploit certain loopholes or incant the correct words in the proper order proved irresistible to some black Americans – just like their white counterparts.

“These people really seem to feel that filing certain kinds of legal papers that are connected to their theories will somehow also magically have the power to alter relationships and grant things that otherwise would be unobtainable,”
said Michael Barkun, a retired Syracuse University political science professor.

The anti-black sovereign citizen movement’s teachings turned out to be highly adaptable to the black nationalist teachings of Noble Drew Ali, who founded the exclusively black Moorish Science Temple of America in the early 20th century.

He taught that black “Moors” had been America’s original inhabitants, so they were entitled to self-governing status as a nation within a nation – giving them rights that predate the Constitution, just as sovereign citizens believe.

The Nation of Islam arose from the Moorish Science Temple movement after the death of Noble Drew Ali, which splintered the organization.

The current leader of the Moorish Science Temple says sovereign citizen adherents misrepresent the religious group’s teachings.

“We do not follow ‘sovereignty,’” said Brother R. Jones Bey, grand sheik of the Moorish Science Temple. “The prophet never talked about that. Our organization has been misunderstood by people who see the value of our religion but don’t want to conform. They are not members of our organization.”

Moorish sovereign citizens often cite treaties signed more than 200 years ago between the U.S. and Barbary Coast states, which a retired judge – who studies history in his time away from the bench – said were no longer valid.

“Those treaties were with nations that existed independently for a short period of time, [and] any treaty was totally abrogated by subsequent events initiated by the Barbary states,” said retired judge Robert McLeod, who served on the bench for 17 years in New Jersey. “I simply rattled that off at them, and they looked at me blankly, took off their robes and fezzes, and went back to their birth names and pled guilty.”

New Jersey is a hotbed of Moorish sovereign citizen activity – including a man who was ordered to stand trial in 2014 on a variety of charges despite his claims to be the Crown Prince Emperor El Bey Bigbay Bagby.

A recent study found that law enforcement agencies consider sovereign citizens to be the top terrorist threat in their communities.

Although some adherents of the loosely organized movement have been involved — like Long — in violent confrontations with law enforcement or community members, federal authorities say they more typically commit acts of “paper terrorism.”

Sovereign citizens might file dozens of bogus court documents written in nonsensical language that claim exemption to the law and government authority, and Moorish adherents often use exotic-sounding pseudonyms in an attempt to avoid legal responsibilities.

They’ve also been implicated in real estate scams – such as filing phony paperwork and squatting in homes until property owners can force them out through costly court battles.

Moorish sovereign citizens, like their white counterparts, frequently file false liens – which must be accepted in many states without judgment of validity — against public officials and others as a form of harassment.

The practice has become so commonplace that the National Association of Secretaries of State released urged state officials to find ways to speed up the removal of liens and increase penalties for fraudulent filings.

Sovereign citizens are increasingly drawn from a variety of backgrounds for a variety of reasons.

The ideology originated during the farm-foreclosure crisis in the 1970s, and many newer adherents have been similarly motivated by their experiences during the recent foreclosure crisis.

More recent converts could be attempting to claim for themselves some of the privileges enjoyed by corporations and super-wealthy individuals — who avoid taxes and other responsibilities through one weird trick or another.

Most sovereign citizens are drawn from the ranks of right-wing extremists, while some have come out of the back-to-the-earth homesteader movement or even Hollywood – such as actor Wesley Snipes, whose tax filings made clear he believed the IRS was an illegitimate authority.

Many adherents attend costly seminars to learn the pseudo-legal maneuvers to declare themselves sovereign citizens, and some of those instructors have been convicted of a variety of crimes related to their schemes.

Regardless of their path to the extremist ideology, there are an estimated 300,000 sovereign citizens in the U.S. – and law enforcement and extremist watchdogs believe their numbers are growing.

Law enforcement agencies and court officials have undergone training to spot the telltale signs of sovereign citizens and handle their cases.

While most sovereign citizens are merely nuisances or even harmless, they reflect an apparently increasing disregard for laws individuals determine to be unjust or unconstitutional.

The support by lawmakers and conservative media for scofflaw rancher Cliven Bundy and his sons – who, while not a sovereign citizens themselves, have expressed views that originated in the Posse Comitatus and other right-wing extremist movements – illustrates this on one level.

More organized groups such as the Oath Keepers justify their refusal to follow or enforce laws they don’t like by citing the theory of nullification – which has never been upheld in federal court – and residents of all 50 states started online petitions asking to secede to protest the re-election of President Barack Obama in 2012.

A part-time police officer from New Jersey resigned two years ago after claiming he did not have to follow the Constitution because, as he told a citizen, Obama had violated the law.

The former officer’s remarks about the president’s supposed lawlessness were similar to those made by the right-wing talk show hosts he claimed to admire on his Facebook page, and even some some Republican candidates for office openly flout laws they don’t like to fight against “tyranny.”

Michelle Fiore, the Bundy-backing Nevada assemblywoman, stirred up controversy in May by telling a local TV reporter that the Second Amendment gave Americans the right to point guns at law enforcement officers in self-defense — although she later said she didn’t mean local police, but only some federal agents.

Maine’s Republican Gov. Paul LePage met with a pair of sovereign citizen radio hosts as they discussed their legal theories and whether it would be possible to execute Democratic lawmakers for treason.

The Internet has allowed sovereign citizen ideology to spread beyond the political fringes, and many within the movement intentionally blur the lines between sovereign citizen beliefs and more commonly held anti-government views.

“If one criticizes the government in any form they can be labeled a sovereign citizen,” warned blogger Dave Hodges. “And if the government can label one a sovereign Citizen, then that citizen has no rights and ostensibly, the government can do what they will with that citizen.”

Sounds ominous enough, but sovereign citizens aren’t jailed for their views, they’re jailed when they put those beliefs into action and bump up against the legal system — or worse.

found here:


If you know anything about this kind of movement, they've already killed officers, including state troopers.


This is from 60 minutes. It's been re-uploaded several times calling it a 'hit piece':

The spokesman for the movement has threatened to kill those in government. I had a guy tell me he's listened to this guys radio show for years and he's never said that, but he clearly says it.


Sovereign Citizens Are America’s Top Cop-Killers
Caitlin Dickson | 11.25.14 3:15 PM ET
Just last week an anti-government extremist ambushed and killed a police officer after setting his own house on fire. One ex-police chief is telling local law enforcement how to spot the greatest threat to their lives.


I find it interesting the intersection of Black Militants and Sovereign Citizens is happening now.

Very interesting, indeed.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


*If you are in Nice or a Cop in Dallas...


Baghdad just suffered Iraq's worst terror attack since the US-led invasion, and we've already forgotten

July 16, 2016 · 12:30 PM EDT
By Fatma Tanis

News coverage, especially on television, can last days, even weeks. Every angle is analyzed: How did it happen? Who did it? Why?

But some places get less attention, less coverage, less curiosity — even if they happen to be hit with major back-to-back attacks. Or back-to-back-to-back-to-back attacks.

Places like Baghdad.

Just two weeks ago, Baghdad suffered Iraq's worst terror attack since the US-led invasion in 2003. More than 300 people were killed when a van exploded in a crowded commercial area of the city, during Ramadan.

But it didn't stop there. Four days later, a suicide bomber killed at least 40 people at a Shia shrine near Baghdad.

Then on Tuesday, at least 12 people were killed in a suicide car bombing at a fruit and vegetable market in Baghdad.

And on Wednesday, another suicide car bombing, also in Baghdad, killed at least 10 people at a police checkpoint.

As people around the world pray for Nice, Baghdad journalist Sahar Issa says Iraqis "are the best people who can feel for the victims" of that attack.

"We know what it feels like. We know what bereavement is," Issa says in an interview. "We feel for the people, for the families. We [know] how it feels to be hit when you are not expecting to be hit, and that is terrifying."

"We as a people, whether Muslims in Iraq or Muslims elsewhere, or Christians or whoever it is all over the world, what we want is one: We want to live in peace ... we want our children to go to schools, and we want them to come back safely home," Issa says. 

But at the same time, according to Issa, Iraqis are skeptical that Western countries will empathize as well with them. They are very much aware of the difference in attention given to "terror attacks in the Western world versus terror attacks that take place in the Middle East."

She thinks people may have come to believe that "volatility is a characteristic of the Middle East, whereas we are just people. We want to live in peace."

Many Iraqis question the lack of a media spotlight on Iraq. Issa thinks it has to do with fewer Western soldiers in the country.

"When the US forces left Iraq in 2011, most of the International media — especially American media — left. They only left behind a freelancer or a one-person bureau."

But Iraq requires international attention, Issa says. "Monitoring is part of the reform process. If there is no monitoring from the international community, what have we done here in Iraq? What was the purpose?"

listen to the interview, here:


When I hear people say "Pray for Dallas Police and the People in Nice" and leave out everyone else...I get a little sad, which actually makes me angry.

I mean, I literally heard someone just today mention those places and left out Turkey and everywhere else.

I should be use to this kind of the double standard by now, I guess it's going to take some more time.


Friday, July 15, 2016

Race and Crime Data & Black Lives Matter, Only?

I should not have to even bother saying this, but since people have already come to the conclusion that I voted or wanted Barack Obama to win in 2012, I'll come right out and say this before continuing with this email:

1) I don't vote (and never have), resist tyranny or participate in politics of any form.

2) I don't protest anything and I am not an activist.

3) I don't care who is in the White House. With the corruption we have it's been more like an Out House since inception.

4) I don't agree with every tactic that Black Lives Matter has done:
> sitting in front the White House: cool, that makes sense.
> sitting in the middle of a highway: stupid, really stupid.

5) I am waiting on the arrival of the Kingdom of God, period.

I wish the gossipers and the people who spread lies would spread that for once.
As a matter of fact, feel free to email your friends who believe this. Seriously. Do it.

If you have a hard time understanding why I don't vote, watch these two videos:

Should Christians Vote?

and check out the sermon:

"Who are you?" #1471A.

David's voting sermon is pretty consistent with his sermonette on being an Ambassador, "Who are you?" #1471A.

He starts out by asking:

"Who are you?"
"Are you an Ambassador of Jesus Christ?"

At one point he's painfully clear about this:

"None of Gods servants tried to beat the system..."

"We're not Democrats, we're not Republicans, we're not Reformed party members, we're not Independents, we're not Libertarians..."

Then right after that he says this:

"Everyone of these systems, whether you want to believe it or not, people that are running them, are in Satan's system."


I would like to also note:

Dallas Police Department Was Posting Pictures of Peaceful Protesters Before Shooting Started
By Ben Mathis-Lilley
Before it began posting information about the apparent Thurdsay-night sniper attack in which at least four officers were killed at a protest march, the Dallas police department's official Twitter account was posting photos, with respectful captions, of peaceful protesters.

The DPD were protecting the BLM protesters:

The irony at the heart of the Dallas police deaths after a Black Lives Matter march
By Philip Bump July 8

Dallas Police, Protesters Were United Before Sniper Attack
by Jordan Rudner July 8, 2016

The police in Dallas are actually really cool.
I've never had a problem with them.

Cops in Arlington Texas, those guys pull people over for farting.


This about facts and a proper interpretation of real data.

So, here we go

This meme has been making the rounds:

Inline image 1

and this one:

Jay Stalien, Police Officer from Riviera Beach, Florida

read this black man's viral words here:

I honestly do not care if you read the following or not.
However, I'm getting really bored of having to send this kind of stuff out.

Understand something, Black People already know there is a black on black crime problem:

“People tend to kill the people they live around. Black people are among the most hyper-segregated group in the country. The fact that black killers tend to kill other black people is not refutation of American racism, but the ultimate statement of American racism.”
 — Ta-Nehisi Coates.

Bringing up crime stats that are really misunderstood while black are SCREAMING for HELP and BEGGING law enforcement to stop shooting us as often as they want is pretty damn racist to be honest.

Analysis: More whites killed by police, but blacks 2.5 times more likely to be killed
by Wesley Lowery

original article:

5 Facts That Shatter the Myth of ‘Black-on-Black’ Crime
C. Robert Gibson | December 29, 2015

Black Crime Rates: What Happens When Numbers Aren’t Neutral
09/02/2015 03:28 pm ET | Updated Jan 19, 2016

7/21/15 4:06 PM
The next time someone says ‘all lives matter,’ show them these 5 paragraphs

The following comic sums this up really well, too:

The Black Live Matter movement is not asking for special treatment.
They are asking for Constitutional treatment under the Law.

The same thing right-wing activist are asking for, and demand under threat of resisting violently:

or this guy:

"Police said as they tried to place him in custody, Tusch became combative and actively resisted. During the confrontation, Tusch allegedly hit an officer on the left side of the face. Police said he also grabbed an officer around the neck and put him into a choke hold. Another officer helped free the officer from Tusch."


or these guys:

8 White People Who Pointed Guns At Police Officers and Managed Not to Get Killed
White guys get arrested; black guys often get shot in similar cases.
By Harmon Leon / AlterNet
January 12, 2015

It's not:

Blacks Live Matter, only.


Black Lives Matter, too.

KING: White men killed more American police than any other group this year, but conservatives won't address the facts
Updated: Wednesday, May 11, 2016, 3:19 PM

"Back in February, when police began protesting Beyoncé, I noticed then that 7 out of the 8 officers who had been killed so far were killed by white men. My gut was that most of them weren't Beyoncé fans."

read more here:

I'm a black ex-cop, and this is the real truth about race and policing
by Redditt Hudson on July 7, 2016

Here's what we don't need.

I see a lot of right-wing white folks sending out the Chris Rock video (really meant to laugh at the sadness that is police brutality) as lessons for black folks to obey the law.

The people you see being shot by police are the ones who are simply fed up with being harassed on a daily basis.

This goes back the my original point I made about not voting or protesting or being activist.

None of these actions by BLM or Right-Wing Groups will bring the Kingdom of God.

...but it will bring World Government.
