Forward Thinking: How Megacities Are Changing the World
Millions of people every year swell the planet's cities. How do we harness the economic potential of these powerful hubs?
JamesHertling | May 27, 2016 — 3:55 AM CDT
We live in the age of the megacity.
For the first time in human history more people now live in urban settlements than in rural ones, and those urban locales are growing ever bigger. Every year, Lagos, Africa's biggest city, grows by the population of Boston.
Within 10 years, about two-thirds of the world's gross domestic product will be generated by cities, up from about half now.
Most of that growth will come from the emerging world, especially China and India, meaning the stakes to get growth and development right are increasing rapidly.
The challenges range from ensuring clean streets to confronting the impact of climate change. In Rio de Janeiro, the military roams the streets to crack down on crime; in Lagos, policy makers who have often left residents to their own devices now have to introduce governance without wrecking structures developed over the years.
Then there's the massive seawall for Jakarta to ensure the city's not swamped by rising seas and metro lines being planned for all over India and the race to put up affordable housing in London.
From mayors and local councilors to presidents and prime ministers, getting cities right is more than a local and national question – it's one for all of us.
video here:
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
TED Presentation on Megacities - 05.31.2016
"I want you to reimagine how life is organized on earth," says global strategist Parag Khanna. As our expanding cities grow ever more connected through transportation, energy and communications networks, we evolve from geography to what he calls "connectography." This emerging global network civilization holds the promise of reducing pollution and inequality — and even overcoming geopolitical rivalries. In this talk, Khanna asks us to embrace a new maxim for the future: "Connectivity is destiny."
video here:
How megacities are changing the map of the world | Parag Khanna
Published on Apr 27, 2016
You see, while people focus on secession, The Agenda moves forward.
video here:
How megacities are changing the map of the world | Parag Khanna
Published on Apr 27, 2016
You see, while people focus on secession, The Agenda moves forward.
Monday, May 23, 2016
Cashless Society Update: If I put a chip in my own hand, is that The Mark of the Beast?
After watching that you're probably thinking...
"Oh Lord Jesus, it's The Mark of the Beast!"
Well, it's close:
Revelation of John 13:15-17
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
We'll know it's the Mark when we see two things happen:
1) The Beast has to be here for this to qualify as The Mark. At the moment, no one has come forward to make that claim.
2) The Mark will be deployed Globally. currently very few people are actually using RFID in their hand to buy items at stores. As a matter of fact it's such a small number of people you don't know anyone in your life doing that right now.
So relax. It's just one more step.
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