I should not have to even bother saying this, but since people have already come to the conclusion that I voted or wanted Barack Obama to win in 2012, I'll come right out and say this before continuing with this email:
1) I don't vote (and never have), resist tyranny or participate in politics of any form.
2) I don't protest anything and I am not an activist.
3) I don't care who is in the White House. With the corruption we have it's been more like an Out House since inception.
4) I don't agree with every tactic that Black Lives Matter has done:
> sitting in front the White House: cool, that makes sense.
> sitting in the middle of a highway: stupid, really stupid.
5) I am waiting on the arrival of the Kingdom of God, period.
I wish the gossipers and the people who spread lies would spread that for once.
As a matter of fact, feel free to email your friends who believe this. Seriously. Do it.
If you have a hard time understanding why I don't vote, watch these two videos:
Should Christians Vote?
and check out the sermon:
"Who are you?" #1471A.
David's voting sermon is pretty consistent with his sermonette on being an Ambassador, "Who are you?" #1471A.
He starts out by asking:
"Who are you?"
"Are you an Ambassador of Jesus Christ?"
At one point he's painfully clear about this:
"None of Gods servants tried to beat the system..."
"We're not Democrats, we're not Republicans, we're not Reformed party members, we're not Independents, we're not Libertarians..."
Then right after that he says this:
"Everyone of these systems, whether you want to believe it or not, people that are running them, are in Satan's system."
I would like to also note:
Dallas Police Department Was Posting Pictures of Peaceful Protesters Before Shooting Started
By Ben Mathis-Lilley
Before it began posting information about the apparent Thurdsay-night sniper attack in which at least four officers were killed at a protest march, the Dallas police department's official Twitter account was posting photos, with respectful captions, of peaceful protesters.
The DPD were protecting the BLM protesters:
The irony at the heart of the Dallas police deaths after a Black Lives Matter march
By Philip Bump July 8
Dallas Police, Protesters Were United Before Sniper Attack
by Jordan Rudner July 8, 2016
The police in Dallas are actually really cool.
I've never had a problem with them.
Cops in Arlington Texas, those guys pull people over for farting.
This about facts and a proper interpretation of real data.
So, here we go
This meme has been making the rounds:
and this one:
read this black man's viral words here:
I honestly do not care if you read the following or not.
However, I'm getting really bored of having to send this kind of stuff out.
Understand something, Black People already know there is a black on black crime problem:
“People tend to kill the people they live around. Black people are among the most hyper-segregated group in the country. The fact that black killers tend to kill other black people is not refutation of American racism, but the ultimate statement of American racism.” — Ta-Nehisi Coates.
Bringing up crime stats that are really misunderstood while black are SCREAMING for HELP and BEGGING law enforcement to stop shooting us as often as they want is pretty damn racist to be honest.
Analysis: More whites killed by police, but blacks 2.5 times more likely to be killed
by Wesley Lowery
original article:
5 Facts That Shatter the Myth of ‘Black-on-Black’ Crime
C. Robert Gibson | December 29, 2015
Black Crime Rates: What Happens When Numbers Aren’t Neutral
09/02/2015 03:28 pm ET | Updated Jan 19, 2016
7/21/15 4:06 PM
The next time someone says ‘all lives matter,’ show them these 5 paragraphs
The following comic sums this up really well, too:
The Black Live Matter movement is not asking for special treatment.
They are asking for Constitutional treatment under the Law.
The same thing right-wing activist are asking for, and demand under threat of resisting violently:
or this guy:
"Police said as they tried to place him in custody, Tusch became combative and actively resisted. During the confrontation, Tusch allegedly hit an officer on the left side of the face. Police said he also grabbed an officer around the neck and put him into a choke hold. Another officer helped free the officer from Tusch."
or these guys:
8 White People Who Pointed Guns At Police Officers and Managed Not to Get Killed
White guys get arrested; black guys often get shot in similar cases.
By Harmon Leon / AlterNet
January 12, 2015
It's not:
Blacks Live Matter, only.
Black Lives Matter, too.
KING: White men killed more American police than any other group this year, but conservatives won't address the facts
Updated: Wednesday, May 11, 2016, 3:19 PM
"Back in February, when police began protesting Beyoncé, I noticed then that 7 out of the 8 officers who had been killed so far were killed by white men. My gut was that most of them weren't Beyoncé fans."
read more here:
I'm a black ex-cop, and this is the real truth about race and policing
by Redditt Hudson on July 7, 2016
Here's what we don't need.
I see a lot of right-wing white folks sending out the Chris Rock video (really meant to laugh at the sadness that is police brutality) as lessons for black folks to obey the law.
The people you see being shot by police are the ones who are simply fed up with being harassed on a daily basis.
This goes back the my original point I made about not voting or protesting or being activist.
None of these actions by BLM or Right-Wing Groups will bring the Kingdom of God.
...but it will bring World Government.
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